Rebel News Ezra Levant arrested


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
As I've said, nobody in this conflict is without blood or bad decisions on their hands. But, let's blame the Brits for creating this absolute mess of a situation. They kicked over a million palestinians from their homes and triggered a civil war in the area. It was a classic gong show, and the world is still paying the price nearly 80 years later.
The world offered a solution that Palestinians would accept but Israel never will.
Instead they just destroyed zionism as a movement anyone can support.



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Levant was told by the cops to move away from the Palestinian protesters. He refused to move so the cops arrested him...just like they would have with anyone else.
the cops could have told the Palestinian protesters to move away from the Canadian citizen
mob rule wins ????

If Levant had truly wanted to cover the story he could have easily complied with the cops. However, he chose to deliberately get himself arrested to make a political statement- and now we’re all here talking about it so everything seems to be working out exactly like Levant hoped it would...*barf*
he has just as much right to the streets of Canada as the Palestinian protesters,
likely more of a right if you were to verify the immigration status of all involved

Levant chose to ................ make a political statement
Palestinian protesters chose to ................ make a political statement
One side wants to eliminate (exterminate) a sovereign state , Levant just wants peace.
and Levant is the only one arrested.

you lefties really do love the despicable cancel culture


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
As I've said, nobody in this conflict is without blood or bad decisions on their hands. But, let's blame the Brits for creating this absolute mess of a situation. They kicked over a million palestinians from their homes and triggered a civil war in the area. It was a classic gong show, and the world is still paying the price nearly 80 years later.
no doubt, the brits made a mess
not the first time and definitely wont be the last time a group of people were displaced.

80 years later?
the people initially involve have passed away long ago
This is evil vile hatred of the Jews which has been passed along through multiple generations as religious intolerance
Nothing new there.

the Palestinians were wandering bedouin who never organized themselves into a country to establish legal title to the land they now claim
Same as the North American indigenous peoples or the aboriginals of Australia.
they are not getting that land back
sad , but that is reality
These two peoples have accepted that reality and found a way to peacefully co-exist
if they decide to violently attack sub divisions and murder citizens, call for the elimination of Canada / USA / Australia, their fate will be sealed.
that is reality

the Palestinians have not figured this out ... yet
There is a reason Egypt and Jordan are unwilling to accept the Palestinians into their countries
that is reality

religious intolerance/ hatred , death and destruction vs time & reality
which do you think will win out over the long haul ?

try reality, rather than emotion's to guide your logical evaluation of the situation
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Ezra Levant is a beast, he makes Arnold Schwarzenegger quiver in terror.
What a farce of a fight! Iron Mike had numerous chances to knock Paul out. he passed on them. My hunch is he wouldn't have gotten paid if he sent Paul into Wonderland.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The cops have a long history of backing down from groups. The more people you have with you, the more you can get away with. The easy path.

They get their donuts no matter how much effort they put into it.
they have received guidance on how to police these specific protests
if individual policemen were given leave to handle as they see fit on the spot, the night sticks would have come out long ago
or are the Toronto Police just naturally more restrained than the mounted police in Ottawa during the bouncy castle/ hot tub love in protests?

Protest for the elimination of Israel - You get to see a Jew hauled off to jail
Protest again having your freedoms infringed upon - you get your bank account frozen and you get trampled on by a horse

Trudeau's Canada is a mess.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Stalking Greta Thunberg, Ezra Levant truly is a supreme macho man. He should eat more quiche.
granting an uniformed teenager a world wide platform to spew hysteria and misinformation is not macho
it is cowardly and manipulative exploitation of a minor by quiche gobbling zealots
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
He wasn't doing anything other than to take pictures and video of the protestors to prove a point - that there were terrorist supporters in the crowd.
yeah if you are going to scream and shout slogans in public supposedly looking for public support you had better be willing to put a name to the face that's shouting
and you had better be in the country legally

These Arabs went into a Jewish neighbourhood with the sole purpose to intimidate and antagonize. They should have been disbanded by the police if they were worried so much about "keeping the peace".
yeah they were not looking for public support.
this was pure intimidation based on hatred and religious intolerance

Trudeau's Canada is a mess.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
What a farce of a fight! Iron Mike had numerous chances to knock Paul out. he passed on them. My hunch is he wouldn't have gotten paid if he sent Paul into Wonderland.

your posts do not connect to what you quote
The reader has to review your three sentences multiple times trying to figure out what your message means

again, likely hilarious in your head but gibberish to most others

Its easier to scratch my head, ask WTF ?, and then move on
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
your posts do not connect to what you quote
The reader has to review your three sentences multiple times trying to figure out what your message means

again, likely hilarious in your head but gibberish to most others

Its easier to scratch my head, ask WTF ?, and then move on
Johnny we should hang out together, it will be fun. Will you quiver in anticipation?

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You're entitled to your opinions, no matter how wrong or off the mark they might be.
you should know
you get it wrong just as often as Justin Trudeau gets it wrong
that tends to happen to ideologues who allow others to think for them.
How in the world will you form an a opinion after the clown Justin is gone ?
let me guess, you will look to the vacuous empty suit but camera ready socialist moron AOC right?
you know just like swapping out parts on a broken down car that should have taken to the wreckers long ago
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
This past Sunday Ezra Levant, founder of the Rebel News media outlet, was arrested for simply exercising his rights as a Canadian citizen and reporter. I love how he calls out the loser cop who thinks that "he's the law".

I don't know what the Arabs have done to get such favorable treatment from Toronto cops, but its pretty fucking sad. They allowed them to set up shop in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood in Toronto but somehow its resident Ezra's presence taking video and pictures that is inciting the mob. Truly appalling double standards.
Its easy to understand if you are not an idiot. In protests cops keep both side apart so as to keep the peace. There is alwasy someone who is gonna try and ignite a confrontation. In this case it was him.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
There is alwasy someone who is gonna try and ignite a confrontation. In this case it was him.
Palestinians protesting in a predominately Jewish neighbor is definitely trying to ignite a confrontation
246 square miles in Toronto and they just happened to pick Bathurst and Sheppard to cry death to Israel / death to the Jews ?
I bet half the protesters have never been that far north before

Its easy to understand if you are not an idiot. In protests cops keep both side apart so as to keep the peace.
You do not seem to understand, so what does make you?
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Its easy to understand if you are not an idiot. In protests cops keep both side apart so as to keep the peace. There is alwasy someone who is gonna try and ignite a confrontation. In this case it was him
Aren't the Palestinians also looking for a confrontation when they knowingly protest in a Jewish neighborhood??
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
the Palestinians have not figured this out ... yet
There is a reason Egypt and Jordan are unwilling to accept the Palestinians into their countries
that is reality
Palestinians are not welcome because in the 70s they tried to overthrow the government of Jordan....
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
you should know
you get it wrong just as often as Justin Trudeau gets it wrong
that tends to happen to ideologues who allow others to think for them.
How in the world will you form an a opinion after the clown Justin is gone ?
let me guess, you will look to the vacuous empty suit but camera ready socialist moron AOC right?
you know just like swapping out parts on a broken down car that should have taken to the wreckers long ago
Wait, no failed ideology? Is Johnny changing his tune. Can this really be happening? It's funny that he casts aspersions on the intelligence of others...
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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2021

I’m out of jail. But I’m back in court. This morning at 9:30 a.m. ET, Trudeau’s hyper-partisan
is prosecuting me at the Federal Court of Appeal — my fourth hearing. They claim my bestselling book, The Libranos, published five years ago, was an illegal campaign interference. They’ve put a dozen people and a million dollars into pursuing me. This is the same Elections Canada that refused to investigate Chinese Communist Party interference in 11 different electoral districts in Canada. I’ll be live-tweeting the hearing; I’m pretty sure no so-called civil liberties groups or journalism groups will be there, because they’re too busy asking Trudeau for hand-outs. I mean, they were fine with me being jailed, why would they care about my book being banned? I’ll have one lawyer; Trudeau will have both Justice Department lawyers as well as expensive Bay Street lawyers he’s hired — I predict it will be six against one. But we’re used to being David versus Goliath! Follow along here, and please visit to learn more, and to help me pay for my lawyer today. (Thanks.)
Ahhhhh there it is! Slinging his book AND fundraising 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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