Israeli terrorist attack on Lebanon kills 9, injures thousands


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Palestinians have not rejected the two state solution, the reality is that there has never been a legit proposal....
What an idiotic fraud.

Peel Commission - 1937
Partition plan - 1948
Camp David - 2000
Clinton parameters - 2000
Olmert - 2008


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So 50% of Israeli Jews are foreigners.
Ah, the anti-immigrant tirades of a true white supremacist.

Do you consider yourself a foreigner in Canada or is this just another of your case of your values only holding until they are slightly inconvenient to you?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
But if you do, you're just another terrorist yourself.
How to win friends and influence people. You're such a charmer, Geno. No wonder everybody on TERB hates you and has no respect for you.

Either you back a rules based world or a world ruled by force.
Either you back the Pope or you don't. He is against abortion and giving women the right to make choices about their own bodies. Your like a southern Baptist Evangelist. You have nothing but disdain for women.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Despite that you have never said in thousands of posts where you never claim the entire Jewish presence doesn't belong in the area and state a One state peace is the most peaceful option forward.
I get tired of having to fix your posts when you lie about what I say every single day.
How much bile do you have to wipe off your keyboard when you post that stuff?

You must think Israeli settlements are incredibly evil, since its foreigners deciding that the entire indigenous Palestinian land doesn't belong on the land the ICJ and UN say is Palestine.

Coming from someone who has claimed to support the two state solution you really should be excited that there is a path forward just following international law through the ICJ and UN.

Instead you're declaring that only zionists can declare ethno states.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Ah, the anti-immigrant tirades of a true white supremacist.

Do you consider yourself a foreigner in Canada or is this just another of your case of your values only holding until they are slightly inconvenient to you?
If we had foreigners coming over shooting the locals, stealing their homes and trying to take over the country you might have an argument.
You see anyone doing this in Canada?



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Its a screwed up history for sure, but given how screwed up the US is right now I don't think that's an Arab only trait.

I have an Iraqi friend who lived through the war as a kid, Bagdad and Beirut were both called the Paris of the middle east at different times. Beirut has a messed up constitution that tries to cover for plurality of people but doesn't work well. They are also still recovering from the 1982 invasion and the bombing 4 years ago, not that they didn't also have other problems. Same with Iran, I agree with you, great people here who have immigrated and its a pretty rich country with a stupid, repressive government. Iran was a pretty happening democracy until they decided to nationalize their oil, then the UK and US decided to aid a revolution that totally screwed up. Not only is their oil still nationalized but it gave power to a series of fundamentalist, anti western leaders. That's really the big story, 'interventions' and wars never make a place better. Maybe you could argue for the US revolution and the French revolution, but largely revolutions and war are a bad way to change things.

Netanyahu is like a smart rump. He's just as corrupt but a smarter politician, the single biggest reason the genocide is continuing appears to be because if Netanyahu stops it he will be on trial for corruption and booted out of office. That's particularly messed up, but then again, the entire country is going along with it. The US also had a poll that said 54% support mass deportations of immigrants. That seems to be a global reaction to end state capitalism.
We see it here with 200,000 more homeless in Ontario over the last few years. People get angry that the rich are getting richer but then the rich, who control the media and message, tell everyone that its immigrants that are screwing things up, not the fact that people like Musk are so rich they buy trips to space for fun.

We are new close to 1 year of the US/Israeli genocide in Gaza. There is almost nothing left to destroy and all Israel can do is keep dropping bombs and killing people. Or their new pass time, using drones to shoot kids. There is no endgame for Israel, there is no chance they can kill all of Hamas, all they are doing is creating the next and more desperately angry generation. Israel can't ethnically cleanse Palestinians and even they likely won't try to kill them all. So what are they doing now?

Netanyahu needs more war to stay in power. The US won't let them attack Iran, so Lebanon is Netanyahu's goal to extend his war time power.
Again, what will they gain?

It just needs to stop.
Hmm. For some reason I can't see the part where you admit that Palestinian leadership and especially Hamas are a huge part of the problem.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If we had foreigners coming over shooting the locals, stealing their homes and trying to take over the country you might have an argument.
Um, according to your standard, that is you, me, and every non-indigenous person in canada. I know glass house syndrome is a thing but are you complete unaware of how Canada was formed?

p.s. Arafat was Egyptian and the recently deceased PA lead 'negotiator' was a Jordanian family.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hmm. For some reason I can't see the part where you admit that Palestinian leadership and especially Hamas are a huge part of the problem.
Did they start the occupation?
The illegal occupation of Palestine has always been the problem, not the resistance to the illegal occupation.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Um, according to your standard, that is you, me, and every non-indigenous person in canada. I know glass house syndrome is a thing but are you complete unaware of how Canada was formed?

p.s. Arafat was Egyptian and the recently deceased PA lead 'negotiator' was a Jordanian family.
Have you visited the indigenous wing at the national art gallery? Have you read truth and reconciliation?
Do you see walls with snipers around the rez?

Israel is stuck in the 19th century, a racist colonial regime on its last legs.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Some say that the invasion is inevitable though. Israel cannot allow hezbollah to make northern israel uninhabitable.
I hope not. I still hope that between pressure from UNIFL and the actual Lebanese army, Hezbollah will be pressured into shutting the fuck up.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Did they start the occupation?
The illegal occupation of Palestine has always been the problem, not the resistance to the illegal occupation.
Yes, by rejecting peace and declaring war.

The reality is the racist attacks against Jews started long before 1967 (Of course you've made clear that you think all of Israel is occupied simply because you hate jews who don't act subservient to your needs)
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Have you visited the indigenous wing at the national art gallery? ...
I have spent significant time in several indigenous communities including one that is living in squalor and had it's land taken in the last 2 decades because the province said so.

Canada is indisputably a foreign colonial entity, built exclusively on stolen land. Just like the many Israelis who were born or immigrated after 1967, we didn't personally steal land but we benefit from the actions of our predecessors (and the continued theft of treaty land).

It's amazing that you try to excuse your role as a settler because it was previous generations actions who did "it" while also condemning every Israeli Jew no matter how many generations they've been there.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Israel just committed yet another terrorist attack on Lebanon, Shazi.
You think there will be no repercussions?
More threats just like you accused Israel of doing.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Israel just committed yet another terrorist attack on Lebanon, Shazi.
You think there will be no repercussions?
You mean like the repercussions Gazans are paying because of Hamas on Oct.7?

Not even close, Geno. Not even close. Do you think that Hamas can put Israel under blockade and siege like is happening in Gaza? You are a fool.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Hamas leaders have admitted it repeatedly but Frank is to racist to accept what Arabs say.
Well, he is on record as saying that Palis are "lesser humans". Gotta give him credit for being consistent this one time.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Not when Netanyahu declared that even if there is a surrender he would still go for his final solution and kill everyone he can claim is Hamas.
Everyone who is Hamas. They need to surrender for the sake of Gazans. You should stop transferring your strategies onto others. Nobody has as much hate as you.
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