Is Immigration a Benefit for White Canadians?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
The fact that you don't understand that apartheid and genocide are racism is even more disturbing.
I do, your support of Hamas and their genocidal plans makes you a racist.
On the plus side they can't practice apartheid when there are no more Jews from river to sea... I guess?

You know what else is extremely racist. Being concerned only with "genocide" when Israel in involved even when you have to make up "facts" and having absolutely 0 fucks to care about any other genocides and atrocities. Burma, West China, Syria, Sudan, kidnapping young girls in west Africa, Sexual slavery aka forced marriage in Iraq. 0 fucks to give, but the Jews kill some human shields that Hamas hides behind despite giving warnings and trying to save their lives in response to Hamas launching at attack of murder, rape and hostage taking and oh fuck, won't someone think of the children! [but not Jewish kids you want them dead]
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I remember when I was growing up as a kid, in the US we used to think of Canada as all white, filled with hockey players and lumberjacks, patrolled by the heroic Mounties. Not to say this was reality but it was the perception. Now most Americans think of Canada as a bunch of nice communists with an immigration problem.
I don't have any statistic handy but I won't be surprised if Toronto by
the mid 1990's was already no more than 50% white.

Oh how hurtful immigration policies and woke politicians can be. It’s fine to be liberal until those liberal policies directly affect you right?
I believe the want for more votes to be a bigger driving force
than woke politics that was behind recent mass immigration
of 1 million newcomers in one year. Less than well qualified
migrants and their relatives who brought them here are more
likely to vote Trudeau's Liberals out of gratitude.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
I remember when I was growing up as a kid, in the US we used to think of Canada as all white, filled with hockey players and lumberjacks, patrolled by the heroic Mounties.
When you were growing up ppl probably live until 70yo and now they live until 90yo.
Who do you think will wipe their asses in old folks homes? White bread Canadians or immigrants?
Apr 12, 2017
When you were growing up ppl probably live until 70yo and now they live until 90yo.
Who do you think will wipe their asses in old folks homes? White bread Canadians or immigrants?
Oh damn, that’s not good. I’ve heard horror stories with these nursing homes. Maybe trying to stay alive to 90 wasn’t a positive gain?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I do, your support of Hamas and their genocidal plans makes you a racist.
On the plus side they can't practice apartheid when there are no more Jews from river to sea... I guess?

You know what else is extremely racist. Being concerned only with "genocide" when Israel in involved even when you have to make up "facts" and having absolutely 0 fucks to care about any other genocides and atrocities. Burma, West China, Syria, Sudan, kidnapping young girls in west Africa, Sexual slavery aka forced marriage in Iraq. 0 fucks to give, but the Jews kill some human shields that Hamas hides behind despite giving warnings and trying to save their lives in response to Hamas launching at attack of murder, rape and hostage taking and oh fuck, won't someone think of the children! [but not Jewish kids you want them dead]
Moved to the correct thread.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Bull shit. They went to the US for a reason. They aren't coming back.

They only went for work, or because they married an American but they will come if Trump is elected. They won't live under a dictator. There are millions of American expats around the world too.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Is immigration a benefit for white Canadians? No. Its not supposed to benefit "whites".

Is it a benefit for Canada. Yes. That is the way it is supposed to be.

If you are lacking community, then expand who you include in your community. If you will only socialize with whites, then you have only yourself to blame.

If that is the case, Toronto is not the place for you and you need to move out to the boonies in Sasketchawan.
Would India be welcoming of millions of non indians who would change their entire demographic?

Would you be upset if a bunch of whites flooded India?

Im genuinely curious.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
When you were growing up ppl probably live until 70yo and now they live until 90yo.
Who do you think will wipe their asses in old folks homes? White bread Canadians or immigrants?
Whos going to wipe the asses of the immigrants when theyre 70?

Their sons and daughters who are not white.
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Apr 12, 2017
No I would not be upset. I am an open borders guy. No limits on immigration. People should be free to move anywhere they want. And there is also the bit where I actually dont like cultural or ethnic homogeneity.

Not to mention white replacement is just a racist conspiracy theory.

Your problem is not the race of people coming to Canada. It is your inability to form a community. Ask yourself why when your condo was 75% white you did not form a community. Its you. Not immigrants.

As I said if you have a problem, then move to a white majority area like rural Sasketchawan. But you'd be complaining of something else over there.
You only answered half his question.
Would India be welcoming of millions of non indians who would change their entire demographic?

The answer is no they would not be welcoming of any non-indians who would change their demographic. Prime Minister Modi is a great leader and a nationalist who will transform India into an economic and military superpower. He doesn't even want muslims in the country. The opposing party does not hold Modi's views, but even they would not be welcoming of massive immigration.

A country & community are strong when that community of citizens holds their allegiance to that country and no other. Many in this new wave of immigrants don't care about the US or Canada or the existing community. They want to bring more of their country and eventually take ours over with no regard to our culture, beliefs, or community.

TomFord is correct.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Immigration to Canada needs to be regulated more tightly
at least for the next few years. That has nothing to do with
demographic change or too many non-whites. We must not
bring in too many people in a short period just because it
will prove to be a good thing many many years from now.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
You only answered half his question.
Would India be welcoming of millions of non indians who would change their entire demographic?

The answer is no they would not be welcoming of any non-indians who would change their demographic. Prime Minister Modi is a great leader and a nationalist, he doesn't even want muslims in the country. The opposing party does not hold Modi's views, but even they would not be welcoming of massive immigration.

TomFord is correct.
Off topic a bit but we all know how Poland feels about Muslim immigration...
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May 21, 2002
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