in your opinion.
Of coarse it’s not hypocritical to scream but the constitution the constitution the constitution and use a centuries old “provides comfort”…means no court of law..
then turn around when a judge says “the constitution”
Nor is it hypocritical to scream the 2nd is centuries old, but hey, let’s use this obscure piece centuries old legislation to by pass the highest legal opinion.
nor is it hypocritical to scream “but the judges say” Trump did this and Peterson that. Then turn around and squirm like worms on hooks when a government abuses it power over the peons..and a judge says so.
If you want to accuse some on the R of doing little different. Knock yourself out, you won’t be wrong. But this is about a currently sitting admin that’s shat on the constitution and pissed on the charter of rights.
And we all know, every single lefty here would scream bloody blue murder if I put my hands on a disadvantaged person of colour without meeting the legal threshold to do so…never mind cuffs on them, or..much much worse
Still trying to see how this relates.
Do you, or do you not, think that the decision by this Federal court means that Trudeau is obligated to step down legally?
Do you, or do you not, think that the decision by this Federal court means that Trudeau is obligated to step down morally?
Do you, or do you not, think that the decision by this Federal court means that the Canadian People should - in good conscience - vote Trudeau and the Liberals out?
And since you are going to ask.
No, obviously this has no legal weight obligating Trudeau to step down.
No, I don't think this decision obligates him to step down morally, having read the decision.
No, I don't think this obligates the Canadian people to vote them out, although every Canadian should take the decision (as with all government behavior) into account when considering their vote.