Video of Iran's Morality Police Beating Teen Girls Sparks Outrage


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I know for sure that the fragrance of Geno's posts can only be appreciated by a very few very special people. But who cares what they thinKKK.

Shazi rules. Inhale deeply, Geno.
I am sure there is one who loves the fragrance of his posting



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I know for sure that the fragrance of Geno's posts can only be appreciated by a very few very special people. But who cares what they thinKKK.

Shazi rules. Inhale deeply, Geno.
Careful, Shazi, your references to racial supremacists are starting to sneak into your posts again.
Do you think its that same supremacy or just that zionists think Thais are really pretty, that leads to this?



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
BTW, S. African apartheid dealt with treating darker skinned citizens more poorly that white citizens. It had nothing to do with people/non-citizens living in neighbouring countries.
Yes, same way Israel treats Palestinians.
You keep defining Israel as apartheid, you're getting better and better at it.

But you still can't define the borders of this country you back.
All you can say is that its only for people of one race and the other races should either leave or die.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I am open to listen and appreciate the opinion. I may not agree but if it is rational I have to accept it as a valid argument so that I can minimise my confirmation bias which automatically attached to me being to particular ethnicity. Having liked a particular post doesn’t mean I approve the mindset or ideology. It only means that the A’s argument has more weithage vs B’s argument.
You're really being confusing because the post you commented on was me criticizing the OP for his obsessive threads denigrating Muslims. Opposing that suggests you support the OP's agenda which I don't think is the case.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Answer the question.
Clowning again because you can't deny that Israel has a significant Arab minority and openly offers citizenship to more Arabs in some areas.

Meanwhile the PA is 100% clear that Jews will never be allowed in any future Palestinian state and Hamas is busy trying to kill them off.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You think those attitudes are only from Netanyahu?
So the same guy who it's racist to suggest some Palestinians support Hamas' genocidal aims but you're happy to pretend Israelis are in thrall of Netanyahu even though you have posted that the vast majority of Israelis want a ceasefire now and Netanyahu gone.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Clowning again because you can't deny that Israel has a significant Arab minority and openly offers citizenship to more Arabs in some areas.

Meanwhile the PA is 100% clear that Jews will never be allowed in any future Palestinian state and Hamas is busy trying to kill them off.
How can you support a country when you can't even say where the borders lie?
Why can't you say whether you think Gaza, the West Bank or Sheba Farms are in Israel or not?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So the same guy who it's racist to suggest some Palestinians support Hamas' genocidal aims but you're happy to pretend Israelis are in thrall of Netanyahu even though you have posted that the vast majority of Israelis want a ceasefire now and Netanyahu gone.
Now you're going to argue that the only person backing the genocide is Netanyahu and its racist to bring up others who also back the genocide?



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I forget that you are computer illiterate.
The link was provided in the previous post.
S. Africa was declared apartheid by the UN because certain citizens were treated more poorly than other citizens simply for the colour of their skin. Israel treats all of its' citizens equally regardless of skin, religion or gender. Israel is the antithesis of apartheid. It's an anti-Israeli trope.

You admit that Palestinians are not citizens. Every country in the world has the right to bestow or deny citizenship to anyone they want for whatever reason they want. It is an absolute right regardless of any other factors, including if someone is indigenous or not. It is irrelevant in regards to that absolute right. That is what absolute means.

You have yet to name one sovereign nation/country that does not have that right.

That post proves that Israel is not apartheid. I clearly say black and you claim I said white.

Your responses are Orwellian.
"War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength."

I never define Israel as being apartheid and you have been unable to prove it. All you have is Big Brother Doublespeak. Another epic fail for you.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
S. Africa was declared apartheid by the UN because certain citizens were treated more poorly than other citizens simply for the colour of their skin. Israel treats all of its' citizens equally regardless of skin, religion or gender. Israel is the antithesis of apartheid. It's an anti-Israeli trope.

You admit that Palestinians are not citizens. Every country in the world has the right to bestow or deny citizenship to anyone they want for whatever reason they want. It is an absolute right regardless of any other factors, including if someone is indigenous or not. It is irrelevant in regards to that absolute right. That is what absolute means.

You have yet to name one sovereign nation/country that does not have that right.

That post proves that Israel is not apartheid. I clearly say black and you claim I said white.

Your responses are Orwellian.
"War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength."

I never define Israel as being apartheid and you have been unable to prove it. All you have is Big Brother Doublespeak. Another epic fail for you.
South Africa denied citizenship to black South Africans.
They used citizenship laws the same way Israel does to enforce apartheid.

Another Shazi own goal.

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