Gish gallop of an answer.Because you are ignorant of many things, be that windfarms, who Hydro 1 is, who Drummond is, who can’t even read the first sentence never mind the rest. Be that what Police chiefs have to say about gangs or Wynne and UBI
Who said in English municipalities can’t legally carry debt…nor did you read they can take loans from banks too.
Who doesn’t know what infrastructure is, or capital project like roads, TTC, Hydro 1, hospitals and LTCs. Never mind the immense benefits they provide and why that is called good debt vs bad debt
Who doesn’t grasp simple $100 debt questions, never mind 46billion or 400 billion
who doesn’t know what back pay is, or that essential services are subject to arbitration.
Who doesn’t even know what streams and aquifer's are
care to deny?
So what makes you think you are qualified to talk about much like you know what you are talking about?
I asked you specifically why you thought I don't
know essential services are subject to arbitration, nor municipal acts.