white collar criminals are non violentYou only need to worry about violent criminals.
An illegal immigrant who is otherwise peaceful is not a danger to society.
extortion is non-violent, the implied threat usually works
landlords demanding excessive rents and not maintaining buildings are not violent
not paying your bills is not a violent act, try that with your property tax bill and see what happens
selling a truck load of cigarettes and / booze is not a violent act, however its jail time if you do
one last time
all citizens / guests are expected to follow and respect the laws of the land
if you do not follow and respect the laws of the land you are a criminal and need to be treated as such
The penalty for murder, can be jail time or worse depending on the state
Violent crimes is jail time hopefully, same for theft
Some crimes involve a penalty of a fine/ community service an ear full from the judge etc
The penalty for illegal entry is simple and straightforward, back to the scene of the crime, the boarder then get in line to apply
Don't tell us you allow people to butt in front of you in a line up and say that's oK , anyone else want go ahead of me?
You can not pick and choose based on your emotions
I do not agree with all of the tax laws, some are stupid, discourage investment and business activity and can be very punitive
But they are the law so I obey them
This is how a civilized society functions
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