
Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011

Hope someone starts a GOFUND Me for him!!!!

COPS lied. hope they are held accountable some how.
What a sickening example of our justice system. The police and crown clearly lied, colluded and switched up theories multiple times to try and suit their narrative and the judge pointed it out repeatedly. Will all of this just be ignored? Of coarse it will! I hope each and every one of those cops also finds themselves under the wheel of a moving vehicle.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
Isn't that outrageous that the ones who are supposed to govern and protect, would actually FRAME an innocent man? They should all be taken to task and be held legally accountable. And the 3 lying cops should be fired + get some jail time.
Yet nothing will happen at all. They were literally trying to steal this man from his family and give him 25 years in jail. Let's not forget, they screamed first degree murder from the jump. This was never an involuntary vehicular manslaughter charge, this was first degree murder. This whole incident truly shines a spotlight on how police and the justice system works. It's highly fucking corrupt and it's blatantly obvious but guess what? We have to live with that fact and just shut up and accept it. I try not to hate anybody but when I see a cop dying in the line of duty I feel a sense of justice because that's the only justice we get. I hope this guy can sue. If we have to give terrorists 10 million dollars this guy definitely deserves some compensation for what they did/tried to do to him. So fucking disgusting.


Well-known member
May 7, 2019
Isn't that outrageous that the ones who are supposed to govern and protect, would actually FRAME an innocent man? They should all be taken to task and be held legally accountable. And the 3 lying cops should be fired + get some jail time.
And the cop who punched Zameer in the face should be found and beaten...hopefully a car jacker gets him...then another cop gets the car jacker or he gets off on mental health grounds!


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
And that's a painful irony.....
The worst part of all of this is the fact that this guys seems like a genuinely good person. I can understand wanting to bend the rules to convict a scumbag or career criminal but to do this to a guy like that is just fucking despicable. Our justice system, like our country needs an overhaul. This shit is broken and anyone that can't recognize that is blind.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
And the cop who punched Zameer in the face should be found and beaten...hopefully a car jacker gets him...then another cop gets the car jacker or he gets off on mental health grounds!
He's going to face a discipline board, I would think.

He may quietly "relocate" to another city and work there - where he isn't as notorious.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The fact is no matter how you look at it, Zameer killed someone and should be held accountable regardless if the cops lied.
He was charged with murder and the facts didn't support homicide.

The cops lied so much that they couldn't prove the alternative theory - that he panicked and ran over the cop recklessly without knowing where he was lying. The cops all gave a different story.

So any way the cops tried to do the case was hopelessly fucked.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
The fact is no matter how you look at it, Zameer killed someone and should be held accountable regardless if the cops lied.
That's the risk the crown took. They gambled. They could have absolutely convicted him on a dozen different charges but they wanted to try for a murder conviction. It wasn't Zameer's choice how things proceeded. They gambled and lost so as a result Zameer gets to walk. He didn't make the rules, they did.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
The fact is no matter how you look at it, Zameer killed someone and should be held accountable regardless if the cops lied.

He was held "accountable".

Accountable means obligated to explain, justify, and take responsibility for one's actions, and to answer to someone, such as a person with more authority.

Think "accountant". One who accounts for actions.

And the Auditor, being the Judge and twelve fellow citizens found that his accounting for his actions was justified in the circumstances. And they heard all the evidence. Including blantant lies three police officers that may likely be mor responsible for their fellow officer's death seemed to tell. A fourth fellow police Sargeant a forensic accident investigator gave corroborated testimony with physical evidence obvious to any layman, that proved Zameer could not even see the fallen officer he ran over.

What I think you really mean is he should be punished because "no matter how you look at it" Zameer killed someone. That someone being a police officer.

So if he was an American and two scruffy people came banging at his door saying they were police and demanding he open the door, OPEN THE DOOR, and he did... and the fat cop lost his balance as the door opened and smashed his eye socket through the fireplace poker the citizen had in his hand... the citizen should be "held accountable" for the death?

Fuck, in the USA, banging on someone's door aggressively can get you shot full of lead... right through a closed door!
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Sue the fuck out of the TPS buddy, now!
More like sure the Crown Attorney's for a misfeasant prosecution.

In a legal context, “misfeasance” refers to the improper performance of a lawful act, resulting in harm or injury to another person or entity.

And a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada for unethically pursuing a case they knew, aught t have known, and were advised had no reasonable prospect of conviction.

The three cops, two Crowns and anyone else involved in tthat decision making process has no place in the legal system. They bring the administration of justice into disrepute.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
More like sure the Crown Attorney's for a misfeasant prosecution.

In a legal context, “misfeasance” refers to the improper performance of a lawful act, resulting in harm or injury to another person or entity.

And a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada for unethically pursuing a case they knew, aught t have known, and were advised had no reasonable prospect of conviction.

The three cops, two Crowns and anyone else involved in tthat decision making process has no place in the legal system. They bring the administration of justice into disrepute.
At the end of the day they'll never face any true justice for their actions. They will be disciplined internally which mean no discipline at all.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
He was charged with murder and the facts didn't support homicide.

The cops lied so much that they couldn't prove the alternative theory - that he panicked and ran over the cop recklessly without knowing where he was lying. The cops all gave a different story.

So any way the cops tried to do the case was hopelessly fucked.
Maybe it was an honest mistake on their part. :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
More like sure the Crown Attorney's for a misfeasant prosecution.

In a legal context, “misfeasance” refers to the improper performance of a lawful act, resulting in harm or injury to another person or entity.

And a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada for unethically pursuing a case they knew, aught t have known, and were advised had no reasonable prospect of conviction.

The three cops, two Crowns and anyone else involved in tthat decision making process has no place in the legal system. They bring the administration of justice into disrepute.
the cops will be promoted and the crown will be appointed
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