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Shots fired outside all-girls Jewish school in North York


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
their logic makes no sense. They use the fact that it is a “Jewish land” to make Jews feel they have to hate the Palestinians and the people who stand with them. They purposely frame it to sound like a religious war so that when people say that something like say “from the river to the sea”, it sounds like it’s calling for “the eradication of Jews”. No government that cares about their people would do this lol.
Yusuf Al Kalidi, wrote a letter to Theodor Herzl begging him not to make a Jewish state in Palestine, saying this exact thing would happen (this was before the balfour declaration, the original letter is in French). He wrote back saying that a Jewish state in Palestine would help the Muslims and the Arabs because of the Jews good business skills and diminished everything Al-Kalidi said. He knew damn well what was going to happen, just like all the Arab leaders, Biden, Trudeau, and Netanyahu know what is going to happen if they continue the bombing. The funniest part to me is that it started off with them denying bombing the hospitals to them saying that it’s Hamas. Then they started saying they would never kill civilians and now they say there are no innocent civilians. They are playing in people’s faces and we let them
'From river to sea' is also the Likud motto, its in their charter.
Churchill and the brits were massive racists who were just as happy to have another place to send Jewish refugees as they were to foist the problems on Palestinians. And yet slavery was ended, segregation stopped and most other countries moved on or are trying to move on from colonial racism.

But not Israel.

Fully 1/3 people globally are now boycotting brands over the Gaza genocide now.
The world wants to move past zionism.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You mean like why you back what the UN has called an illegal occupation, apartheid and genocide?
Or why you think killing children to defend stolen land is a good idea?
Classic. Just talk about something else instead. You never give direct answers.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Classic. Just talk about something else instead. You never give direct answers.
Same thing, Gvir.

I support the UN, ICC and ICJ calls for both sides to respect the law and stop killing each other.
You don't.

You refuse to accept that the UN has ruled the occupation illegal, all settlements illegal, Israel is apartheid, committing genocide and is guilty of 'extermination'.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I support the continuation of the war so that more Gazans die and we can use that against Israel politically. That's why I'm glad that Hamas is not negotiating seriously for a ceasefire.
I made a slight edit to your post so as to more properly express your previously stated views.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I made a slight edit to your post so as to more properly express your previously stated views.

You get it wrong every time.
When I alter your posts its to correct your slanderous claims about my views.
What you do is just change it to add more slander.

That's incredibly dishonest, while what I do is to correct your dishonesty.
But what else should be someone who thinks they are the chosen people so that means everyone else can die.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You get it wrong every time.
When I alter your posts its to correct your slanderous claims about my views.
What you do is just change it to add more slander
What you call slander, is what the rest of us call the truth.

You cheer on the death of more Gazans, just like Hamas/Sinwar


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If Israel has accepted it, why haven't they ceased firing?
Because your boys in Hamas rejected it, sending a new list of demands instead.

Do you think so lowly of Palestinians that you think their opinion can just be ignored?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Same thing, Gvir.

I support the UN, ICC and ICJ calls for both sides to respect the law and stop killing each other.
You don't.
Except when the UN, ICC, and ICJ demanded Hamas immediately and unconditionally release their hostages and accept the ceasefire plan that Israel accepted?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Just to once again quote the UN.

1. Welcomes the new ceasefire proposal announced on May 31, which Israel accepted, calls upon Hamas to also accept it, and urges both parties to fully implement its terms without delay and without condition;

But sure, ignore the UN who you claim to support and make excuses for Hamas rejecting the ceasefire you claim to demand.
If Israel has accepted this ceasefire why is Netanyahu declaring he won't stop fighting?
If you are backing the UN, you just admitted Israel is apartheid, the occupation illegal and this slaughter is genocide.

Well done.

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