Sadly realized Cock size is a decider. I know an sp who won't let guys fuck her pussy. Until a couple of guys reviewed that she did. Because they were huge. I know her. It's true. As Jean Seberg said. Referring to women. "soft cock, hard heart." Hard cock. Soft heart"
I say, sadly, because I am not on her list. Add that to the ever growing list of things to hate about growing old. And having a small cock.
I knew a girlfriend of a friend of mine who was gleefully telling him and me that her friend had a friend who was seeing a guy with a massive cock. The message was, if women tells you cock size doesn't matter, they are lying.
Add to that. I saw a really hot Asian woman with an Asian husband who had some awful facial deformation. His lower jaw and lower lip were afflicted with some horrendous deformation. His lower lip looked like a purple tire. She seemed fine with that.
Or you could have an above average dick and go from PIED to full on ED. That's fun, not.
I knew a girl, rather unattractive actually who would just not shut up about big dick this, big dick that. So then I would start saying shit like "My Dungeons and Dragons group needs a place to play, can we set up a table and some chairs in your vagina". Another girl in a work context, the trainer said something about size not mattering [in a work context] and she was like, yes it is. She was revolting looking, I was so tempted to say something but then you get body shamed as a small dick guy. I wish I knew of the Jimmy Carr bit. " Jeez you don't have to yell, oh wait, that's just the echo from your cavernous vagina, sorry"
As for the first girl, she was talking about banging some dude who would tear her up bleeding each time, and I'm like, why the fuck did you go back? But she was a vapid twat monkey. She once claimed she never had a guy with a small dick [but then made fun of someone decades earlier for having a small dick] and when I asked what to her was a big dick, she said 5, 6 maybe 7 inches. Did I mention she was vapid? She also said she was waiting for god to get her a hot guy with an 8 inch dick... again very unattractive, body like a potato sack, the stuff she trowled onto her face didn't cover her complexion issues and she was seriously getting up there in years] I tried to explain that in a world of childhood cancer and abuse, famine etc it is a bit much to expect an all powerful creator of the universe to get her any guy, let alone a hot guy with an 8 inch dick. She gave me that same sort of look that you would get from a cat or dog after trying to explain calculus to it.