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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
I wonder what the verdict would have been if Zameer had run over a civilian in that underground garage?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
May be they wouldn't have pressed charges in the first place.
Nah, probably would have charged him. Look at that Milton case. Guy's house was invaded by armed gangbangers. He struggled with one guy and shot the intruder with the intruders gun in self defence. Cops charged him and the Crown prosecuted. $40,000 of legal fees later, he was either acquitted or I think the charges were actually withdrawn.

Rule of thumb is whomever is left standing over the other guy gets charged. Bar fight to gun fight to MVA.

Cops are pretty lazy a lot of the time. They charge first, ask questions later and then "let the courts sort it out". Like a lot of people, they are sick and tired of their jobs.

Be thankful you don't live or drive in the Dominican Republic or Cuba.

If you are driving normally and some drunk driving local without a helmet on his moto without lights smashes into you, YOU are charged and put in jail until the trial. If it was proven it was his fault, YOU still have to pay the family if he died. Or pay for his care for the rest of his life if he makes it and has permanant injuries.

I stopped renting cars in all but first world countries.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I wonder what the verdict would have been if Zameer had run over a civilian in that underground garage?
He would have been charged with negligent operation of a motor vehicle and probably been convicted.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
At the end of the day they'll never face any true justice for their actions. They will be disciplined internally which mean no discipline at all.
Kinda too high profile for the old "Transfer him to a desk job out in 22 Division and no one will remember who he is in 3 years' time."


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Accountable for killing someone.
Please share your definition of accountable.

I shared mine.

As I said earlier, and you ignored, he was held accountable. He accounted for his actions.

Why not stop using weasel words and say what you mean? The guy should have been punished because a cop was killed. Right? Is that what you want to say?

Or do you think the case was rigged, and the judges and jury members were all anti-police and leftard liberals?

He was held "accountable".

Accountable means obligated to explain, justify, and take responsibility for one's actions, and to answer to someone, such as a person with more authority.

Think "accountant". One who accounts for actions.

And the Auditor, being the Judge and twelve fellow citizens found that his accounting for his actions was justified in the circumstances. And they heard all the evidence. Including blantant lies three police officers that may likely be mor responsible for their fellow officer's death seemed to tell. A fourth fellow police Sargeant a forensic accident investigator gave corroborated testimony with physical evidence obvious to any layman, that proved Zameer could not even see the fallen officer he ran over.

What I think you really mean is he should be punished because "no matter how you look at it" Zameer killed someone. That someone being a police officer.

So if he was an American and two scruffy people came banging at his door saying they were police and demanding he open the door, OPEN THE DOOR, and he did... and the fat cop lost his balance as the door opened and smashed his eye socket through the fireplace poker the citizen had in his hand... the citizen should be "held accountable" for the death?

Fuck, in the USA, banging on someone's door aggressively can get you shot full of lead... right through a closed door!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
More like sure the Crown Attorney's for a misfeasant prosecution.

In a legal context, “misfeasance” refers to the improper performance of a lawful act, resulting in harm or injury to another person or entity.

And a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada for unethically pursuing a case they knew, aught t have known, and were advised had no reasonable prospect of conviction.

The three cops, two Crowns and anyone else involved in tthat decision making process has no place in the legal system. They bring the administration of justice into disrepute.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
He would have been charged with negligent operation of a motor vehicle and probably been convicted.
Not if he had that lawyer.

The circumstances for self defence would have been even stronger because not only would he have a reasonable apprehension of danger, the danger posed by real carjackers woudl have been real.

There was nothing negligent about his operation of a motor vehicle. I dare say it would be unwise to get in the way of two tonnes of steel. If the dead guy were not a cop, he should be charged with, if nothing else, damage to private property or even mischief for interfering with the owners legal right to use his property.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
More like sure the Crown Attorney's for a misfeasant prosecution.
In a legal context, “misfeasance” refers to the improper performance of a lawful act, resulting in harm or injury to another person or entity.
And a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada for unethically pursuing a case they knew, aught t have known, and were advised had no reasonable prospect of conviction.
The three cops, two Crowns and anyone else involved in tthat decision making process has no place in the legal system. They bring the administration of justice into disrepute.
How many phone calls a week you think that Crown got from the TPS higher brass and the Police Union yahoos checking up on her that she was "doing her job"?

She probably started out thinking that she had the case of her career and then got trapped in a train wreck.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Not if he had that lawyer.

The circumstances for self defence would have been even stronger because not only would he have a reasonable apprehension of danger, the danger posed by real carjackers woudl have been real.

There was nothing negligent about his operation of a motor vehicle. I dare say it would be unwise to get in the way of two tonnes of steel. If the dead guy were not a cop, he should be charged with, if nothing else, damage to private property or even mischief for interfering with the owners legal right to use his property.
Some scruffy person leans on my car window, I lock the car and tell them to go fuck themselves and pull out my cellphone and call 911.

OTOH, I'm big and in shape.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
what actually happened here ? I know the plain clothed cops chased him and cut him off in a van, but I cannot find any details as to why they were chasing him


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017

Hope someone starts a GOFUND Me for him!!!! or perhaps since it was high profile-PRO BONO

COPS lied. hope they are held accountable some how.
This is cuckold-like behavior and what i do not get about society. I mean i am glad that he got justice but you would donate money to him? Its not like you know him personally? Someone in your own family would not benefit from your "donation"?


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Some guy got stabbed. And police were dispatched to investigate. Likely the perp was brown.

Zameer, his wife and his toddler had just finished some sight seeing and were getting in the car and getting ready to leave. The cops ran up to his window and banged on it and loudly said "get out of the car!!".

The wife starts hyper ventilating, the kid starts bawling. Zameer moves the car forward to get away frightened it is car jackers or something. Immediately an unmarked police vehicle blocks his exit.

So he backs out, and reverses right - which means the front of the car would move left. Northrop was at the driver window banging. So when the front of the car moved left, it knocked Northrop down. But he was in that blindspot just in front of the car. So when Zameer moved forward, he ran over him.

Then the unmarked vehicle that blocked him gives chase and at the exit of the parking garage, rams him from behind. 2 vehicles which were in front of Zameer think it is carjackers, and they smash through the barrier and high tail it outta there.

Zameer is pulled out of the car at gun point and punched in the face by an angry police man who saw his partner being run over.

What is cuck like behaviour about giving money to someone who has been through legal hell for 3 years? I myself gave him 200 bucks. He deserves it. He is an immigrant like me. He likely does not have too many support structures here in Canada while people back home are worried to death. Why would my family want my "donation"? What are you going on about?
scary to be that guy. imagine the fear ur going down as a cop killer up on murder charges. im sure the police will not be kind to him if they ever see him


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Please share your definition of accountable.

I shared mine.

As I said earlier, and you ignored, he was held accountable. He accounted for his actions.

Why not stop using weasel words and say what you mean? The guy should have been punished because a cop was killed. Right? Is that what you want to say?

Or do you think the case was rigged, and the judges and jury members were all anti-police and leftard liberals?
You are such an idiot. You can't even understand plain english.
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
There is genuine astonishment at the not guilty verdict.

Saw a news clip where the chief of the TPS, the head of the TPA and the Northrup's wife all exclaimed incredulity that the cop killer got off.
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