Ashley Madison

Climate Change


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I never denied climate change. I just don't believe driving my car or eating a burger is the cause of it. The earth's climate has always been a little out of wack. That will never change. Eventually it will burn out. Not in our lifetime but it will.
That's denying anthropomorphic climate change.
That makes you a climate change denier.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You really believe the past 100 years is the bench mark for the earth's billion year history on climate.. Global warming has happened in the past. We just weren't here to experience it.
Sure, but the only times the climate changed this fast before was because of an asteroid or super volcano.
It has never changed this quickly naturally.

Go ahead and show your expertise by trying to prove me wrong.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
Sure, but the only times the climate changed this fast before was because of an asteroid or super volcano.
It has never changed this quickly naturally.

Go ahead and show your expertise by trying to prove me wrong.
Volcanos have erupted in our lifetime. You don't know how fast it's changed in the past because they didn't have the technology to record it accurately.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Volcanos have erupted in our lifetime. You don't know how fast it's changed in the past because they didn't have the technology to record it accurately.
You really don't understand paleoclimatology at all, do you?

As for volcanoes, tell us how many super volcanoes humanity has experienced and find out which ones changed the climate.
You are an expert in all things, so I assume you have this info at your googly fingertips.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
You really don't understand paleoclimatology at all, do you?

As for volcanoes, tell us how many super volcanoes humanity has experienced and find out which ones changed the climate.
You are an expert in all things, so I assume you have this info at your googly fingertips.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Ok, so 20 years ago was the biggest volcano in recent history.
How much did it change the climate?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It brought the earth's temperature down by almost a degree that year. Didn't you read it. It changed the climate
We're talking celsius, so 0.5ºC for one year.
Which is exactly my point, that was the most massive volcano in recent history and that's all it did.

What humans have done is create longer lasting change, as CO2 stays in the atmosphere for 75 years compared to volcanic particles.
So the biggest volcano was nothing compared to what we've done.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You need to admit that the climate is way too hard for you to understand but also admit that there may be smarter people than you that can understand it.
Just because you can't doesn't mean that others can't as well.

Ocean temps have risen drastically, climate change is the reason. How many Hiroshimas worth of heat do you think we are putting in the ocean now every second now?
one could listen to the blithering's of an uneducated climate activist with an agenda


one could listen to
"I can very confidently assert, there is NO climate emergency."
“As much as it may upset many people, my message is the planet is NOT in peril. … atmospheric CO2 and methane have negligible effect on the climate.
The policies government have been implementing are total unnecessary and should be eliminated.
So far, [we] have totally misidentified what is the dominant process in controlling the climate, and all of the various models are based on incomplete and incorrect physics.
The dominant process, is “the cloud-sunlight-reflexivity thermostat mechanism. Clouds are all bright white, and they reflected 90% of the sunlight back into space making them the most crucial yet most overlooked aspect of the climate system. Two-thirds of the Earth are ocean. The Pacific Ocean alone is half the Earth. The average cloud cover for the Earth is 67%; about 50% over land and 75% over oceans.
I claim that the above conspicuous properties of clouds are the missing part of the puzzle.

I can very confidently assert, there is no climate emergency."


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
one could listen to the blithering's of an uneducated climate activist with an agenda


one could listen to
Clauser is a physicist, he didn't study climatology.
He's also a paid lobbyist as a member of the CO2 Coalition.

Though he does sound a lot like you.
Clauser spoke at a press conference hosted by the Deposit of Faith Coalition,12 a group that declares “those pushing the anti-God and anti-family climate agenda need to be called out and exposed.”13It adds on its website,
“The Religious Left has become an invaluable ally to the global cabal, to the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and the World Health Organization, in pushing the man-made climate change narrative.”14

Regardless, Clauser's view of a field he's not expert in has nothing to do with the globe hitting 1.5ºC warmer last year.
A point which you refuse to acknowledge or discuss as it totally destroys your entire argument.

You can't admit that the planet has warmed just as much as the IPCC warned it would warm, can you?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
You post as if your think your comments are smart when they look like bad high school science arguments.
We have heated the planet 1/3 of an ice age unit.
What do you think happens at one ice age unit?
Id be far more concerned with negative IAU's than positive ones. A -1 IAU would be an extinction level event.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Clauser is a physicist, he didn't study climatology.
He's also a paid lobbyist as a member of the CO2 Coalition.
predictable and so despicable .....
character assassination on a noble prize winner

Though he does sound a lot like you.

his faith did not prevent from becoming a brilliant scientist, one worthy of the noble prize

Regardless, Clauser's view of a field he's not expert in
Ok, so no physics in climate science then ?

what a foolish statement

has nothing to do with the globe hitting 1.5ºC warmer last year.
A point which you refuse to acknowledge or discuss as it totally destroys your entire argument.
its not a point, its propaganda

You can't admit that the planet has warmed just as much as the IPCC warned it would warm, can you?
After they diddled with the numbers?
After they shut down opposing scientists ?

polar bear extinction
ocean acidification
coral bleaching
droughts / floods
wild fires
more / less snow
extreme weather events
global boiling
crop failure

all broken hockey sticks

the con has not worked


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Id be far more concerned with negative IAU's than positive ones. A -1 IAU would be an extinction level event.
+1 IAU is not so rosy either.
The AMOC shutdown alone would make life pretty miserable/impossible in the northern hemisphere.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
predictable and so despicable .....
character assassination on a noble prize winner
You constantly deride climatologists who have won Nobel, this claim is nonsense.
You attack the thousands and 99% of scientists who back the IPCC findings through character assassination then declare your one, non climatologist, above reproach. Its a ridiculous stance.

his faith did not prevent from becoming a brilliant scientist, one worthy of the noble prize
He did good work in his field.
But it wasn't climatology, and fortunately his wacko religious ideas didn't infect his physics work.

its not a point, its propaganda
Every source that measures the global temp says the planet was 1.5ºC warmer last year.
Including NASA.

Why would you accuse NASA of 'propaganda'?

After they diddled with the numbers?
After they shut down opposing scientists ?
There was no number diddling.
Even all the attacks on Mann and his hockey stick have been withdrawn and the oil funded deniers fined $1 million for defamation.

Sure, there are 'opposing scientists' but none have published respected papers, explanations of what is happening now or have ever been able to predict anything about the climate with anywhere near the accuracy of the IPCC.

You have no evidence, just a handful of crackpot theories about IR absorption, a few 20 year old links and the same collection of retired crackpots who never studied the climate.

The world warmed 1.5ºC as the IPCC projected.
You and all the deniers have been wrong constantly and consistently for decades.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
After they diddled with the numbers?
After they shut down opposing scientists ?

polar bear extinction
ocean acidification
coral bleaching
droughts / floods
wild fires
more / less snow
extreme weather events
global boiling
crop failure

all broken hockey sticks

the con has not worked
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