Wouldn’t that be nice! Unfortunately, to net 2k she would need to gross around 3.5k because we have expenses and pay taxes like any business. And both Amber and my spreadsheets agree, to gross 3.5k, presuming 10 billable hours across 4 dates, add another 12 unbillable hours, so she’s netting less than 100/hr. This is presuming she’s driving and doesn’t have any extraordinary expenses like designer cloths, childcare, higher cost beautycare like surgery or hair extensions.
It is a decent gig as you say but it also should be highly paid for the nature of the work don’t you think? The unsung heros are that virtually anyone can enter this industry and start off with little to no investment, has an opportunity for mobility and the sales closing rate is extremely high. Not everyone can or will become millionaires but many can take care of their bills and enter or stay in the middle class with a little effort. And it can be a whole lot of fun if you love it