nobody is saying that bike lanes caused the traffic nightmare we are in now
but they are making this traffic nightmare even worse, not better
if we took half of your salary away, would your life be better or worse?
and your augment would be that taking half of your salary away did not cause global inflation
of course it didn't, but now when everything is so expensive would your life be better with only half of your salary?
that's what bike lanes are doing, taking away 1 lane of traffic and turning 2 lane streets into 1
even a simple person like yourself has to understand that
if you have 2 potatoes and we take one away do you have more potatoes or less?
What a nattering nabob of negativity you are.
Instead of whinnying and whining and wailing about bike lanes supposedly making "this traffic nightmare" worse show us with data, facts and evidence that it is having an effect.
Not your opinions, not Joe "Oh how I hate bike lanes" Biased, or dumbass opinion pieces buttressed by false anecdotal testimonies.
Oh, I was biking on Bloor St. W. this afternoon, actually rush hour and it was smooth sailing as far as the eye could see. Cars, vans, trucks, cyclists, e-delivery dickheads, pedestrians.
How bout we take away 1/2 of your falsified, biased, partisan, bike lane bullshit instead of 1/2 your salary?
Would your bike lane bullshit be 1/2 as nonsensical, 1/2 as false, 1/2 as made up, 1/2 as laughably imbecilic?
Or would it still be 100% nonsensical, falsified, made, laughably imbecilic?
That's what your nonsense is doing, taking away 1/2 of your "nothingness" and turning nothingness into nothingness.
Seriously, you are monumental waste of my time responding to you, and for what? A someone is so dogmatic, so uninformed, so partisan, looking, looking, also looking for culture wedge issues to spice up his otherwise mundane existence.
Get lost.