Looking for some recommendations...
My General Purpose Jeans are/were Levis, but they do not seem to last long anymore... I get holes in my crotch and in my ass pockets and where the ass pockets are sewn at the top...
Fashion 'Denim' were a brand called Alberto. Epic, but not available like they used to be.
Need to cover my hockey-ish butt in style (but am tired of fall-apart clothes). I'm looking for brands that promote the cupping of my butt.
My General Purpose Jeans are/were Levis, but they do not seem to last long anymore... I get holes in my crotch and in my ass pockets and where the ass pockets are sewn at the top...
Fashion 'Denim' were a brand called Alberto. Epic, but not available like they used to be.
Need to cover my hockey-ish butt in style (but am tired of fall-apart clothes). I'm looking for brands that promote the cupping of my butt.