Le Pen is a fascist??LOL...Only your leftist mind.
I didn't know that. I've been watching her for a couple of years now, I haven't noticed anything fascist imo I could see how some people could take things out of context with her immigration stance though.
But if you really see what's going on with immigrants being able to cross borders unchecked then you know that's not the right way of doings and hasn't been the right way of doing things.
Going through an immigration process takes time and money, background checks, ect. It's a process. I know, I've been through it.
$25,000 to get all my paperwork done, submitted, then I had to go for medical check to make sure I wasn't bringing in any communicable diseases.
They treated me like I was a criminal (it felt that way anyway) but I know they were doing to protect the citizenry of potential polio, MMR, ect.
It was a daunting process but that was the system in place.
Nowadays anyone can just walk through a border unchecked. Lord knows who or what diseases are being brought in amongst other things.
It's not racist. There's a legal processes for very good reasons.
So when Le Pen talks about immigration she's not talking about it to be racist.
Legault in Quebec on the other hand now he's a guy you could say is racist and or islamaphobic with the new law about not being able to wear hijabs and also taking down all the English speaking signs so only French signs are allowed.
Quebec wants to be strictly French and only French.
The German chancellor is putting in place what le Pen has been talking about doing if she gets elected bc crime in Germany has risen by 200% by immigrants and 2% by German citizens. He's going to deport back to Afghanistan and Syria he said. He's been in talks with other middle eastern neighboring countries.
Is this why you think le pen is a fascist?