It's not CO2 as Climate alarmists claim, it's Nitrogen


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
those disaffected, vulnerable people are not conned into what Jones is selling

he is a mirror of what these disaffected, vulnerable people feel

Jones, Pillow Guy and Trump are just more condensed versions of

the disaffected, vulnerable people

just like Nitrogen and CO2 ;)
You and I agreed until you went back to nitrogen! lol
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
With due respect my fellow honourable whoremonger, if you really understood organic chemistry and physics related to the law of the conservation of energy, you'd have no doubt whatsoever that despite the apparent vastness of the oceans and atmosphere, humans can and are indeed causing the planet to warm. Statistical guys may be off on the modelling of when we reach the tipping point of no return... but we humans do have an effect.
Humans, their pets and livestock now make up 96% of all mammals.



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
my friend, do I have to remind you where we are?

certain levity should be allowed in posting here

I like to make fun of lefties because they do not deserve to be taken seriously
By lying? C'mon... you can do better than that! I can excuse and let it slide that you are no Sheldon Cooper, but I thought you would hold yourself to a higher standard of integrity than the MSM and leftie politicians you despise for lying and misrepresenting science for tribal politics? Tsk tsk! ;)

How about a title like: "Is Trudope gonna tax nitrogen next?"


Jun 29, 2019
By lying? C'mon... you can do better than that! I can excuse and let it slide that you are no Sheldon Cooper, but I thought you would hold yourself to a higher standard of integrity than the MSM and leftie politicians you despise for lying and misrepresenting science for tribal politics? Tsk tsk! ;)
if the title of the thread, a little misleading as you claim

made you open the thread and participate and

maybe come out a little more informed

then I did nothing wrong :)


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
we can't all be Chemists or Biologists some of us have to be plumbers

with so much BS around us a plumber is needed more at this time
And chemists and biologists shouldn't be cold soldering un-reamed Type M copper for high rise hydronic risers either. A man's gotta know his limitations.

Or as Jimmy Buffet sings in Manana... (Damn I miss just knowing that man has left us.. at least he will live on forever in his music! 💕)

"🎼Don't try to describe the ocean if you've never seen it
Don't ever forget that you just may wind up being wrong🎶

🎶Don't try to describe a Kiss concert if you've never seen it
Don't ever forget that you just may wind up being gonged🎶

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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
if the title of the thread, a little misleading as you claim

made you open the thread and participate and

maybe come out a little more informed

then I did nothing wrong :)

Well then if Trudope's Carbon Tax goes towards your 86 year old mother getting a $50,000.00 pacemaker, then he did nothing wrong either!


Jun 29, 2019
Nitrogen and Oxygen in the atmosphere do not "hook up" and create a love child in the atmosphere named Nitrous Oxide. It takes a combination of high pressure and heat to create Nitrous Oxide.
Nitrogen should have worn a condoms and the world would have been saved

maybe we can pay some kind of tax to buy condoms for Nitrogen?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
When it comes to nuclear energy, everyone wants it, but no one wants it near them. 😂
I know a two guys in other hobbies of mine who are in the nuclear industry. One lives within a km of the plant.

He's an operator and says the degree of "safety" is self-defeating and it is just CYA.

The other is a (shitty) consultant to the industry and admits they have and continue to fail miserably in their PR and educational efforts.

Too bad because coal and nat gas electrical power generation pollution causes more early deaths in a single day than nuclear power accidents have killed in the history of nuclear power.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
what if it goes to WE Charity instead?
I hear ya! Or ArriveScam.

But, again, they are being dishonest. Like your headline.

And like you, they won't ever own up to their dishonesty because they feel and rationalize that they are doing the good work. Some lies mixed in with the pork and fat is just part of making the sausage. Right? ;)


Jun 29, 2019
I hear ya! Or ArriveScam.

But, again, they are being dishonest. Like your headline.

And like you, they won't ever own up to their dishonesty because they feel and rationalize that they are doing the good work. Some lies mixed in with the pork and fat is just part of making the sausage. Right? ;)
how can you compare humor with ill intent?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Yes but what you mentioned like lead wasn't a necessity in our daily lives.

This is a great opportunity to make a timely and relevant point.

Since Roman times and still within our lifetime, lead was still widely used and accepted as a fantastic, versatile and inert material.

We used it in paint, used it to bring fresh water into our homes, stored water in lead glazed pottery and cooked in lead glazed cast iron pots and pans. Tetraethyl lead increased octane for higher performing engines getting better mileage and threby reducing total petroleum usage and therefore carbon emissions.

Until observational data and predictive science caught up to the brain damage it causes. And we have a whole generation of MAGA's who are affected by it and that effect may cause irreversible damage to the world.

Just like the carbon dioxide in Donald Trump's Diet Coke, we had no idea until the 1960's that CO2 was selectively filtering infrared heat energy and insulating us from the (potential) cold temp of space.

So like Orange being the new Black, within our lifetime lead became known as a slow acting sub-perceptual poison.. as is carbon dioxide. How fast either makes us retarded is the $64,000.00 per tonne question!


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
how can you compare humor with ill intent?
C'mon Juan!

Your title was not originally intended to be humorous. It was self-admittedly designed to irritate stupid lefties.

1. You didn't know your title was inaccurate because you really didn't understand the organic chemistry.


2. You knew and posted it as deceptive clickbait.

3. Once you got nicely schooled by us lefties, you good naturedly shifted to self-effacing humour. Point Scored!

4. But you still won't admit you are guilty of the same deceptive practice that you hate the MSM and politicians for.

C'mon... Be a Man and admit it. People respect that more than sticking to a lie. You can do better next time! ;)

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Not true. Climate change is very real and there are several factors that cause it, exacerbate it etc.,

The disagreement should be with urgency. I personally think we should take steps toward reversing climate change, but not drastic knee jerk changes. The changes should be measured with the short to medium term impact on people being the first and foremost consideration.
believing man kind can control climate is hubris and ridiculous

but here you are trying to prioritize outcomes.

there are lots of problems in this world
no need to create a new fictious problem

net zero is an unachievable solution to a non problem

net zero will have a short, medium and long term impact on people
it will make a lot of them dead


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
A global meta-analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon and nitrogen losses during livestock manure composting: Influencing factors and mitigation strategies


  • Nitrogen content in feces significantly affects GHG emissions and nutrient losses of subsequent composting.

  • Suitable conditions for emission reduction: C/N (22–28), moisture (60 %), pH (6), aeration rate (0.22 L·kg·min−1)

  • Biochar and superphosphate had synergistic emission reduction on greenhouse gas.

  • In-situ mitigation strategies can reduce GHGs ≤ 202 million tons of CO2-eq within China.

  • N2O has the highest contribution rate to the greenhouse effect (74.22 %) in composting.

The management of manure composting contributes to alleviate the global greenhouse effect. To improve our understanding of this process, we conducted a meta-analysis of 371 observations from 87 published studies in 11 countries. The results showed that the difference in nitrogen content in feces significantly affected the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nutrient losses of subsequent composting, with NH3-N, CO2-C, and CH4-C losses all increasing with its rise. Windrow pile composting (especially compared to trough composting) had lower GHG emissions and nutrient loss. C/N ratio, aeration rate, and pH value significantly affected NH3 emission, and a decrease in the latter two can reduce it by 31.8 % and 42.5 %, respectively. Decreasing the moisture content or increasing the turning frequency could decrease CH4 by 31.8 % and 62.6 %, respectively. The addition of biochar or superphosphate had a synergistic emission reduction. The emission reduction of N2O and CH4 by biochar was more prominent (44 % and 43.6 %), while superphosphate on NH3 (38.0 %) was better. And the latter was more suitable if added in 10–20 % of dry weight. Dicyandiamide was the only chemical additive (59.4 %) with better N2O emission reduction performance. Microbial agents with different functions had certain effects on NH3-N emission reduction, while the mature compost had a certain effect on N2O-N emissions (67.0 %). In general, N2O had the highest contribution to the greenhouse effect during composting (74.22 %).

Climate warming is caused mainly by an increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Currently, reducing GHG emissions to combat climate change is a global consensus (Møller et al., 2022; Pardo et al., 2015). With regard to global warming, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the largest contributing gas. However, non‑carbon dioxide (non-CO2) GHGs also contribute significantly to warming (Zhang et al., 2018). Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are the second and third leading GHGs globally, with centennial warming potentials of 25–28 and 265–298 times that of CO2 (You et al., 2022), respectively. From the pre-industrial period to the 21st century, the concentration of CH4 in the atmosphere has more than doubled (Wuebbles and Hayhoe, 2002), while concentrations of N2O have also increased by 22 % (from 270 ppb to 330 ppb) (Yang et al., 2021). Anthropogenic contribution to CO2 is predominantly from secondary and tertiary industries, while for CH4 and N2O, agriculture is an important source of emissions, including management of soil nutrients, animal digestion, and manure management (Xiong et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2021a).
Livestock manure management is a specific but pervasive problem in the agricultural sector. The routine storage of manure releases nearly 200 compounds, causing massive carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) losses, as well as environmental and public health problems (Zhang et al., 2021c; Zhao et al., 2020). Emissions of N2O and CH4 from livestock manure management contribute around 10 % of the total non-CO2 GHG emissions globally calculated as CO2 equivalents (Møller et al., 2022). As part of the Paris Agreement, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change regulates and accounts for the emissions of CH4 and N2O. And relevant countries or organizations have also set corresponding emission reduction targets. For example, compared to 1990, the EU's GHG emission reduction target is to reduce emissions by 55 % by 2030. To achieve these targets, agriculture (especially manure management processes) must contribute to this reduction (Møller et al., 2022). Furthermore, ammonia (NH3), the main form of N loss during manure management, is an important pollutant gas (Pardo et al., 2015). NH3emissions not only lead to the formation of particulate matter in the air (Zhang et al., 2021c; Liu and Zhang, 2011), but also directly or indirectly affect the GHG balance and climate change (Jiang et al., 2013; Szanto et al., 2007). Therefore, effective recycling of livestock manure and reducing the negative impact of the management chain on the environment is crucial.
Composting is one of the most economical and efficient forms of manure management, which can quickly mature livestock manure (Ba et al., 2020; Cao et al., 2019). Mature compost can also be used as a soil amendment or a source of long-term crop nutrients. This is of great significance for soil nutrient management and the sustainability of food production and environmental development (Li et al., 2021a). However, even if composting technology is used to treat livestock and poultry manure, the emission of large amounts of GHGs (CO2, CH4, N2O, and NH3) and the loss of C and N nutrients is still inevitable.
Over the past two decades, extensive research has been conducted on the patterns, influencing factors, and mitigation measures of GHG emissions during manure composting. GHG emissions are affected by several factors, such as the properties of raw materials, process types and control conditions, and exogenous additives (Shan et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2020; Luo et al., 2013). Simultaneously, numerous studies have reported the adjustment of factors related to GHG emissions and proposed multiple mitigation measures (Liu et al., 2020; Jiang et al., 2015; Fukumoto et al., 2011). Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze existing data to understand the current research status of factors and mitigation strategies for GHG emissions and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) losses in livestock manure composting.
Some meta-analyses have further deepened our understanding of related issues by reviewing GHG emissions and C and N losses during composting (Zhang et al., 2021c; Ba et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2020; Cao et al., 2019). However, firstly, previous studies did not focus on all animal feces, often only on a certain type of manure (Zhang et al., 2021c; Ba et al., 2020). But the composting process of animal manure has many similarities. Therefore, we hope to break through the barriers between GHG emissions from different manure composts through this study. Secondly, there is a lack of comprehensive analysis and elaboration on the factors and mitigation strategies that affect GHGs, including the properties of feces, mixed raw materials, process types and scales, process operating conditions, and exogenous additives (Cao et al., 2019). Thirdly, the results require further in-depth analysis. For example, studies have shown that GHG emissions vary with different types of manure (Yuan et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021c; Zhao et al., 2020); however, the properties of the types of manure has not been researched. Similarly, the impacts of different factors on GHG emissions were explored; however, the magnitude of the impact was not clearly defined. The additive technology that has been extensively explored is also considered to be related to the amount of addition. Finally, there is less research attempting to predict the current amount of GHG emissions and mitigation potential.
Therefore, a meta-analysis was conducted. Our meta-analysis is based on 371 observations from 87 published studies in 11 countries. The purpose is first to comprehensively understand the differences and influencing factors of GHG emissions and carbon and nitrogen losses between varieties of manure composting. Secondly, by systematically analyzing the correlation between GHG emissions and the properties of feces, process types and scales, mixed raw material properties, process operating conditions, and exogenous materials to propose suitable emission reduction conditions. Finally, the total GHG emissions, based on the annual production of 3.8 billion tons of livestock and poultry manure in China, are predicted as well as the maximum emission reduction that can be achieved through current mitigation strategies.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Climate change is a political problem in the woke Western world.
Politicians and climate activists want you to believe climate change
is an existential crisis. The solutions they provide have done nothing
to put a lid on carbon emission growth let alone reverse it. Remarkably
it is the inevitable failure of government's attempts to reverse climate
change that enables politicians to exploit the imagined crisis to win
political support from the credulous mass.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts