You are intentionally repeating a basic mistake.
The Health Ministry counts bodies brought to them at hospitals.
Israel has destroyed all the hospitals, is killing all the doctors who count the dead, killing the reporters who report on atrocities, destroying the health care system, starving the population and making the population suffer disease and starvation without a health care system.
The number that will die from the genocide includes those who will die in the next few months of injuries, illness or starvation they are suffering right now.
You know this and yet you intentionally lie and say that only counting the dead by the Health Ministry counts.
tsk tsk
Except oh yeah, you didn't read what I wrote did you.
"The United Nations and other international institutions and experts, as well as Palestinian authorities in the West Bank — rivals of Hamas — say the Gaza ministry has long made a good-faith effort to account for the dead under the most difficult conditions."
The numbers may not be perfectly accurate on a minute-to-minute basis,” said Michael Ryan, of the World Health Organization’s
Health Emergencies Program. “But they largely reflect the level of death and injury. In previous wars, the ministry’s counts have held up to U.N. scrutiny, independent investigations and even Israel’s tallies."
They all accept it and you go on and on about how the UN must be obeyed and are always correct. It's good enough for them, it's even good enough for their rivals.
So none of what you said counteracts the FACT which I have provided an actual source for that these numbers are respected by many sources some you claim to respect. Until it doesn't suit you.
Also destroyed ALL the hospitals, No citation. Considering how much you lie, would you be amazed that I don't believe you.
Oh guess whose Ministry of Health says you are wrong on that. Go ahead. Guess.
Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7, 2023, the credibility of the figures published by the Hamas-run administration has been regularly questioned.
"According to the World Health Organization, only 17 of Gaza's 36 hospitals are partially operational."
17 out of 36 is not all.
You LIED, you invented stats, pulled it out of your ass
2: You said "The Health Ministry counts bodies brought to them at hospitals."
Same source
"To overcome this difficulty, the ministry relies on first-aid sources (Red Crescent, Palestinian Civil Defense) and "reliable media sources." It has also set up
a "martyrs and missing persons" reporting form to count victims buried under rubble or those who could not be transported to hospitals. The information unit is responsible for verifying each testimony, and then, based on the evidence gathered, a judicial committee decides on the death tolls."
You LIED again.
Again the UN seems fine with those numbers
"Like most humanitarian organizations, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights considers the government source to be reliable. "We have been working with the Palestinian Ministry of Health for many years, particularly during previous conflicts. Our assessments are very close to theirs, and in some cases, we even had higher figures," its spokesperson assured
Le Monde. The assessments carried out by the UN over the last 15 years are more or less similar to the ministry's figures."
"British public health specialists found that the mortality rates reported by the Ministry of Health in Gaza followed similar patterns to those of deaths among staff of the UN agency responsible for Palestinian refugees. Meanwhile, researchers at Johns-Hopkins University estimated that there is "no evidence of inflated excess mortality by the Gaza Ministry of Health," and that "difficulties in obtaining accurate mortality figures should not be interpreted as intentionally erroneous data.""
As for the starving, it's a war zone, whose fault is that. I don't consider Israel to be under any obligation to feed people under a government that they generally support whose stated aim is to exterminate them. That would be a bit like asking a girl why they didn't send a thank you note to their rapist.
Oh and you graphic is talking about explosive tonnage, last time I checked nobody starved to death from bomb damage. Yes bombs damage infrastructure but it is almost impossible to keep it destroyed. Usually the blame goes to Israel not letting aid in to support the people who want to river and sea genocide them, not bomb damage.
You have also provided 0 evidence that people who starved to death or died of disease are not being counted. I mean you LIED about how only those who are brought into hospitals. You lied about how all the hospitals have been destroyed [hey maybe try not using them as shields huh]
As for my statements
You said I lied. Where did I lie
Are not the Ministry's numbers for dead a bit over 40 K? I provided actual citations on that from Arab sources even. So even if you dispute the numbers, they are their estimates, that is true and verified again by arab news sources. Pretty sure I clearly identified those numbers as their numbers and they are their numbers.
What I said about explosions is also accurate
The MoH does NOT differentiate between civilian and military dead, and I have a citation on that from an actual respected news source
The UN did put Iran on the Commission on the Status of Women. Not going to bother giving a citation, look it up
And the AP news source also is where I got the information that the MoH's numbers are widely respected by the UN, WHO and many others.
You accused me of lying, yet I did not tell a single lie. Everything I said has a citation.
Lie number 3
Funny that, I keep proving you lie, and much like a child you respond with nuh uh you are, and yet I prove you lie some more. Do you enjoy intellectual beatdowns, should you not be in the BDSM section of terb?
Yet you will continue telling lies and bullshit, you will continue to be debunked and you will continue to make up total bullshit to accuse other people of on the basis of nothing but lies and bullshit all in support of a terrorist group who literally wants to exterminate the Jews from the middle east [which I have provided citations in the past, and Klatuu pretty much admitted to via dog whitle comments] while having the nerve to accuse others of wanting genocide when really we just want you to stop with your lies and bullshit, your hate motivated campaign of disinformation to generate hate. Aka hate speech.
Again, I'd hazard a guess that few here actually hates the Palistinians or wish them hard but they keep fucking around and finding out and for that they do not deserve any sympathy. Even the rest of the Arab world gave up in the 70s, but people like Hamas target civilians, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that many people here hate you and others are just disgusted by you and your support for targeting civilians while making false claims [again backed by actual citations from respectable non israeli soruces and not some rando on twitter] about Israel doing the same thing on any but an isolated and accidental basis.