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Ashley Madison

Court has ruled Emergencies Act during Trucker convoy was unconstitutional


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Justice Paul Rouleau was a friend and supporter of Justin's dad...Gee I wonder if that affected his decision.

You forgot the toilet paper.
So he is wrong in stating the provincial government failed in their support for Ottawa?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It's unfortunate that Canada does not have the same impeachment process as the US because this would be a good reason for it.
The Canadian system makes it much easier to get rid of a prime minister than the US impeachment system.
If you want Trudeau gone, wishing for the US impeachment process is a terrible idea.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Only read page 1 so far.
I wonder if anyone in the thread is actually going to look at the decision and what it is really saying rather than just insist it means what they want it to mean.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
What was Trudeau found guilty of here?
a federal judge found that invoking the act was done prematurely and did not meet the legal requirements to do so. He also found that some measures infringed on the charter.

Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley concluded that the decision to declare an emergency fell short of the requirements under the Emergencies Act. He also found some of Ottawa’s temporary measures aimed at the protests infringed the Charter. Mosley found.

He also said this
The harm being caused to Canada’s economy, trade, and commerce was very real and concerning,” said Mosley. “But it did not constitute threats or the use of serious violence to persons or property.”
And a few other things

I’d say that’s a far cry better, far more substantial and far more serious than accusations. Would you agree?

whether you do or not, and given a lot here felt and feel it’s enough to bar Trump, would you also agree it’s hypocritical to not just be defending and deflecting but not to be calling for JTs resignation? At least pending an appeal.

Because isn’t that how the system, the aim and goals of constitutions, and rules are supposed to work? Is that not why we have them?

Fact of the matter is, in plain blunt English. if he doesn’t step down pending an appeal, why the fuck do we even have them.

What’s the fucking point?
/puts on the popcorn waiting for everyone’s gymnastics
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
If I may because you sure like pulling shit out of your ass LOL

In it, Justice Paul Rouleau wrote: "I find the province of Ontario's reluctance to become fully engaged in such efforts directed at resolving the situation in Ottawa troubling," citing the province's refusal to take part in tripartite meetings with the federal government and city officials.

Greater engagement by Ford and his government could have "provided the people of Ottawa with a clear message that they had not been abandoned by their provincial government during a time of crisis," Rouleau wrote.

Had there been greater collaboration at the political level from the start, it could well have assisted in ironing out the communication, jurisdictional, and resourcing issues that plagued the early response to the protests,” Rouleau said in the report.(opens in a new tab)

“It could also have assisted in identifying authorities available to each level of government that might have been used to respond to the protests and coordinate direct engagement with protesters. It could also have provided the people of Ottawa with a clear message that they had not been abandoned by their provincial government during a time of crisis.”
Except the courts have ruled it didn't meet the threshold. And the NDP as official opposition is just playing politics. And the person doing the report is a Liberal hack seeking to deflect.

The failure lies squarely with the Ottawa PD. The overreach with Trudeau. Please note who got fired, who just got slapped in court, and who is walking clean.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
a federal judge found that invoking the act was done prematurely and did not meet the legal requirements to do so. He also found that some measures infringed on the charter.

He also said this

And a few other things

I’d say that’s a far cry better, far more substantial and far more serious than accusations. Would you agree?

whether you do or not, and given a lot here felt and feel it’s enough to bar Trump, would you also agree it’s hypocritical to not just be defending and deflecting but not to be calling for JTs resignation? At least pending an appeal.

Because isn’t that how the system, the aim and goals of constitutions, and rules are supposed to work? Is that not why we have them?

Fact of the matter is, in plain blunt English. if he doesn’t step down pending an appeal, why the fuck do we even have them.

What’s the fucking point?
/puts on the popcorn waiting for everyone’s gymnastics
Popcorn going in, butt hurt balm going out. Whatever happened to "let the voters decide"?...


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Of course the right wingers will still say police are correct to try to stop Palestinian protests.
The police would have been correct to remove the Ottawa protesters too. That's not what's at issue here. The issue here is the government invoking an Act that grants them extraordinary powers, and they did so when there was no threat to national security, as is required by the Act. There's a reason this Act was called the Wartime Act prior to 1988.

My personal issue with what they did was that they were freezing the bank accounts of people supporting the protestors, and that they were labeling the protestors as terrorists. They may have been a nuisance and a disruption, but no where near rising to the level of terrorists. Same goes for the Palestinian protestors, by the way. Nuisance. Disruption. Not terrorists.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY

Ok. So put up, with credible sources, what exactly you think Ford should have done in Ottawa.
Tow trucks for starters, and a few water cannons. Special printing of ticket books. Nothing that radical or violent for starters, but Dofo was sitting on his hands and ghosting other agencies trying to cope. Kick the bum out for sure...

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Popcorn going in, butt hurt balm going out. Whatever happened to "let the voters decide"?...
isn’t that one of the main themes in a democracy? Freedom of choice and all that? And is that not also why we have constitutions and charters of rights? To prevent government overreach?

so what the point if in them if “you” won’t stand by them.nor he by stepping down pending an appeal..

in exhibit one, an individual (a bit grey here on Jan 6th) bur he certainly didn’t use the power of the U.S. government ( no matter whether guilty or not) allegedly contravened the constitution and individuals decided he has…

.In exhibit two, a federal judge decided a government ( the Liberal party) did not follow the law and constitution and as well it infringed on the individual’s charter of rights. See the massive differences and massive hypocrisy?

So unless it’s yourself and others that are decidely left, and butt hurt. And btw the Liberalds didn’t lose, a judge has decided it’s far worse.

And does freedom not cut both ways? Meaning if Trump runs and wins. You are free to suck it up until the next election, or move. Just like anyone else, at anytime when they can’t stand their elected officials or what’s become of their country ( that the majority want a pos as POTUS)

At least in democratic soceities, however this is far different( worse)
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022

Ok. So put up, with credible sources, what exactly you think Ford should have done in Ottawa.
tip: don't get sucked in...distracting away from Trudeau's incompetence and guilt is always his go-to tactic when his hero fails him.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
When an elected government doesn't listen to it's population, make unpopular decisions, put livelihoods of thousands/millions in a compromised situation, then something radical must be done. Ie: truck convoy, farmer protests all over EU etc.

Why are we not discussing the reasons for people to protest? Does someone think that truck drivers had nothing better to do than drive for thousands of miles and take over the government???

Doesn't matter who abuses the power, right, left, center, blue, red. Whatever! Why are we excusing bad behavior??? Liberals did this, but oh Conservatives did that... 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Fuck em all if they don't serve their people. We, the people, should keep our government accountable for their actions!!!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
When an elected government doesn't listen to it's population, make unpopular decisions, put livelihoods of thousands/millions in a compromised situation, then something radical must be done. Ie: truck convoy, farmer protests all over EU etc.

Why are we not discussing the reasons for people to protest? Does someone think that truck drivers had nothing better to do than drive for thousands of miles and take over the government???

Doesn't matter who abuses the power, right, left, center, blue, red. Whatever! Why are we excusing bad behavior??? Liberals did this, but oh Conservatives did that... 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Fuck em all if they don't serve their people. We, the people, should keep our government accountable for their actions!!!
well now we are getting philosophical and all that. Like fear and greed rule everyone to one degree or another. So does fear of change…

me, I’d much rather different governments every 4 years. Make them actually earn 2nd terms…The last 20 years ( about a generation) the abuses, scandals, waste, polarization, have grown worse. Was a time parties got punted for breaking campaign promises. Today they aren’t worth the paper they are printed on..Many are likely too young to remember those days. They got punted for 600k ( Mulroney) and 6 million ( Chrétien). Now people don’t even blink at those numbers….never mind worse.

Our laws are a reflection of societies morals. Many have lost them and or, are instead so deeply entrenched on either the R or L, they just don’t care…”better the devil you know”. That’s called enabling anywhere/anytime else.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The police would have been correct to remove the Ottawa protesters too. That's not what's at issue here. The issue here is the government invoking an Act that grants them extraordinary powers, and they did so when there was no threat to national security, as is required by the Act. There's a reason this Act was called the Wartime Act prior to 1988.

My personal issue with what they did was that they were freezing the bank accounts of people supporting the protestors, and that they were labeling the protestors as terrorists. They may have been a nuisance and a disruption, but no where near rising to the level of terrorists. Same goes for the Palestinian protestors, by the way. Nuisance. Disruption. Not terrorists.
I do not support the Palestinian protestors but you cannot compare the two protests. One was an occupier of a city the other protests and goes home. It is a big difference. I expect the police to manage the protests during the day but in Ottawa and the bridge, it was a full-blown occupation that needed to be quelled and squashed quickly. I hold the Ottawa police as first to blame for allowing the convoys to get set up. I hold the Provincial government secondly to blame for not assisting Ottawa quickly before the Freedum twats became entrenched and I say great job Justin for kicking their foul asses out of Ottawa.

Toronto was masterful at keeping them at bay and away so a big pat on the back to John Tory!


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Of course the right wingers will still say police are correct to try to stop Palestinian protests.
Admit it, you'd throw a fit if JT started freezing bank accounts of Pro palestinian protest organizers...the point is Police could've had those trucks towed, ticket the drivers and charge them the cost of towing....freezing bank accounts are know it...just won't admit it.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Admit it, you'd throw a fit if JT started freezing bank accounts of Pro palestinian protest organizers...the point is Police could've had those trucks towed, ticket the drivers and charge them the cost of towing....freezing bank accounts are know it...just won't admit it.
Ritchie, it wasn't as easy without the act as you think! These freedum twatbags were entrenched. At this point, Ottawa police were intimidated and needed the powers of the FEDS.

Supt. Robert Bernier, who oversaw the Ottawa police command centre for a portion of the “Freedum TWAT Convoy” demonstrations in February, said he would have carried out a preplanned police operation even if the law had not been invoked.

He also said he didn’t need the federal government to compel truck drivers to remove vehicles that were entrenched in the downtown core, because police had already assembled 34 tow trucks with willing drivers.

But Bernier also told the commission during an interview that the emergency declaration may have convinced protesters to stay away from downtown Ottawa and be more compliant with police.

During the convoy Ottawa police said one of their limitations to bring the protests to an end was an unwillingness of tow truck drivers to help move hundreds of vehicles blocking the streets around Parliament Hill.

The Emergencies Act, which was invoked Feb. 14, granted temporary and extraordinary powers to police and governments to end the demonstrations. That included allowing police and city officials to commandeer tow trucks to move big rigs and other vehicles, if the towing operators still refused.
Toronto Escorts