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The Great Debate

Who won the great debate?

  • Harris

    Votes: 71 78.0%
  • Trump

    Votes: 9 9.9%
  • Both were bad with no winner

    Votes: 9 9.9%
  • Both were good with no winner

    Votes: 2 2.2%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Behavior Analysis Experts EXPOSE Moderator Bias Against Trump in Tonight's Debate
's guests bring the receipts. 1. “There was clearly a bias against Trump in their faces.” 2. Scott Rouse observed that Trump’s microphone was louder, making him appear aggressive. 3. Trump was “fact-checked” by moderators during his responses, while Harris's statements were left largely unchallenged. 4. Moderators frequently spoke over Trump as he tried to complete his answers. 5. Greg Hartley noticed that Trump received more questions with a negative framing, while Harris was given more neutral or "softball" questions. Overall, he called the moderators' treatment of Trump “a little heavy-handed at times.”
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Full Debate Analysis: Trump won convincingly, had a strong performance, despite going into a 3-1 debate against the moderators. However, Kamala did not bomb, and did enough to keep her campaign alive. The story of the debate is ABC showing their blatant bias in favor of Kamala, and weaponized their “fact-checks” solely at Trump. They let Kamala lie unchecked about everything from the Project 2025 hoax, to the Charlottesville hoax, and everything in between. The ABC moderators showed a clear and obvious hostility towards Trump, that they did not show towards Kamala, and in many cases, teed Kamala up to bash Trump with prepared talking points. It is now abundantly clear why Kamala refused to accept the debate on Fox News, because her campaign knew she would receive preferential treatment on ABC. Kamala also was well-rehearsed, which is unlike her, almost as if she had the questions given to her ahead of time. If ABC were willing to be adversarial towards Trump, why would they stop there? Why wouldn’t they give Kamala the questions? ABC (Disney) just confirmed on national TV, that they are in bed with the DNC, and given their war-like posture towards Trump, I think it’s safe to assume Kamala’s campaign were made aware of the questions before hand. With all that being said, Trump got the viral moments of the night, stuck to his gameplan, and brushed off the endless lies and repeated attacks, from both Kamala and the moderators. Kamala’s optics were terrible, with her constant smirking, making faces, emotional responses, and monotone phony tone. And Trump refused to let her get her viral moment. Kamala’s gameplan was to appear more moderate, and blame Trump for all the problems she and Biden created over the last 4 years, but anyone who has been paying attention saw this for what it was. Given Kamala held her own and did not implode, we can expect the compromised MSM to claim Kamala won, and the headlines will be about Trump talking about Haitians eating pets. However, the viral internet clips will belong to Trump. Overall, Kamala did not gain any ground, Trump put on a solid performance, and the public got to see the MSM are clearly engaged in election interference in favor of the Dems. Net positive for Trump
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

If Kamala had won that debate tonight, her staff wouldn’t have rushed her away and called in Taylor Swift. Everyone knows ABC execs have donated to
’s campaign and they know the media lied and ran cover for her during the debate. Now there’s speculation that
was wearing earrings that were actually a listening device. The American people know what’s genuine vs what’s FAKE.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I don't understand why there are so many weak men in the political section of this forum. I guess most are old men who need socialism to protect them in their old age or lazy men.

She didn't kick ass. I don't know what reality you live in. How could someone like Putin ever respect her or take her seriously? Why hasn't their administration done any of the things she's proposing? She's still in the White House. Why didn't she meet with BB? What is her vision other than false optimism? What did I learn from Kamala today that has any substance? This was on her turf with ABC and she most likely even received the questions beforehand.
Also massive bias by the moderators but that was expected.

You're argument for Kamala can't be that you hate Trump. It's not a strong enough argument to elect someone to become President.

Nothing came out of this debate and each side will say they won.
Her turf? Trump got 6 minutes more talking time ( but of course he just filled it with repeating the same dire warnings about the evil migrants . Why did they allow his mic back on when he continually rebutted her comments, but she never got the same chance to answer his lies? The moderators were weak and allowed Trump to babble on and on, but that only showed him to be a babbling fool, jumping from topic to topic.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010

Full Debate Analysis: Trump won convincingly, had a strong performance, despite going into a 3-1 debate against the moderators. However, Kamala did not bomb, and did enough to keep her campaign alive. The story of the debate is ABC showing their blatant bias in favor of Kamala, and weaponized their “fact-checks” solely at Trump. They let Kamala lie unchecked about everything from the Project 2025 hoax, to the Charlottesville hoax, and everything in between. The ABC moderators showed a clear and obvious hostility towards Trump, that they did not show towards Kamala, and in many cases, teed Kamala up to bash Trump with prepared talking points. It is now abundantly clear why Kamala refused to accept the debate on Fox News, because her campaign knew she would receive preferential treatment on ABC. Kamala also was well-rehearsed, which is unlike her, almost as if she had the questions given to her ahead of time. If ABC were willing to be adversarial towards Trump, why would they stop there? Why wouldn’t they give Kamala the questions? ABC (Disney) just confirmed on national TV, that they are in bed with the DNC, and given their war-like posture towards Trump, I think it’s safe to assume Kamala’s campaign were made aware of the questions before hand. With all that being said, Trump got the viral moments of the night, stuck to his gameplan, and brushed off the endless lies and repeated attacks, from both Kamala and the moderators. Kamala’s optics were terrible, with her constant smirking, making faces, emotional responses, and monotone phony tone. And Trump refused to let her get her viral moment. Kamala’s gameplan was to appear more moderate, and blame Trump for all the problems she and Biden created over the last 4 years, but anyone who has been paying attention saw this for what it was. Given Kamala held her own and did not implode, we can expect the compromised MSM to claim Kamala won, and the headlines will be about Trump talking about Haitians eating pets. However, the viral internet clips will belong to Trump. Overall, Kamala did not gain any ground, Trump put on a solid performance, and the public got to see the MSM are clearly engaged in election interference in favor of the Dems. Net positive for Trump
bullshit... Trump had 6 minutes more air time and interjected numerous unscripted rebuttals where ABC turned his mic back on and let him ramble on. Kamala did not get that luxury.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
THere are 450 trees for every person on the planet, if they ever develop the taste for human blood, I bet you want to be in a place with a 3-1 ratio of guns to Soylent Green.
Soylent Green, Edward G Robinson's last film. He turned Charlton Heston into a megastar with The Ten Commandments - apart from Chuckie believing that very small rocks float in water.

If Mitchy is to be believed, The King of Kings went Fargo on Kamala Harris.

was wearing earrings that were actually a listening device. The American people know what’s genuine vs what’s FAKE.
Why on earth to folks get their news that is fake from X etc. Probably from the $10m from Russia to appear legitimate from the US to support Trump and provide false information about Harris. Many audio experts have discredited this fake post:
High-resolution pictures of Harris, taken while delivering remarks to NCAA championship teams (see above), taken earlier this year show her wearing the same earrings which can clearly be identified as not a pair of the clip-on Nova H1 Audio Earrings.

While it's possible to claim that the earrings have been modified, with the Nova H1's frame being swapped out, it's this part of the device that houses the electronics, which would leave only the pearl behind.
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Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
You do realize the irony of you telling an American to get off this site on a thread that it 100% about the U.S. Presidential election.
Civilized debate is great I love a good debate but when some redneck extremist comes on here and insults my country and demeans woman? That's a different story
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