The previous federal Conservatives had to deal with a global financial meltdown and still managed to get Canada through it successfully.
Ford had to deal with the pandemic halfway into his first term and then won a second majority in 2022 as the world was crawling out of the pandemic.
Ford inherited world-record setting debt from the Liberals in 2018 after 15 years of their reckless spending and poor fiscal management. He didn't start at zero.
Stop spreading misinformation and conveniently leaving out facts that don't jive with your narrative. You are predictable and everyone knows your tactics.
You are the one spreading all the lies about The Ford Government's fiscal responsibility!! Ford's deficits and debt have far exceeded Wynn's record!!
Now you are making excuses for Ford's debt, but when The Federal Govt came to the aid of all the Provincial Governments yet you are the one that cannot accept this simple fact!!
Ford has gone on to create a bigger and far worse debt for Ontario. In fact even in his first year in office his deficit of $11.5 Billion exceeded the Liberal's intended deficit of $6 Billion!!
Also, if Ford's ridiculous Brampton to Scarborough tunnel undergoes fruition, then goodness knows how he would justify the $80 Billion. He is a an uneducated and clueless Premier!!
Once again Harper inherited a healthy surplus and turned it into debts and deficits over the years. He left office with Canada STILL IN A RECESSION!!
I showed you the actual facts and yet you cannot accept it!!