I'm getting so exhausted with the back and forth.
Between those of us who support Israel and others that don't, we will never agree on anything.
You've all made things so complicated, can we just do Brass tacks here?
If I assaulted my next door neighbour, took his lawn mower and car, then raped his wife and killed one of his kids and took the others as hostage, I would 100% expect him to come after me.
If after a few weeks of my house being destroyed, my family being killed, even with me hiding the lawn mower in a room in the basement with them and a few relatives inside the car in the garage.
All the neighbours on the street agree with me because we go to the same church and the next door neighbour that I ATTACKED doesn't really get along with them.
All he says to everyone is that if I give back his lawn mower, car and his kids that he would stop everything and help me rebuild.
Why the Heck would I do that?
He's the bad guy. end of story, I am right and everyone else is wrong.
If we break the whole conflict down, regardless of the millennia of history, this is basically what happened.
If you punch the big guy, you get punched back.
end of story.
Bottom line for me and my opinion, give back the hostages, put down your weapons, you've lost. lets get on with rebuilding, restoring and trying to find some sort of middle ground where all people can live in peace.
And you guys all need to grow the eff up. for every news article for Israel, there will be another against.
nobody should be saying anything other than. "I support women, humans and Peace. You do your thing and I'll do mine. Let's stop fighting and just have some common sense."
And now I expect some sort of trolling reprisal......