This is the actual speech and you're incorrect...He called the neo nazis and white nationalists ''very bad people''.
Looking at that press conference for the first time in quite a while. (Even if only a part of the press conference.)
Interesting to watch it again.
1) First off, Trump blames "the left" for the violence, saying they charged violently. ("[The left] came
violently attacking the other group." )
2) He then shifts that to blame on both sides, and insists everyone agrees with him. ("I have no doubt about it and you don't have any doubt about it, either." )
3) He then defends the unite the right protesters by saying "They didn't put themselves down as Neo-Nazis".
4) He then says there were some very bad people in that group, but then insists there were some very fine people. (Quickly adding "on both sides" as an afterthought.)
5) Specifically, he tries to clarify that the "fine people" on the alt-right side were the ones there to protest taking down the statue and renaming the Robert E. Lee park.
6) He does the silly "are we gonna take down statues to George Washington" tap dance and then the even stupider "you're changing history" nonsense.
7) That segues into the fig leaf of condeming the neo nazis and white nationalists. ( "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?" )
8) Basically, he is arguing that the people at the "unite the right" rally who aren't explicitly identifying as neo-Nazis and white nationalists shouldn't be tarred with the same brush.
9) Specifically, the press treated those other people "very unfairly".
10) He gets back to his real point - there were troublemakers in the counter protesting group.
11) When pushed, he says the "fine people" he was talking about were the ones the night before, who were just "protesting very quietly, the taking down the statue of Robert E. Lee". He says maybe there were some bad people there, but that was mostly the next day when " it looked like they had some rough, bad people, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call ‘em".
12) But the alt-right people had a permit, not the other people.
So the "good people"/"fine people" were the ones protesting the night before, on August 11. Not the 12th, when the violence was high and that guy ran counter-protestors over.
Pictured above - the "fine people" from the night before protest.