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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Wow, that's nice and juicy!

Nevermind where I could start... the question is where could I stop?

3. The Duty to be Fair and Maintain Public Confidence
Public confidence in the administration of justice is bolstered by a system where Crown counsel are not only strong and effective advocates, but also ministers of justice, with a duty to ensure the justice system operates fairly for all. Crown counsel must recognize that one can intend to act fairly while unintentionally leaving an impression of secrecy, bias, or unfairness. Crown counsel have a duty not only to act fairly, but also to ensure that their conduct is seen to be fair.Footnote 12


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
There is genuine astonishment at the not guilty verdict.

Saw a news clip where the chief of the TPS, the head of the TPA and the Northrup's wife all exclaimed incredulity that the cop killer got off.
I get the TPA guy's political brotherhood motive. And the widow is hurt. But the Chief? He is upset that things didn't go his way? It's formally triibal teams now? No more letting the facts and evidence lead to justice. As far as the Chief is concerned, whatever civillian, howsoever caused by act or ommission, once a police officer is hurt... the civillian is, and always be guilty.

The trial was fairly conducted, except of course for the Chief's officers false testimony, and 12 citizens and a Judge came up with a very serious verdict. Does the Chief not respect the justice system?

I miss Chiefs Harold Adamson, Akroyd and McCormack. Even Bill Blair steered the ship with a fair and steady hand.
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
I miss Chiefs Harold Adamson, Akroyd and McCormack. Even Bill Blair steered the ship with a fair and steady hand.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
- that he panicked and ran over the cop recklessly without knowing where he was lying. The cops all gave a different story.

He had every right to panic. I few people dressed in civies come running up to you in a parking garage for no reason, what you gonna do?

I don't even know what the hell the cops were thinking. Some guy with his pregnant wife and a baby in stroller walking calmy, and they think he's suspect that just stabbed someone? How dumb do you gotta be??


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Meanwhile, Nader Hasan maintained his dignity and is not the laughing stock of the bar.
Hasan was good in that interview. Thoughtful, intelligent, had researched his points, was fair and didn't gloat.

Nice work all through the case and afterwards.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Some guy got stabbed. And police were dispatched to investigate. Likely the perp was brown.

Zameer, his wife and his toddler had just finished some sight seeing and were getting in the car and getting ready to leave. The cops ran up to his window and banged on it and loudly said "get out of the car!!".

The wife starts hyper ventilating, the kid starts bawling. Zameer moves the car forward to get away frightened it is car jackers or something. Immediately an unmarked police vehicle blocks his exit.

So he backs out, and reverses right - which means the front of the car would move left. Northrop was at the driver window banging. So when the front of the car moved left, it knocked Northrop down. But he was in that blindspot just in front of the car. So when Zameer moved forward, he ran over him.

Then the unmarked vehicle that blocked him gives chase and at the exit of the parking garage, rams him from behind. 2 vehicles which were in front of Zameer think it is carjackers, and they smash through the barrier and high tail it outta there.

Zameer is pulled out of the car at gun point and punched in the face by an angry police man who saw his partner being run over.

What is cuck like behaviour about giving money to someone who has been through legal hell for 3 years? I myself gave him 200 bucks. He deserves it. He is an immigrant like me. He likely does not have too many support structures here in Canada while people back home are worried to death. Why would my family want my "donation"? What are you going on about?
Kautilya my man what i am going on about is that you would give this stranger $200 because he ran someone over and received a not guilty verdict. You burned $200 that maybe someone in your family who is down on their luck could have used. You will never meet this man.

I saw this strange behavior also after the OJ trial when idiots were donating to him after his not guilty verdict.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Not if he had that lawyer.

The circumstances for self defence would have been even stronger because not only would he have a reasonable apprehension of danger, the danger posed by real carjackers woudl have been real.

There was nothing negligent about his operation of a motor vehicle. I dare say it would be unwise to get in the way of two tonnes of steel. If the dead guy were not a cop, he should be charged with, if nothing else, damage to private property or even mischief for interfering with the owners legal right to use his property.
I posted a parallel case further up the thread where the cops charged assault with a weapon and dangerous driving and got convictions for pretty much exactly the same scenario.

If their balls weren't bigger than their brains, they would have pulled the murder one charge, laid a new information for DD and AwaW and never given those ludicrously fabricated statements.

I mean, think it through. A guy is in front of you and you ram him with the car going at 15 or 20 mph - probably the max speed you can attain in a couple of seconds. You're going to break - maybe just bruise - the vic's legs and throw him up on the car hood. The vic's not going to go down under the wheels.

What a dumb fucking statement!!!!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Kautilya my man what i am going on about is that you would give this stranger $200 because he ran someone over and received a not guilty verdict. You burned $200 that maybe someone in your family who is down on their luck could have used. You will never meet this man.

I saw this strange behavior also after the OJ trial when idiots were donating to him after his not guilty verdict.
How the fuck can you possibly relate this case to OJ Simpson ??? 😲

The existing proof of the guilt of OJ Simpson would have been enough to convict him today if it were not that he was famous. In this case the prosecution's own accident reconstruction specialist found him innocent. The officers fucked up and then railroaded an innocent family man because they needed a patsy. I can't believe that the prosecution didn't look at the evidence and try for a plea deal instead of throwing a man trapped by circumstances in jail for life.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I would not panic like a woman and run someone over because i could not understand what they were saying. I would calmly step out of the car and give em the stone cold stunner.
Wait what?!?!?! How did we get brought into this? Why are “women” automatically panicking and running people over?

Don’t use us to try and act tough. It just makes you look weak.

Like seriously, you had no other way to prove you could handle yourself in a situation like that.?

I guess you couldn’t because really, we all know you are full of shit anyways.


Sep 24, 2005
What a sickening example of our justice system. The police and crown clearly lied, colluded and switched up theories multiple times to try and suit their narrative and the judge pointed it out repeatedly. Will all of this just be ignored? Of coarse it will! I hope each and every one of those cops also finds themselves under the wheel of a moving vehicle.
First degree is premeditated, planned murder, how he was charged with that initially was highly suspect, no wonder it ended up badly bungled by the Crown.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Meanwhile, Nader Hasan maintained his dignity and is not the laughing stock of the bar.
Hasan was good. Covered all the bases. Hit all the right notes. Great job.

The gang was chatting about the case in lawyers' lounge this morning before court. Apparently the Crown on the Zameer case was the senior crown attorney for Toronto.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Hasan was good. Covered all the bases. Hit all the right notes. Great job.

The gang was chatting about the case in lawyers' lounge this morning before court. Apparently the Crown on the Zameer case was the senior crown attorney for Toronto.

Most notable to me was the dignity in which he conducted himself and represented Mr Zameer. Even his accusations of false testimony against the three police officers was dignified.

I mentioned in an earlier post that the lead prosecutor was the supervisor of the downtown Toronto Crown's office. He is a disgrace for pursuing this case that had no reasonable prospect of conviction and in impugning and creating motives out of whole cloth and his narrative theory changing theories of the case. Two judges said so to his face. On the record.

Imagine all the other accused he railroaded...

The Commercial Division in the Ontario Supreme Court of Justice Bankruptcy Division had a housecleaning a few years back when they had a fucking aggressive dickwad Registrar (Nettie) that was needlessly fucking vulnerable people over. And in the process, clogged up the courts. The main Superior Court Judge Morawitz had to toss the whole team of Registrars just to camoflage his firing.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Kautilya my man what i am going on about is that you would give this stranger $200 because he ran someone over and received a not guilty verdict. You burned $200 that maybe someone in your family who is down on their luck could have used. You will never meet this man.

I saw this strange behavior also after the OJ trial when idiots were donating to him after his not guilty verdict.

Sorry if someone in your family needs help.

But have you ever considered that maybe Mr @Kautilya 's family is ok? Or that he has already taken care of them? Or that he feels that $200 that he might spend an a blowjob might give him more personal satisfaction by donating it to a fellow human being and his family who could use some help?

Personally, I find it stranger that someone resents a kind person doing something nice for a stranger.

But hey, you do you and we'll do us.
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