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Vince McMahon IS A FREAK


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Go to 2.36 in the clip to hear Triple H refer to the lawsuit.

If I'm not mistaken Brock was pulled off the card because of being mentioned.



Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Ms.Grant's Lawyer's points

That is how the abuse started with my ex. I was my mom’s primary care giver and was so vulnerable emotionally after she died. I was exhausted from the daily care I did for a year and half up to that point and then just crushed when she finally passed.

So I can understand her state of vulnerability when she met him and how easy the abuse was able to be started. Then once in it, it takes awhile to get out. I was in it for 12 years.

I would be the strong independent woman. Taking care of my own business, my house, my trailer, my bills and you would never know I was being abused. By a guy I didn’t even live with for 90% of the relationship. It was fucked.

Now that I am out, I still don’t understand some days how I put up with so much and why I just couldn’t leave. But that is trauma. It fucks with you.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
Vinnie Mac has always been a douche for decades, from the way he competed against other wrestling businesses. The way wrestlers were on gruelling schedules that left little time for injury recovery but suffient time to lead to steroid and painkiller abuse. Wrestlers discarded if they took too long to recover from serious injury. People at just pieces of meat to him so his behaviour towards this young woman should not be surprise to anyone. He will claim he is suffering from CTE (which can only be diagnosed once the person is dead) and not in control of his actions.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2018
Imagine you work for a company. Good pay, benefits, perks etc. Then the owner /CEO starts talking to you about a female employee, sharing nude pics of her then asking if you want to sleep with her and / or have a gang bang with her.
Some of those employees must have been nervous as he’ll be pressured to participate with him or lose their job.

Vince is a well known asshole. The fact that he decided not to pay the rest of the money to this girl which would have prevented this is one of the many examples.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Vince has always had a reputation as a cutthroat,shrewd and ruthless businessman and boss.

He's always been very respected but also feared by his contemporaries. It seems like he's a love him or hate him type of guy.

The texts released here are egregious but without context. Would be helpful to see the texts before and afterwards. Could be that this was just fantasy roleplaying that they engaged in. Or the opposite could be true that this how he demeaned and controlled her. Hard to believe that he would that ignorant as to have that treatment recorded though. That's a stupid thing to do.

If they can't invalidate the non disclosure then where is their case? Why didn't McMahon pay her the amount they say he promised? It's not as if he didn't have the money. If he did would she still have come forward.

Miss Grant's lawyer alluded to the issue of other victims. So sounds like they're hoping for more to come forward. Establish a pattern of behaviour to validate their claim. Where there is smoke there's usually fire so let's see.

Her lawyer paints a grim picture of her clients mental and physical state as result of the aftermath of the affair. That's what I expect a lawyer to do though.

Lets see if all of those who work for Vince circle the wagons for him or jump ship and save themselves.

So far we're just seeing some very serious allegations. Personally I hope that none of this is true because this type of manipulation and dehumanizing of another human being is very disturbing. I wish that these things didn't occur.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
Sounds like what some of the middle eastern guys like to do to girls who are flown in. They are called Porta potties.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Vince has always had a reputation as a cutthroat,shrewd and ruthless businessman and boss.

He's always been very respected but also feared by his contemporaries.
Classic sociopathic/psychopathic behavior. That is not to say all sociopaths/psychopaths are serial killers.
sociopathy/psychopathy can exist in people you meet every day. One in twenty five persons have sociopathic/psychopathic traits, some more extreme than others. These people have a need to control, make people do things, get more than they give. Some like Vince like to humiliate people. Trump exhibits traits of psychopathy, he has the need to win at all cost. Putin is even more extreme in his psychopathy to send hundreds of thousands of men to die so that they can take land and maybe he will go down in history as a Napoleon type figure to Russia.

Machine gunners that cut down hundreds of men in war will end up two ways. Some will come back and tell war stories of the number of men they killed and others have their lives effected and suffer from PTSD.

The stories of how Vince use to extort BJs from wrestlers shows how he exerted his influence on them to get his sadistic satisfaction.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
The texts released here are egregious but without context. Would be helpful to see the texts before and afterwards. Could be that this was just fantasy roleplaying that they engaged in. Or the opposite could be true that this how he demeaned and controlled her. Hard to believe that he would that ignorant as to have that treatment recorded though. That's a stupid thing to do.

If they can't invalidate the non disclosure then where is their case? Why didn't McMahon pay her the amount they say he promised? It's not as if he didn't have the money. If he did would she still have come forward.
1. Even if it is fantasy role playing, it is inappropriate and falls in the realm of sexual exploitation/harassment for a boss to start this type of shit, in return for a job, with an employee. Even if it is consented to by the employee, because there is a huge power difference, consent in these cases can be obtained via coercion or false promises. Which is how this looks to me. It looks to me as though, she was satisfying him, by being a "good little slut" for her boss, when in reality it was draining her - case in point, one of her texts say something like - "Maybe next week, I will feel more like myself". Etc.,

2. McMahon has a history of sexual abuse, harassment and settled to the tune of $14.5M. So am very sure he is guilty as charged.

3. Rich people like McMahon are not ignorant, but they are arrogant, that there is nothing anyone can do to them. So they feel free to do whatever they want, because they think everyone can be bought if shit hits the fan. Well hope he finds out in this case.

4. He promised to pay her $3M, via the NDA. And only paid her $1M and failed to pay the rest. So I guess he himself has violated the NDA already?
Ms.Grant's Lawyer's points

Good god. He defecated on her and then did not let her clean up, with poop running down her hair and back? As the Rock would say:

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
I watched a few Youtube videos on Vinnie the monster and one of them certainly showed the origins of him having been physical abused by his stepfather(s) and even sexual abuse by his own mother. So he became the sexual twisted tree that viewed women as sex objects and probably to be punished by proxy for what his mother did to him. He certainly humiliated both sexes as the owner of the WWE with outrageous storylines that pushed the boundary of "family" entertainment. He got away with it through payoffs, NDAs and intimidation.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Vince has gotten away with a lot of stuff for a long time. Bruno and Vince go at it. If they were in the same studio it would have ended up in blows.

Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino on Larry King Live (1992)



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Vince has gotten away with a lot of stuff for a long time. Bruno and Vince go at it. If they were in the same studio it would have ended up in blows.
Kudos to Bruno for his vastly improved English. For an Italian immigrant there is barely any accent.

Vince is lying through his teeth in this interview.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Kudos to Bruno for his vastly improved English. For an Italian immigrant there is barely any accent.

Vince is lying through his teeth in this interview.
Kudos to his English, but not that he was speaking out against the WWF even back then????


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Kudos to his English,
In interviews during his wrestling days he had an extremely thick Italian accent, which I now see was very fake. This clip was the first time I'd heard him without it.
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