Sweden's situation is unique and cannot be applied to North America. Sweden is a very closed off country. My friend actually moved from Sweden to Canada and the country frankly sucks. There are not many jobs, if you thought Canada was laid back, Sweden sounds even more laid back, unemployment rates are high amongst immigrants both due to language and due to systemic racism, the language is exclusionary - you could expect people to atleast say "yes" and "no" in Canada, but no one can speak Swedish, resulting poverty etc., are reasons why crime is high amongst immigrant populations.
The same does not apply to the US or Canada, where the majority of crimes are committed by citizens. Infact a 2014 study in Canada indicated that property crimes decrease with more immigration.
swedes welcome immigrants into their country and now regret that decision due to poor integration & increasing crime rates, gang violence no less
and according to you its Sweden's fault. due to language , the language is exclusionary and
due to systemic racism,
the language is exclusionary ??
too bloody bad, its the official language of the land, if you do not like it go elsewhere
hint: if you move to a country that speaks a different language , you should learn that language -right away
blaming gang violence on the host countries language is so disingenuous
Sweden had the misfortune to import violent thugs
canada welcomes immigrants into our country and now we are experiencing a housing shortage, rising antisemitism and increased crime
and according to you its Canada's fault for not building enough homes & of course
due to systemic racism
starting to see a pattern here
what is wrong with you?