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Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
This is why I never do e-transfer deposits and if I am doing a gift card, I always do a cash purchase for gift cards at a store and I give the provider only the redeem code. No other details. Never do anything that outs your real world info to providers.
Plenty of nice girls from agencies that don’t require e-transfer, this is Toronto with thousands of SPs I’ll never run out. I never saw one ad from an indie that looks good enough for me to hand over personal info.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Funny thread,,,
I think people can't keep time or read time properly.

So lets say Joe arrives for 3-4pm. The next appointment should be 420pm (415) to 520pm (515).
Sure some clients may leave early for what ever reason. IF next client shows up at say 405 pm and you are ready and previous client has left I say let the next client in let him know if he is okay to start at 405 - 505pm. You simply ask. If he says no make him wait till 420 pm then.
Also the client shouldn't assume he is getting more time.

Some people like to stay and play/talk the fantasy which is okay, but as a client, client should be out by 50-55mins to let sp freshen up. Like come on who has a hard on for 60 mins and not take time into consideration to bath, clean up and do the same when finishing.

My RMT I book 60 mins but in reality it is 45 mins, he asks what's wrong by the time I undress then he does his thing and I dress up and I am out it is 60 mins. Then he changes the bed sheets which can take him 5 mins. So most times I am out by 50-55 mins. The same could be almost said for SP. More clean up if silly client.
I think that a lot of these details and issues are less likely to come into play with an outcall. The client is comfortably at home, so 5 or 10 or 15 minutes are easy to deal. The client is not on a tight schedule and has lots and lots of time to get prepared.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
The whole point of being an indy aka self-employed is to make your own rules, and set your own prices.

How exactly would you know if "most" or the majority of ladies used to be with agencies? Did you ask the thousands, tens of thousands or more ladies about this? Further, your rate example doesn't make sense. The going agency rate has been around $250 per hour for quite a while. Granted, there are VIP agency girls with higher rates. What does writing 150 reviews have to do with anything?
Exactly, and the rules may be unfavorable to you. For example I saw this lady in a small town (outcall), and she decided to leave after 30 minutes because I "already came", it was the 1st shot, even though I paid her $300 dollars for the hour. At least with the agencies, there's some level of guarantee for service, still some of them would cheat you by giving you excuses like "there's not enough time", "there are no condoms left".

While I appreciate your input. I noticed you have a tendency to bombard people with silly questions. It's pretty well-known fact that a lot of indies have spa or escort experiences before starting their own businesses. Never heard the phrase "Don't run before you can walk"? You think I need to ask tens of thousands of SPs to reach that conclusion? You realize how ridiculous you sound? How exactly would I know, give me a break dude.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
Wow. That is a bold statement. Washed-up???? Really??? You sound really mad actually. Like that is a serious hate-on for indies. It’s your right but I wouldn’t want to carry around that much disdain for a group of people. I just can’t take that type of negativity and when it is self imposed- there is something you can do about it.

and you may have a budget for the pussy you buy but you don’t know the “price of pussy”. There is no set price for pussy. That is why there are indies killing it at $600/hr. They wouldn’t charge the rates if they weren’t getting it. Just sayin’. Another thing not worth carrying anger for. So what if someone you don’t want to see is getting the rates they are. Why care so much?. I just don’t get it. They have should have no effect on you. Not this type of effect. But that is just my opinion.
From a nice civilian girl to someone with enhanced tits, filled lips, more and more makeup with each twitter seflie, attending orgies, reviews can be traced back to the Obama years, that's not washed up? I'm not saying all of them are like that but a lot are.

The "price of pussy" is another term for the current market rate, which is $160 hh / 250 h. The $600 an hour is relatively a new thing in Toronto for indie, more specifically a post-covid thing, before the idea was to cut out the middle man (escort agencies) so SPs can keep more of their earnings, and the rate was still competitive, but these days the $600 are just agencies escorts packaged as high end companions, even with high inflation, it's a huge jump, and I merely state that I think it's a rip-off and I do not use their services. Whether they're killing it or not, I don't care.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Whether they're killing it or not, I don't care.
It doesn’t appear like you don’t care though is what I am saying. It seems like you are mad. Trying to throw every insult you can, where you can.

That is just how it is coming across to me as the reader. You seem really angry at Indies for what they can do or in your terms I guess “get away with???””
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Exactly, and the rules may be unfavorable to you.
This has always been the case so I'm not sure why you made this point.

While I appreciate your input. I noticed you have a tendency to bombard people with silly questions. It's pretty well-known fact that a lot of indies have spa or escort experiences before starting their own businesses. Never heard the phrase "Don't run before you can walk"? You think I need to ask tens of thousands of SPs to reach that conclusion? You realize how ridiculous you sound? How exactly would I know, give me a break dude.
Yes, I ask silly questions in response to silly comments where the other person seems like a know-it-all. Even more so when they brag about writing 150 reviews. Sorry, but you come across that way. Comments like "most SP's have this background" or "most are agency wash outs" are silly because you can't know for sure based on the opinions on this board. I don't consider anything on this board factual so why are you? Have you never heard the phrase: "always take what you read with a grain of salt"?

We can't make any rational conclusions about SP's: why they started, where they spend their money, what their exit plan is, etc. just from what we read here. It is impossible to verify that information.

Do you realize how ridiculous you look when you can't tell the difference between opinions and facts?
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