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Anti-Palestinian Racism


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You should, Shazi, promoting genocide like you do here carries a 5 year jail sentence in Canada.
Hey Geno, just compare how paranoid you are to how casual I am, tells the story. Don't give up your cloak and dagger.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hey Geno, just compare how paranoid you are to how casual I am, tells the story. Don't give up your cloak and dagger.
I'm not paranoid, Shazi.
Why would I be?
I just call for the law to be applied to both sides, including those here who promote genocide.
Like you do.

You're the one backing killing 186,000 refugees living in a concentration camp just so you can steal their land.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Nah, Shazi.
Israel killed most of the people on Oct 7 with the Hannibal Doctrine.
Bullshit justification and excuses for Hamas.
you claim that Hamas didn't kill many people, they were all military targets, and Israel forced them to do it. Just another case where your zealotry has you justifying anything anti-Israel and your racist elitism has you incapable of holding Arabs accountable for their actions.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, basketcase.
Its racist do declare all Palestinians are 'Hamas' ...
I never did yet you still have repeatedly claimed I'm racist for saying Hamas are terrorists. And you just posted that all the original zionists were terrorists. Just more of your insane double standards.

And you still don't explain why it is racist to believe the Palestinians and Israelis need to work out something that works for them which is likely a Two State peace.

BTW. Hamas broke the pre-Oct ceasefire with a long planned assault on Israeli communities of civilians, Hamas broke the last ceasefire/hostage exchange by launching attacks hours before it's end while negotiations were still going on about extending it, and hamas has repeatedly rejected ceasefires including the one from the UNSC.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm not paranoid, Shazi.
Why would I be?
I just call for the law to be applied to both sides, ...
While continually arguing that Hamas didn't do anything wrong and bringing up the UN, ICC, and ICJ while making excuses for Hamas to ignore those same bodies.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Bullshit justification and excuses for Hamas.
you claim that Hamas didn't kill many people, they were all military targets, and Israel forced them to do it. Just another case where your zealotry has you justifying anything anti-Israel and your racist elitism has you incapable of holding Arabs accountable for their actions.
No, basketcase, nobody forced Israel to do anything.

Israel chose to occupy Palestine.
Israel chose to turn Gaza into a concentration camp.
Israel chose to rule through aparthied.
Israel chose to commit genocide.

Own it, its everything you've always wanted from Israel.
Everything that zionists have ever dreamed of, other than a complete ethnic cleansing.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I never did yet you still have repeatedly claimed I'm racist for saying all Palestinians are Hamas and therefore terrorists.
Corrected your posts as you continue to get my views wrong.
You are either an incredibly dishonest hasbara troll or just not very bright.

Zionism is a movement based on racial supremacy, just like the kkk and nazis.
They argue that they are the 'chosen people' with holy land deeds and that Palestinians are subhuman 'savages'.

Now zionists are committing genocide and you are here backing every single death.
All 186,000 as discussed by the Lancet.
All 500,000 near death from starvation noted by the WFP.

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, basketcase, nobody forced Israel to do anything.
Hamas' attack forced Israel to defend their people. I know in your ideal world, Israeli jews would just allow themselves to be killed but that's not reality.

But you gishgallop away from your racist belief that Palestinians aren't capable of having agency. Hamas saw the improving economic conditions in Gaza and improving relationships between Israel and the Arab world and knew that was a threat to their power so they implemented a long-standing plan to attack Israel towns.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Corrected your posts as you continue to get my views wrong.
You are either an incredibly dishonest hasbara troll or just not very bright.
Amazing. A piece of trash who admits to endlessly faking other people's posts accuses someone of dishonesty.

I challenge you right now right now to find any post of mine where I said all Palestinians are Hamas. Find even one and I'll delete my account. At the same time, if I find posts where you say all Jewish 'settlers' in the West Bank are terrorists and that Jewish civilians are legitimate targets, you'll delet your account (and not come back with a 4th handle). Are you willing to stand up to the challenge or are you just going to act like a 2015 era AI bot?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hamas' attack forced Israel to defend their people. I know in your ideal world, Israeli jews would just allow themselves to be killed but that's not reality.

But you gishgallop away from your racist belief that Palestinians aren't capable of having agency. Hamas saw the improving economic conditions in Gaza and improving relationships between Israel and the Arab world and knew that was a threat to their power so they implemented a long-standing plan to attack Israel towns.
No, basketcase.
Israel's occupation and 17 year long blockade, followed by 233 settler terrorist attacks in 2023 and an attack at the Al Aqsa led Hamas to attack.

The occupation of Palestine is the reason there is a resistance.
If you want to end the resistance to the occupation end the occupation.

You're trying to claim Israel had no agency and had to commit genocide, had to rule through apartheid and had to keep taking more of Palestine.
Own it, Israel has chosen this path and you've backed them every step of the way.
You have agency and you have chosen genocide.

Even today you are here fully backing Israel's choice to commit genocide.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Amazing. A piece of trash who admits to endlessly faking other people's posts accuses someone of dishonesty.

I challenge you right now right now to find any post of mine where I said all Palestinians are Hamas. Find even one and I'll delete my account. At the same time, if I find posts where you say all Jewish 'settlers' in the West Bank are terrorists and that Jewish civilians are legitimate targets, you'll delet your account (and not come back with a 4th handle). Are you willing to stand up to the challenge or are you just going to act like a 2015 era AI bot?
Israel is intentionally starving the 1 million children in Gaza to death.
They dropped 3 Hiroshima's worth of bombs on a concentration camp filled with refugees.

This is not about Hamas.

This is about your refusal to once declare that bombing children, torturing children, killing children and starving children is wrong.
This is about your continued support of what you clearly know is genocide and to still refuse to admit Israel has agency and chose this path.
This is about your personal agency to declare you support killing children who are clearly not Hamas by using some nazi like rationalization that its because of 'Hamas'.

You choose to back genocide.

Find one post where you have declared Israel is wrong to target civilians, hospitals, schools, UN shelters, food warehouses, universities and women and children. You can't, because you fully support genocide.

You have become what you hate.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Douglas Murray makes it looks so easy. This time it's a S. African anti-Semitic talk show host. She is overwhelmed.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You really like that Islamaphobe.
Very predictably, you prove my point. Just like that racist host, you have no factual retorts to his comments. You are intellectually bankrupt.

All you have is insults, Both of you got steamrolled and exposed for what you are.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Very predictably, you prove my point. Just like that racist host, you have no factual retorts to his comments. You are intellectually bankrupt.

All you have is insults, Both of you got steamrolled and exposed for what you are.
What next, you're going to demand that I read Veltman's manifesto or declare me intellectually bankrupt?
You post some racist asswipe that only you like, so don't be surprised when people just laugh at you.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You still are unable to respond to any of the points made. You can only deflect or post lies or accuse people of supporting genocide.

Your act is wearing thin.

Respond to Murray's points with facts. Prove where he is wrong in what he says instead of just calling him an Islamophobe. The host was befuddled.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You still are unable to respond to any of the points made. You can only deflect or post lies or accuse people of supporting genocide.

Your act is wearing thin.

Respond to Murray's points with facts. Prove where he is wrong in what he says instead of just calling him an Islamophobe. The host was befuddled.
No, you're boring and a fool.
Murray is a racist arsewipe.

Its like some Maga idiot demanding you listen to an entire rump speech with notes.

Speaking of which, how do you think its going to work having your genocidal zionist leader get a fascist antisemite into power in the US?
Think having a corrupt, incredibly racist and rapey rump in power is going to work out well?

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