What happens to the MAGA cult when dumb Donald is gone?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The "angst" and "grievances" you are referring to, was really, racism, anti-immigrant racism, animosity towards cultural change, and fear of white dominance ending. None of these are actual legitimate grievances. These sentiments did not come out of the Obama era either, or because of it, they always existed. The 2008 recession, amplified it with the creation of the Tea Party, widespread hatred for corporations and media, coinciding with a black man coming to power.

Back then it was the white replacement theory, white flight, "terrorism", anti-LGBTQ attitudes because of religion, gun control etc., Today it is against "woke".

Meanwhile, "woke" is nothing more than marginalized folks, such as POCs, LGBTQ+, Women - people no longer willing to put up and shut up, voicing their opinions, engaging in activism and demanding change. And they have been hugely successful.

So between the two groups - the progressives and MAGA, only MAGA qualifies as a populist irrational cult, based purely on hatred. And sure enough, the ones who act as MAGA custodians and leaders, are all frauds, con men, assholes, creeps, low IQ morons with a twitter account, etc.,
I disagree. Many of their grievances have been mislabeled as racism, sexism, etc., as a way to dismiss their point of view and ridicule, rather than debate the merits.

Wanting to preserve American culture and Christian values is not racism. You may disagree with the stance that preserving American culture and Christian values is important (which is a fair argument to make), but accusing that stance of being racism is lazy.

Wanting to limit immigration to controlled, legal means is not racism. Unchecked illegal immigration is causing problems in cities all across America, with even Democrat mayors now speaking up about it. Whatever immigrants that are taken into a country should be able to be properly accommodated and assimilated into normal daily life of the host country, including employment. There should be a means to quickly make this transition with only temporary government assistance.

Being pro-life is not sexism. Even though I'm pro-choice myself, I understand that the abortion debate is tricky, with valid arguments on both sides. On one hand, you're actively preventing a life that otherwise would have come into being without the intervention. On the other, an unwanted pregnancy has a huge impact on the life of the parents, particularly the mother, and may pose a health risk to her as well.

Being against hormone therapy and more aggressive interventions (such a surgeries) for minors is a valid position to take, and shouldn't be labeled as transphobic. Research into the effects of these actions is highly politicized and therefore difficult to properly assess. But even research that suggests hormone therapy is reversible usually notes that it's not fully reversible, but merely that puberty will start up upon its absence. What limited research there is has shown that growth is impacted in individuals who delay puberty in this way. And we have very little research into what other impacts may have occurred when a human body is not allowed to go through puberty in a regular timeline.

I'm sorry, but both MAGA and progressives are largely irrational cults that spew hatred. Neither are particularly interested in discovering truth. The confirmation bias of both groups is extreme, and they won't listen to contrary arguments. They label, and skew, and deflect...whatever is necessary to project their own ideology. It's a sad state. The only saving grace is that the loudest, most extreme voices of each are a minority.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
The same thing that will happen when Trudeau and the Biden are gone.

The TDS leftists will have to suck each others cocks. Much like they do now while watching the 2016 US election results.

Carry On.
Is thet what your hoping for JC? A massively gay cocksucking fest ? Will you be anointed thr bukake queen? I bet you have taken more loads than Chicago Ray
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The only ideology is to follow whatever their fearless leader wakes up and believes on any particular day. Not really more complicated than that.
Yes, many are like that, and it's pathetic. But a large portion don't just blindly follow him.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
I disagree. Many of their grievances have been mislabeled as racism, sexism, etc., as a way to dismiss their point of view and ridicule, rather than debate the merits.

Wanting to preserve American culture and Christian values is not racism. You may disagree with the stance that preserving American culture and Christian values is important (which is a fair argument to make), but accusing that stance of being racism is lazy.

Wanting to limit immigration to controlled, legal means is not racism. Unchecked illegal immigration is causing problems in cities all across America, with even Democrat mayors now speaking up about it. Whatever immigrants that are taken into a country should be able to be properly accommodated and assimilated into normal daily life of the host country, including employment. There should be a means to quickly make this transition with only temporary government assistance.

Being pro-life is not sexism. Even though I'm pro-choice myself, I understand that the abortion debate is tricky, with valid arguments on both sides. On one hand, you're actively preventing a life that otherwise would have come into being without the intervention. On the other, an unwanted pregnancy has a huge impact on the life of the parents, particularly the mother, and may pose a health risk to her as well.

Being against hormone therapy and more aggressive interventions (such a surgeries) for minors is a valid position to take, and shouldn't be labeled as transphobic. Research into the effects of these actions is highly politicized and therefore difficult to properly assess. But even research that suggests hormone therapy is reversible usually notes that it's not fully reversible, but merely that puberty will start up upon its absence. What limited research there is has shown that growth is impacted in individuals who delay puberty in this way. And we have very little research into what other impacts may have occurred when a human body is not allowed to go through puberty in a regular timeline.

I'm sorry, but both MAGA and progressives are largely irrational cults that spew hatred. Neither are particularly interested in discovering truth. The confirmation bias of both groups is extreme, and they won't listen to contrary arguments. They label, and skew, and deflect...whatever is necessary to project their own ideology. It's a sad state. The only saving grace is that the loudest, most extreme voices of each are a minority.
All the loudmouth extremeists and right wingers. Who do the democrats have ? I havent heard anything from Bernie sanders for years. As for abortion, the real issue is in a real democracy laws cannot be dependant on religious beliefs. Same goes for himosexuality. It's of little surprise that these church over state right wingers also embrace racism and openly accept the kkk.


Aug 23, 2001
The same thing that will happen when Trudeau and the Biden are gone.

The TDS leftists will have to suck each others cocks. Much like they do now while watching the 2016 US election results.
Carry On.
Nah. We'll just switch and vote for Jagmeet, just to piss the righties off. 😹 😹 😹


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Hahahahahahahahaha…. JC Syndrome is worse than TDS! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I don't care what you call yourself. Do you realize that it's Trump supporters that suffer from derangement syndrome ? By dreaming of a gay Justin Trudeau and a world where everyone is suckig each other off you are exposing you gay tendencies. You think that your not gay because you have sex with trannys ? Give your dick a shake


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
All the loudmouth extremeists and right wingers. Who do the democrats have ? I havent heard anything from Bernie sanders for years. As for abortion, the real issue is in a real democracy laws cannot be dependant on religious beliefs. Same goes for himosexuality. It's of little surprise that these church over state right wingers also embrace racism and openly accept the kkk.
Bernie is a democratic socialist. That's not the kind of progressive I'm talking about. I'm talking about progressives that hyper focus on race and make it paramount. Who call for segregated spaces for People of Color and White people to protect PoC from the "White Gaze". Who want unchecked immigration (Bernie talked about the importance of having a secure border in 2015). Who advocate for hormone therapy and sex change surgeries in minors. Who ignore the wrongdoings of subsets of society while highlighting others based on a marginalized hierarchy.

Examples would be Harvard's now disgraced and resigned president, Claudine Gay. Now fired Don Lemon, who viewed everything primarily through a racial lens. YouTube personalities like Young Turks and the Majority Report.

As for abortion, I'm not religious. I believe the debate is a moral one, not inherently a religious one. The only reason it overlaps is because religions have moral codes. The question to me isn't "is this against God's will"? The question is "is it inherently wrong to take direct intervention to prevent a life from coming into the world"?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Who defines "American culture"? What is American culture? What are "Christian values"? Who defines it? There is no clear answer, however, there is an implied answer which everyone knows. We are talking about "white supremacy". So yes, this is racist. Infact, defining the need to "preserve" something that is defined by a DIVERSE group of people belonging to ALL races, religions, ethnicities and cultures, as not racist, is infact, lazy.
I wouldn't say there is no clear answer. It's just that the answer is very broad and complicated. American culture has an emphasis on family and freedom. The value of the individual. The ability to be free from prosecution for speaking your mind. And a load more besides. I don't see how it is inherently "white supremacy".

I have been an immigrant to the United States and know all about their immigration system. And I mean, I know every rule and loophole, there is. The legal immigration system in the US is very, very, very controlled. Infact, it is easier to be an illegal immigrant than a legal immigrant. The legal system definitely needs fixing. I agree that illegal immigration needs to be checked.

However, MAGA, do not want any immigration at all, particularly, non-white immigration. You may think that is not the case, but you need to look at what Stephen Miller, that fucking snake, was doing in the white house. His entire agenda was to stop legal immigrants and infact create a "self-deportation" scheme, where they make lives so hard and uncertain for legal immigrants, that they leave.

It happened to me. I left. I left, and immigrated to Canada.
Legal immigration should be very controlled. The idea is that immigrants coming to the country need to be a net positive for the country. That requires proper assessment and observation. The fact that illegal immigration is easier is a failing on that side of the equation, not necessarily a failure of the legal immigration process. I agree that MAGA by and large is opposed to immigration, because they see the importation of other cultures to be a net detriment to American society.

One cannot call themselves pro-life when you are against, social welfare, because it is "socialist". These pro-life people are pro-life because it offends their religious sentiments. They also like to impose themselves on others. They are pro-life as long as the baby is in the womb, but god forbid the single mother needs help to raise the kid, then it is - "pull yourself up by the bootstraps, we don't ask for handouts blah blah blah".
I always find this argument bizarre. The Left latches onto it like it's a gotcha. Pro-lifers are typically right leaning, and right leaning people typically put an emphasis on individual achievement and personal responsibility. As soon as you realize that, you can understand why someone can be pro-life, and also anti- social welfare. Or at least, for reduced social welfare. The idea for them is that social welfare is a safety net of last resort, meant to sustain someone until they get back on their feet. Social safety nets both in America and Canada are extremely exploited.

No medical treatment - hormonal therapy or surgery, is done on minors, particularly pre-pubescent minors. That is the standard of care, established by medical professionals. There may be some rare cases here and there, but they have been leveraged to push MAGA propaganda. Given it is based on lies, yes, it is transphobic.

Surgeries are not performed before age 18. Hormonal therapy is not started, until puberty is achieved.
I'm not sure what you're saying here. First you say it's not done to minors. Then you say it's the standard of care. Then you say it happens, but it's rare. Then you say that saying it happens is a lie. Hormone therapy and puberty blockers absolutely have been used on minors, quite frequently. Top surgery has been performed on teens under the age of 18, with parental consent.

When hormone therapy should be started is a matter of debate among doctors. Some believe it should be introduced before puberty starts, others immediately after it starts.

Are you saying that MAGA members, are fully accepting of transitions, given this information? No, they are not. So yes, they are homophobic and transphobic.
The information you gave was disjointed and contradictory, so setting that aside.... There are MAGA who are against transitioning, in it's entirety. And there are those who accept it, outside of youth, when people are mature enough to make their own medical decisions. MAGA is a spectrum, like any large political group.

Hatred is not always bad. Progressives hate MAGA ideology, because it is a corrupt, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ultra-religious, ideology, that has no respect for the truth. Progressives don't hate people, even if they are Trump supporters. Progressives also vary widely, on the left-right scale. MAGA on the other hand, is an ideology that is cultivated out of hatred for individuals, and people - LGBTQ, Immigrants, Non-whites, Corporations, Media etc., They are the only cult here.
I think you're wrong. I've seen some really nasty hate spewed from progressives at individuals who don't toe the progressive line. I've honestly seen more hate from them than from MAGA. How many people have said Rowling's comments about the trans issue amounts to genocide and that she should be eliminated? She's not even MAGA! She's generally left-leaning in her political views, but her advocacy of female rights puts her at odds with trans advocates.

Most of MAGA doesn't want people to die for their views. Progressives often blanket call MAGA as bad a Hitler. You don't consider that hate? At the very least, it's a very poor understanding of history.

Progressives vary widely on the left-right scale the same MAGA does....which is to say there's some outliers, but it's mostly concentrated on one side of the spectrum.

They are both cults.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Bernie is a democratic socialist. That's not the kind of progressive I'm talking about. I'm talking about progressives that hyper focus on race and make it paramount. Who call for segregated spaces for People of Color and White people to protect PoC from the "White Gaze". Who want unchecked immigration (Bernie talked about the importance of having a secure border in 2015). Who advocate for hormone therapy and sex change surgeries in minors. Who ignore the wrongdoings of subsets of society while highlighting others based on a marginalized hierarchy.

Examples would be Harvard's now disgraced and resigned president, Claudine Gay. Now fired Don Lemon, who viewed everything primarily through a racial lens. YouTube personalities like Young Turks and the Majority Report.

As for abortion, I'm not religious. I believe the debate is a moral one, not inherently a religious one. The only reason it overlaps is because religions have moral codes. The question to me isn't "is this against God's will"? The question is "is it inherently wrong to take direct intervention to prevent a life from coming into the world"?
You are correct that abortion is a moral issue. The problem is that the right wishes to impose its sense of morality, often based on Cristian teachings, upon everyone whether or not they share those values.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
In actual fact, Trump sucked every dictator's dick so often and so good that they didn't want to piss him off in case he stopped doing CIMSW for them.
He kept the world out of wars. By the way sir your Trump Derangement Syndrome is showing.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Yeah because he gave those dictators a BBBJCIMSWNQ and threw his own country and its agencies under the bus. "Libtards" do grasp this fact that he was a fucking traitor to his country and its time tested allies and we'd all be damned if he gets into that oval office again. Which is why he needs to be locked up.
Serious Trump Derangement Syndrome here. All the Libtards hate Trump because he's an alpha male with no filter. This hurts libtards feelings. Just like the libtards find an F150 pickup truck driving down the street offensive. It triggers them.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hmmm then why do the lower and middle class gravitate toward this "slogan"? And why do they hate Joe Biden so much if Trump supposedly put America Last?

Your post does not pass the sniff test.
Then what are the MAGA policies?
Banning Muslims?
Banning abortion?
Tax breaks for the rich?
Banning immigrants?

Go ahead, let us know.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Trump is far from an alpha male. He is a diaper wearing, stinky moron, who has sunk just about every business he has ever laid his hands on, in addition to lusting after his own daughter - something no real man, should ever aspire to be or do.

PS: Ford has been my client for the longest time now. This libtard loves himself some F150, especially the Raptor. I would advice you get out of the boonies a bit more instead of locking yourself up in your rightie echo chamber.
The raptor is a nice truck I must admit.
Then what are the MAGA policies?
Banning Muslims?
Banning abortion?
Tax breaks for the rich?
Banning immigrants?

Go ahead, let us know.
Here you go my man...
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