Toronto Escorts

Topics That Should Be Discussed More Often: A Detailed List (SP Edition)


Miss Milana Miro🤍
Supporting Member
I’m in the process of writing this article and I want to get a client’s perspective. What do you think should be talked about more? Let’s make a list together.

Here are some starting points for this discussion.

1) Are there any questions you always want to ask providers, but simply can’t do it in person? (Don’t want to be rude or invasive; don’t want to ruin the fun of the moment).

2) What aspect of this industry would you like to learn about? It doesn’t matter if you simply want to be entertained — I know you are curious about something. What is it?

3) Anything you don’t want to hear anymore?

4) Any strong opinions you would like to share?

5) Finally, what are the most entertaining/controversial threads on this forum?

I’ll go first.

In general, the “hidden costs” of being a part of the industry should be known by everybody from the start. For example, the cost of disclosing your status (as a provider or a client) to literally anybody, such as family/friends/coworkers/health professionals/financial instituons, etc. It can have both external and internal components. Real-life consequences (getting fired or being denied a work opportunity) are nothing compared to internalized shame/guilt. All providers and all clients should be aware and prepared to deal with such feelings if/when they arise.

1) Occasionally, I uncover what stereotypes/biases/prejudice clients seem to have about me specifically and sex workers in general. I wish I could just ask clients what they *really* think about sex work. I’m curious.

2) As a provider, I want to learn more about running a business because, well, it is a business venture and should be treated accordingly.

3) “Sex work is work” type of discussions feel outdated to me. I acknowledge that others might have a different perspective, especially if they think morality is somehow involved. If you think it’s morally wrong, then you won’t see it as “real” work. But discussing morality feels even more outdated.

4) This forum no longer serves its original purpose of preventing clients from being scammed.

5) In my opinion, “Worst Experience” threads are both entertaining and informative. I think that “DDG” threads are the most controversial because people engage for the sake of engaging. There is no real discussion to be had and yet, everybody has something to say.

All comments are welcome.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
If there is any remuneration to you for this article, we may have to levy a small fee for input that will contribute.


Jul 3, 2020
Lauren Kirshner is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Toronto Metropolitan University, (formerly Ryerson). She is the author of a new book to be released in July, 2024 named Sex Work in Popular Culture. I'll be getting a free copy from her because she used some vectors from my BeautyMarks font in the book.

Some samples from the font:


It's free to download, also free for all commercial use, and available at dafont(dot)com and many other sites which host fonts that are free to download. I recently passed 500,000 downloads since the release almost 12 years ago.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I'm fascinated by this industry. Once I became "eligible" I researched and lurked for about 2 months, including tracking discussions, making charts, etc. before pulling the trigger. My biggest surprise was how "normal" the ladies were. At least for the ladies I visited, I saw them engaged in the industry as an act of autonomy, not as an act of desperation. Most have done well. I've seen ladies who got in/got out with a nest egg, beaming confidence, strength, and better than they came in- just wonderful. But I've also seen ladies degrade, spend their cash like drunken sailors and end up in a trash heap of drugs and desperation. Some more florid mental illness. Thankfully very few in amongst the ladies I've visited with over the years.

It was also ...disappointing, maybe not see my fellow men through the eyes of these ladies and seeing the scum-baggery for which a few engage. Or how they seem to not understand that these women are human beings first and foremost, and it takes courage to do this gig, and that the formula for optimizing one's encounters are to understand her as a person and see it through her eyes. Yet some blokes are still "i paid, I own, fuck your feelings". Some blokes really put out that entitled incel vibe. Yet others enjoy the lush beauty of punching above our weight with lovelies beyond reach who makes us not feel our age or appearance. And good sps provide the full service, such that it helped my psych state better than any medications.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I'm fascinated by this industry. Once I became "eligible" I researched and lurked for about 2 months, including tracking discussions, making charts, etc. before pulling the trigger. My biggest surprise was how "normal" the ladies were. At least for the ladies I visited, I saw them engaged in the industry as an act of autonomy, not as an act of desperation. Most have done well. I've seen ladies who got in/got out with a nest egg, beaming confidence, strength, and better than they came in- just wonderful. But I've also seen ladies degrade, spend their cash like drunken sailors and end up in a trash heap of drugs and desperation. Some more florid mental illness. Thankfully very every few in amongst the ladies I've visited with over the years.

It was also ...disappointing, maybe not see my fellow men through the eyes of these ladies and seeing the scum-baggery for which a few engage. Or how they seem to not understand that these women are human beings first and foremost, and it takes courage to do this gig, and that the formula for optimizing one's encounters are to understand her as a person and see it through her eyes. Yet some blokes are still "i paid, I own, fuck your feelings". Some blokes really put out that entitled incel vibe. Yet others enjoy the lush beauty of punching above out weight with lovelies beyond reach who makes not feel our age or appearance. And good sps provide the full service, such that it helped my psych state better than any medications.
Very, very well said.

Your thoughts and experiences match mine. Except for the early research. I found myself in the business end of a related sex industry business about 30 years ago. And I knew of the Jarvis/Church stroll back in an earlier career but never partook until many years later when I learned of reputable MP’s and agencies.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Lauren Kirshner is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Toronto Metropolitan University, (formerly Ryerson). She is the author of a new book to be released in July, 2024 named Sex Work in Popular Culture. I'll be getting a free copy from her because she used some vectors from my BeautyMarks font in the book.

Some samples from the font:

View attachment 336831

It's free to download, also free for all commercial use, and available at dafont(dot)com and many other sites which host fonts that are free to download. I recently passed 500,000 downloads since the release almost 12 years ago.
Very nice work


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
Thank you, this is interesting.

1 and 2)
I was interested in the business model and how the economics worked between the agency, the sp and us. I didn’t want to ask, partly because I’m there to bang and partly because I didn’t want to be invasive. Eventually several ladies randomly started talking about it, I asked a few questions and now I’m good.

3) I’m not interested in commentary around donation amount being too high unless the commentary is directly linked to service.

4) industries operating in the shadows are dangerous for everyone. They should be brought into the light, be legalized, be normalized, be taxed, and be regulated. Additionally, I do not believe in no review policies and I do not see ladies with no review policies for that reason.

5) Worst and best experience threads are great. There was a guy named Paprika that created some pretty long, albeit slightly unhinged, threads, I enjoyed those. At a principled level, any thread that asks a question and results in discourse/dialogue is generally interesting.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Do you disclose to your doctor what you do? Do you do anything special to your "equipment" to keep it in good shape?

If I a car was used for extreme duty like taxi service and experience more wear and tear it should be maintained on a severe duty cycle.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Do you disclose to your doctor what you do? Do you do anything special to your "equipment" to keep it in good shape?

If I a car was used for extreme duty like taxi service and experience more wear and tear it should be maintained on a severe duty cycle.

"Severe duty"? WTF?!?1 Where do you come up with your -ahem- unique blowby stuff? Are your rings worn? :ROFLMAO:

Yeah... what do you think? They do a double throwaway mineral oil rinse to keep the crankshaft seal tight after a fixed amount of miles on the crotchometer?:ROFLMAO:

Did your crankshaft wear out when you were running all those 5x daily cycles on your pull start single two stroke piston when you were 15? 😜


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2021
It was also ...disappointing, maybe not see my fellow men through the eyes of these ladies and seeing the scum-baggery for which a few engage.

Yet some blokes are still "i paid, I own, fuck your feelings". Some blokes really put out that entitled incel vibe. Yet others enjoy the lush beauty of punching above our weight with lovelies beyond reach who makes us not feel our age or appearance. And good sps provide the full service, such that it helped my psych state better than any medications.
100 percent. You nailed it, my man. You can pretty much tell who the douchebags are from the way they write their reviews -- a sense of entitlement to any service they desire, unnecessary disparaging remarks about a lady's looks (there are tactful ways of getting that point across and then there are flat-out insults), an undercurrent of machismo from guys who probably live in their parents' basement, and some guys who ordinarily couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a fistful of pardons trying to portray themselves as dimestore studs who'd make the ghost of John C. Holmes envious.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
... trying to portray themselves as dimestore studs who'd make the ghost of John C. Holmes envious.
Yeah, and then there are us Double Aught spies...complete with swimmin' pools. You know Jethro, us movie stars! :cool:

But then again, I hear tell Dash Riprock is on TERB too! Can't find his handle any more tho...

Then you have the delusional self-over rated high falutin' Miss Hathaway sounding courtesans whose self-aggrandizing verbose websites with $500++/hr"honorariums" try to tell us that hot, younger agency girls $250hr are over-rated! 😜 (And no, I'm not speaking about the OP who sounds super nice and authentic! :)(y))

Like in this scene!

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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
1) Occasionally, I uncover what stereotypes/biases/prejudice clients seem to have about me specifically and sex workers in general. I wish I could just ask clients what they *really* think about sex work. I’m curious.

3) “Sex work is work” type of discussions feel outdated to me. I acknowledge that others might have a different perspective, especially if they think morality is somehow involved. If you think it’s morally wrong, then you won’t see it as “real” work. But discussing morality feels even more outdated.
Personally, I think it is an honourable, profession and should be more respected for the important role it plays in society. And the increased beneficial role it could play in society if it were less stigmatized.

2) As a provider, I want to learn more about running a business because, well, it is a business venture and should be treated accordingly.
My specific advice to any sex worker is to really assess the true earning potential you have with your non-sex work skills and live accordingly, if not more frugally.

You are not really running a business per se as much as you are practicing a profession. Agencies run a 'business'.

Physicians run a professional practice like you. Rent, supplies, advertising, expenses etc. But they are trading their time for services. Their time is perishable. If they don't work that day or that hour, they do not make any money. Only incur expenses.

Typically a business has cost of goods and/or services sold at a mark up. Like a plumbing contractor or chain of medical clinics. Or say escort, travel and employment agencies. They make money from the mark up. A pilot doesn't make money unless HE is flying, while an airline makes money even when the founding President is no longer an active pilot. Business' can subsist without the owner's hourly presence and/or service. Your 'business' can't.

Not to say you shouldn't practice your profession without good business practices like actually keeping real accounting records. data and analysis is the only way to managing your yield/sweet spot/price point. Don't let pride or feelings fool you!

Unless you are a mid-level lawyer, specialist physician or business owner, very few people can earn $500 hour, or even $200/hr. In fact, most sp's I've come to know realistically might not be able to sustain a normal job that pays $30/hr.

Yet they live a lavish lifestyle, even moreso than a $250k lawyer or MD. And foolishly on purses, shoes etc. And even worse, wasting thousands of dollars on fucking extensive, and I mean extensive tattoos that literally brand them permanently such that they will never really be accepted into the strata of society that their current income would suggest they could.

So... live as if you were working a normal job paying $30/hr (or even minimum wage if that is realistically your real world earning potential) and SAVE and invest every other dollar you earn. Use it towards actually getting an education in a well paying field. Not as a marketing "paying my tuition" schtick.

One day, every SW will, for one reason or another find that they can no longer earn what they did, or even work at all. I read that you yourself recently suffered some sort of TBI or other serious injury. There is NO notice for life-changing events. And if you are living like a movie star (or even relying on high income to rent or pay your mortgare and car payments) you could be literally homeless in a couple of months, Have a year's expenses as an emergency fund.

Establish credit by paying taxes, at least on some of your income. Use it at 1/3 of your limits to increase your credit score but ALWAYS have the cash to pay it off on hand.

Only use credit to buy a house. NEVER finance a car. It is a depreciating asset that becomes a net and ongoing liability the day you buy it. New and used alike. Buy a decent late model around 3 years old used car and pay cash for it. Or borrow half to establish or enhance your creditworthiness.

I have more, and more valuable tax and business advice... PM for barter terms 😜 . But basically realize that you are not worth what you get paid in the sex biz, outside of it. So don't fool yourself. Enjoy, don't spoil yourself. Be prudent. It is worth noting the word 'Spoil' is a negative. Meaning for something to go bad. Spending more on yourself, or having others do so, spoils your mind into thinking you deserve it.

No offence to you personally but for all the 'high end companionship', 'intelligent conversation', and 'emotional intimacy' girls think guys are paying for, without a pussy or pretty face to fuck, these guys wouldn't pay a dime for an sp's time nor 'spoil' a civillian girl who thinks she 'deserves' it.

Make hay while the sun shines but put away some of the harvest to keep the farm running when you fall off or can't plant the corn yourself!
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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2014
Fabulous post, SchlongConery. You are so eloquent on the obvious issue that sooner or later, every sex worker ages out of the business, so planning needs to be done early on.. The lawyer doesn’t age out until he can’t read / speak, which is a few months before he dies.

For societal respect, that would take a big change in media / entertainment, which may never happen. The insertion of a favorable gay / lesbian character into every show did wonders. You never see a John, and rarely see a sex worker depicted favorably. Firefly was a rare exception, and it didn’t get much viewership.

We have all seen higher-end sex workers who had major accomplishments, including putting themselves through expensive colleges they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford.

I guess the characters would have been a bit young for this, but it was all unrealistic, anyway, so let’s have fun. Look at all the income and wealth discrepancy on shows such as 90210 and the O.C. The kids would have relationships and spend the night and go down for breakfast. In real life, an atom bomb would go off if an 18 year-old high school guy spent the night at his girlfriend‘s house and went down to the kitchen and asked what is for breakfast. So hell, just go ahead and have one if the 18 year-old poorer female characters do escort or sugar baby work to get the money to keep up with her richer friends. She can have the humorous situation where one of her customers is the dad of one of her friends. In real life, L.A. is full of escorts trying to keep up with the wealthy while waiting for film opportunities.

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
From my POV -

1) Are there any questions you always want to ask providers, but simply can’t do it in person? (Don’t want to be rude or invasive; don’t want to ruin the fun of the moment).
I have been extremely fortunate as I have had wonderful SP's that have had a open and honest conversations on anything I wanted to talked about - why - probably because we approach the session with a open and honest attitude - no ego - no entitlement and the fact that there is a common sense to not discuss things that you know are not to be discussed.

2) What aspect of this industry would you like to learn about? It doesn’t matter if you simply want to be entertained — I know you are curious about something. What is it?
I always found @rocco_s approach to this hobby lifestyle very intriguing.

3) Anything you don’t want to hear anymore?
No - keep the conversation going for everything - the day the conversation dies is the day the devil starts to roam. Only bad things happen the minute the conversation goes dark.

4) Any strong opinions you would like to share?
Yes - make hygiene and kindness your base. Also, should be allowed to call out those you take advantage of a situation (ie. scam artists)

5) Finally, what are the most entertaining/controversial threads on this forum?
Entertaining - without a doubt - the reviews and anything music related. Controversial - rates, race and deposits.


Miss Milana Miro🤍
Supporting Member
Lauren Kirshner is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Toronto Metropolitan University, (formerly Ryerson). She is the author of a new book to be released in July, 2024 named Sex Work in Popular Culture. I'll be getting a free copy from her because she used some vectors from my BeautyMarks font in the book.

Some samples from the font:

View attachment 336831

It's free to download, also free for all commercial use, and available at dafont(dot)com and many other sites which host fonts that are free to download. I recently passed 500,000 downloads since the release almost 12 years ago.
Alriiiiight! It’s not on so feel free to share the link! 🙂 In fact, I would love more books recommendations (about this industry, human sexuality and all things sex-related). I got some pretty great suggestions from the girlies; now it’s your turn, boys! If you’re up to it, of course 🤍

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Alriiiiight! It’s not on so feel free to share the link! 🙂 In fact, I would love more books recommendations (about this industry, human sexuality and all things sex-related). I got some pretty great suggestions from the girlies; now it’s your turn, boys! If you’re up to it, of course 🤍
3) Anything you don’t want to hear anymore?

Long winded discussions
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