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France’s Macron calls snap election after far-right surge in EU parliament votes


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2015
Canadian Girl
I've been following this since last election.

Macron is a globalist
Le Pen a nationalist.

Will the French people vote for globalism or put France first?

Van Der Lyon needs Le Pen and Meloni, and they need her, it'll be interesting to see who gets more seats in the EU parliament come election time.

If it doesn't happen this election I can see it happening next election. There's been a huge global shift to the right, and I think it's because of the mass migration which has caused a housing crisis and high cost of living due to lack of supply n demand.

Le Pen is following in her father's footsteps, it was a different time back when he was in politics, if she wants the votes she really needs to be careful of what she says. Putin is rooting for her while she is currently pretending to be pro Ukraine. Or wait no that's Meloni. We're in interesting times!

I just hope another fascist dictator doesn't rise from this like Mussolini or Stalin. The Italians still celebrate and memorialize Mussolini, I watched a march/walk they had done for him in Italy recently.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
I just hope another fascist dictator doesn't rise from this like Mussolini or Stalin.
Marine Le Pen is a fascist. So how can you support her while making this statement?
There's been a huge global shift to the right, and I think it's because of the mass migration which has caused a housing crisis and high cost of living due to lack of supply n demand.
There is no "mass migration". It is controlled immigration per the laws set forth by the respective countries.

A bunch of white people from Europe settling in Canada and the US, was mass migration. A bunch of Jewish people settling in Palestine, before 1948, was mass migration.

People applying to IRCC and getting their applications approved and then moving to Canada, the US or to France, is not mass migration.

Immigration is also not the cause of high housing costs. As you have pointed out it is a supply side issue where we are building LESS houses TODAY than we did in 1970, when the population of Canada was HALF of what it is today.
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I've been following this since last election.

Macron is a globalist
Le Pen a nationalist.

Will the French people vote for globalism or put France first?

Van Der Lyon needs Le Pen and Meloni, and they need her, it'll be interesting to see who gets more seats in the EU parliament come election time.

If it doesn't happen this election I can see it happening next election. There's been a huge global shift to the right, and I think it's because of the mass migration which has caused a housing crisis and high cost of living due to lack of supply n demand.

Le Pen is following in her father's footsteps, it was a different time back when he was in politics, if she wants the votes she really needs to be careful of what she says. Putin is rooting for her while she is currently pretending to be pro Ukraine. Or wait no that's Meloni. We're in interesting times!

I just hope another fascist dictator doesn't rise from this like Mussolini or Stalin. The Italians still celebrate and memorialize Mussolini, I watched a march/walk they had done for him in Italy recently.
Stalin was a Communist dictator, not a fascist dictator.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2015
Canadian Girl
Stalin was a Communist dictator, not a fascist dictator.
Didn't he kill almost 10 million people?

Dictators, commies, and fascists all kill the citizenry of their home countries. I don't wanna say the names and make it sound like they own the people, hence why I'm wording it like this.

I'm not a fan of any, but what I don't understand is why do people think the leaders like bolsonaro, mudro, orban, le pen, Trump are all evil fascist dictators? It seems as if people are afraid 1930& 40s happening all over again if these people get voted in.

Their getting labelled far right extremists pre maturely, scaring people out of voting for them.

I doubt very much le pen would kill French citizens, or Trump, bolsonaro, orban, ect.
I think they just want to put a kaibash on the mass immigration without vetting them and lower the taxes, cost of living, and just make life affordable again for everyone, imo.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2015
Canadian Girl
LOL...Only your leftist mind.
Le Pen is a fascist??
I didn't know that. I've been watching her for a couple of years now, I haven't noticed anything fascist imo I could see how some people could take things out of context with her immigration stance though.
But if you really see what's going on with immigrants being able to cross borders unchecked then you know that's not the right way of doings and hasn't been the right way of doing things.

Going through an immigration process takes time and money, background checks, ect. It's a process. I know, I've been through it.

$25,000 to get all my paperwork done, submitted, then I had to go for medical check to make sure I wasn't bringing in any communicable diseases.

They treated me like I was a criminal (it felt that way anyway) but I know they were doing to protect the citizenry of potential polio, MMR, ect.

It was a daunting process but that was the system in place.

Nowadays anyone can just walk through a border unchecked. Lord knows who or what diseases are being brought in amongst other things.

It's not racist. There's a legal processes for very good reasons.

So when Le Pen talks about immigration she's not talking about it to be racist.

Legault in Quebec on the other hand now he's a guy you could say is racist and or islamaphobic with the new law about not being able to wear hijabs and also taking down all the English speaking signs so only French signs are allowed.

Quebec wants to be strictly French and only French.

The German chancellor is putting in place what le Pen has been talking about doing if she gets elected bc crime in Germany has risen by 200% by immigrants and 2% by German citizens. He's going to deport back to Afghanistan and Syria he said. He's been in talks with other middle eastern neighboring countries.

Is this why you think le pen is a fascist?
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Le Pen is a conservative. Closed-minded people are
inclined to be conservatives although the converse
is not necessarily true. It is a way of liberal lefties
to safeguard society from the evil influence of
conservatives who stand any chance to gain power by
slapping on them such labels as racist and Fascist.
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Le Pen is a conservative. Closed-minded people are
inclined to be conservatives although the converse
is not necessarily true. It is a way of liberal lefties
to safeguard society from the evil influence of
conservatives who stand any chance to gain power by
slapping on them such labels as racist and Fascist.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
He's also white so in your eyes, he must be "racist"..
He is white in everybody's eyes. And unrelated to that, yes he is an islamophobe, which is a form of racism.
Last edited:
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
113 we go...
Don't take my word for it.

Late night television host Bill Maher has a history of inviting guests who hold anti-Muslim views and support anti-Muslim policies. Maher is known for making discriminatory statements about Muslims and has a history of using racial and derogatory slurs against marginalized communities.
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Don't take my word for it.

Late night television host Bill Maher has a history of inviting guests who hold anti-Muslim views and support anti-Muslim policies. Maher is known for making discriminatory statements about Muslims and has a history of using racial and derogatory slurs against marginalized communities.
So who's word should I take?
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