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Israel at war


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
She is wearing hospital clothing.

This picture is clearly not current and not from this current conflict.
Thanks for admitting Israel targets children and civilians at large and has always done so. Causing severe bodily harm is genocide per the genocide convention.
You're projecting again. He was clearly referring to how the elimination of Hamas will change Gaza (for the better). I'm still waiting for the quote where specifically says the words that "there won't be a single person left in Gaza". That claim is a lie.

Without those specific words you expect us to believe your interpretation of his words. You've repeatedly admitted your strong against Israel, so it is irrational to accept your interpretation. Show us those words.
Nope it is you that is projecting. He said we will eliminate everything. That is not interpretation. That is the literal translation. Those were his very specific choice of words and those are all the words that are needed to convey genocidal intent. He could have said eliminate Hamas but given Israel considers that there are no non combatants in Gaza, he chose to say eliminate everything.

You asked for proof. I immediately provided it and now you've pretzeled yourself yet again.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Aren't you as pissed at Biden as I am over this?
Even if you support genocide and killing every Palestinian possible, aren't you pissed at Biden deciding to support the genocide and lose the election to rump over it? Shouldn't you be pissed at every single dem in the party who is allowing Biden to lose the election in the support of genocide?

Not at all, I think he is doing a great job.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Although I agree that Joe is the better choice than Trump, I dont support Israel or Joe or Trump. I can be against all 3, which I am. I was just telling Valcazar the other day how I wanted Joe to lose the election as punishment for his stance on Israel. Infact, in this very thread.
Didn't expect you to come out as pro-Trump, but here we are, since the only result of "wanting Joe to lose the election as punishment" is Trump winning.

Now, at least you are honest enough to not shy away from saying "yes, this is about punishing Biden".


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Didn't expect you to come out as pro-Trump, but here we are, since the only result of "wanting Joe to lose the election as punishment" is Trump winning.

Now, at least you are honest enough to not shy away from saying "yes, this is about punishing Biden".
I am not pro-Trump. My post that you are responding to, literally says "I dont support Israel or Joe or Trump'. But yes, I do want Biden punished which I have said openly many times before. But wanting Joe punished isn't being pro-Trump. How about wanting another possibility that neither Joe nor Trump wins, and a 3rd party does?


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Meanwhile, in reality, here is Joe Biden 12 years ago.

My bad. I was off by a few years. Must be one of Biden's "epiphanies" that changed him.

How is that a logical fallacy given the electoral system?
For one it is a non-sequitur. And for another there are more than two presidential candidates. It is not about who will win if one loses, it is about who I or anyone else supports.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
No he said we will eliminate everything. Those were his words and those were his only words on that. Eliminate everything means, kill everything and make zero. Case closed.
That is clearly an edited clip.
He may well be saying exactly what you say.
If so, you won't have any trouble finding the whole, unedited clip and showing how it means exactly what you say it does when viewed in context.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
That is clearly an edited clip.
He may well be saying exactly what you say.
If so, you won't have any trouble finding the whole, unedited clip and showing how it means exactly what you say it does when viewed in context.
It is an edited clip of him saying this exact sentence "Gaza will not return to what it was before. Hamas will not exist. We will eliminate everything". Even Oracle provided the quote earlier in this thread. If he did not display genocidal intent he could have simply chosen to say "We will eliminate Hamas". He did not. He said we will eliminate everything. And this is in line with the Israeli govts position that there are no non-combatants in Gaza.
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