I didn't want to poke my nose in this and I may be setting myself up for an ass kicking. But oh well. lol.I did win.
I just wanted to say a few words as I read all those posts.
A win for you in this case would have been Josephine and Kitty agreeing with you and coming to your side.
That is a true win.
What you did here was to browbeat them and shut them down.
You called Josephine weak.
Sharing a humiliating or embarrassing experience in public, takes trust. And that takes strength.
You said she and Kitty need to be sterilized. That is horrible.
Even if they were wrong, and perhaps said something to offend you or annoy you, you did not have to be so harsh in your response.
Forget affective empathy, cognitive empathy etc.
There is no need to intellectualize this or be too academic about this.
You seem to consider people as left or right fundamentally.
I believe people are more than that.
You may feel egged on, on this forum, because of some likes and loves you get from some guys who are right wing.
Dont let this get to you.
Be a little more considerate.
Who does that hurt?
You may take a shot at me now, trash me or whatever else.
I won't respond back and will instead duck for cover.