She may be a single representative of the UN, but she does not represent the will of the entire UN. That has to be voted upon by the UNGA.She is the UN Rappporteur for Palestine, Shazi.
What the Special Rapporteur Can Do (
Read it and you will also see that nowhere are her opinions/findings binding on the UN. She is but a single person and does not speak for the UN, itself. All she does is report her findings back to the UN and nothing else. She is not involved in the decision making process of the UN. Actually the position of a rapporteur is so menial that they work for free and are not actually an officer of the UN. She's a temp. LOL
Some excerpts for you:
The UN Special Rapporteur has a mandate to promote the work of human rights defenders and protect defenders at risk. She does this in the context of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders adopted by consensus in 1998. She serves in a voluntary capacity and is independent of the UN, States and non-governmental organisations.
(LOL, Geno. She's not even an official of the UN and you try to BS us. Who knew? So it's a big joke that when a rapporteur says something, you automatically tell us that that is what the UN says. How can someone who isn't even an official of the UN speak on behalf of the UN. I caught you in another blatant lie. Stop lying Geno. You continue to embarrass yourself.)
As part of her work,
Writes formal letters to governments and other actors (such as companies) called “communications“. In these letters, she raises concerns about situations where human rights defenders are at risk.
- Read more information on communications and how to submit information.
- View the Official statements section of this site or the official communications database.
Makes two annual official visits to countries following a Government invitation. She then writes reports on the situation of human rights defenders in those places, including recommendations to the Government and other actors on how to better support and protect them.
Writes thematic reports which are presented to States at the UN Human Rights Council and UN General Assembly each year. In most cases, the Special Rapporteur invites human rights defenders & civil society to inform these reports by formally submitting information.
- Her latest report is on the successes of human rights defenders and was presented to the UN Human Rights in March 2023.
(Nowhere does it say Geno that she is allowed speak on behalf of the UN. Stop lying.)
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