I don’t think what he said was causal (ie, an explanation of why) or meant to be scientific, Doc. I think he meant it’d help people connect more and is addressing the sort of alienating attitudes that are endemic in pretty much every developing society. It’s so difficult to even date and people genuinely do not care about families anymore.
I think it’s anti-life and anti-human; he seems to think the solution could be targeting something more cultural.
What is your alternative? Real question. Not just for Japan, but say for somewhere like Germany which also has low natality.
It’s not cultural it’s financial. Over there, a successful man makes around 100k CAD a year before taxes. This is considered a king tier salary, you can be ugly as sin and still have a girl marry you, but even at 100k a year, unless you marry a woman who can help with finances significantly you can MAYBE support 2 kids with massive concessions in terms of life style.
people who make average amounts of money simply cannot afford to have children, it’s not even on the radar, by the time they make enough money to afford kids, they’re practically in geriatric care.
when I worked as a surgeon in bumfuck rural japan, I made around 225-250k cad a year. This was enough to make me considered a god amongst men over there but for my specialty I made around 3 times LESS than my colleagues based in Canada.
First world countries when deprived of finances choose to have less kids.