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Mark Zukerberg


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Look at how many people are killed or maimed by the misuse of automobiles
Automakers have been forced to institute dozens and dozens of features to improve safety and it's not finished yet.
Restrictions on sales and advertising are ongoing, along with programs to help people with abuse problems
You forgot about tripping over shoelaces. Those shoelace companies are evil
Similar to booze, plus jailtime in the US. but sooo many deaths/ODs from pot. LOL.

Every single industry has to answer to safety concern. Zuckerberg and social media are simply getting treated the same. Why do you think it's sad that they have to answer questions?


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Josh Hawley is an assclown who likes to grandstand to his rightwing base. He implied that Zuckerburg killed those kids...he did not.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2023
Regulators have been slow to regulate Facebook not because they don’t understand social media but because the don’t want to see a reduction in Facebook’s political contributions. Facebook makes so much money they make huge political contributions to both democrats and republicans. Credit card companies have been doing this for years. But with bodies piling up, regulators have no choice to slow the gravy train.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Josh Hawley is an assclown who likes to grandstand to his rightwing base. He implied that Zuckerburg killed those kids...he did not.
Yes, that hearing was a farce. The "You have blood on your hands" comment was ridiculous and the worst part of the hearing. Next, will they condemn cellphones?

'You have blood on your hands' : Sen. Lindsey Graham blasts CEO Mark Zuckerberg as audience cheers


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Regulators have been slow to regulate Facebook not because they don’t understand social media but because the don’t want to see a reduction in Facebook’s political contributions. Facebook makes so much money they make huge political contributions to both democrats and republicans.
I think Zukerberg is publicly politically ambiguous and he does contribute to both Democrats and Republicans. However, I think he leans a bit to the left. I like the quote below.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
They should make these "hearings" pay per view because it's all for show. At least they can generate some revenue. The "someone think of the children" and "blood on your hands" routines are old, but works. Interesting how these people are all about "saving the children" yet seem to do nothing on school shootings.

Zuck always seems like he's woefully unprepared for these hearings and I'm surprised he actually turned around to apologize to the families in the room.

I agree that internet companies should be regulated like any other industry. The trick will be to get the right balance where there's some degree of safety (though we we can't expect it to be 100%) while allowing for free speech. I do think we need to get to the root causes of the increase in people wanting harm themselves and those supplying the tools or information to do so. Just like in the sex industry, there is a demand and supply side.

Are these increases caused by the cost of living, family, school work, behavioral or other issues?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Mark is a billionaire. He’’ll be juuuuuust fine
exactly. i think he reached, just like Elon, Bill, Bezos.. to name a few that moment in his life where he is bigger then anyone.

he, like all billionaires, do not give a fuck about regular people. They worked hard and should deserve to possess 80% of world value.

Worst is soon, as they do not care, will replace you with robots.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Zuck always seems like he's woefully unprepared for these hearings and I'm surprised he actually turned around to apologize to the families in the room.
Do these families now have at least some grounds to file a lawsuit? American lawyers will sue anybody over anything. Very litigious society. Some people sue just to hope for an out of court settlement.

Did Zuck have his own lawyer at the hearing? If not, he should have. I've seen interviewees have their own lawyer(s) in the room.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Do these families now have at least some grounds to file a lawsuit? American lawyers will sue anybody over anything. Very litigious society. Some people sue just to hope for an out of court settlement.

Did Zuck have his own lawyer at the hearing? If not, he should have. I've seen interviewees have their own lawyer(s) in the room.
It's a very good question if families of the victims have grounds to file a lawsuit. I'm sure Meta's lawyers and many other companies are preparing themselves for that. I don't know if Zuck's legal team was in the room, but this isn't a trial per se.


Sep 26, 2002
Hypocrisy at it’s finest! Facebook being blamed as a tool to bully and here gosh josh himself using this hearing to bully Zucky. Let’s blame Josh for all the people hurt during the capital riots which he help incite as he ran for his life when they attacked.
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