This thread has morphed into 2 pathways because of what the Feds say they want to use the money for.
1. Your capital gains tax is immediate. It takes your money right now. It chops you like a guillotine blade.
If you made this profit in a year and a day, that is a tax.
But if your profit is the result of 30 years of owning a property or saving inside a personal services corporation and you are forced to pay at this high rate right now when you need to cash some out, it is financial decapitation. You must take into account the time value of money.
This is why long-term capital gains rates should either be indexed to subtract out the inflation or put on a reducing stair step of tax rates to reflect how long the investment was held.
In the US we even step up the cost basis at death for stocks. Parents can leave appreciated stock to children and the cost basis is stepped up to market price on the day the parent died. In that way the parents' life work and savings are not confiscated.
There are even reasonable federal and estate tax exemptions. This permits a middle class to develop so that each generation must not need to start from ground zero.
The real elites will always be permitted trusts and other devices to protect future generations, but the middle class needs very low long term cap gains rates and cost basis step ups at death to pass a little money to the kids.
2. As for the dentists, they may have created some of their own problems. I would suggest some investigations into price fixing in the dental profession could yield some interesting data. It would be worth taking a look. My own dental work has always been privately paid by me. I spend on dental work before I buy luxuries or travel. If I want to have teeth like Elvis, that is my preference. But why is it that all dentists seem to raise prices at the same time? You might need to drill down to see if there is any competition.
Otherwise, this could end up just like the government throwing money at housing and driving up higher prices and creating more scarcity. You must fix the problems.
Only a pinhead would try to connect the seizure of long-term housing profits with teeth and think that higher taxes will produce more of either one.