No great surprise.
It was bad before I left. However look at any city or municipality. Which comes first the chicken and increasing taxes/revenue to pay for expansion? Or the egg/expansion and revenue after the fact…
Fact of the matter is, Toronto and the GTA is the
fastest growing city in North America. Let that sink in. Repeat it however many times is needed to absorb that.
And there are reasons for that. Reasons you all wanted……it’s called economics and jobs, plus having infrastructure services and amenities and everything else on silver spoons…Or “follow the money”.. How many “world class” cities do you see in Canada…
you all made your own beds..especially during 2003-2012 while you all stuck your heads in the sand.hung a ton of people out to dry…me me me me me.
Skoob, post 2008 the GTA’s population has exploded, and it’s not just immigrants flooding the area, and while your position has merit. Increased growth, needs increased revenue. Period. For example look at the MTPS budget in 2012, and 2023. Adjust for inflation and it’s flat. Do you think adding a million or more residents requires more police? A lot more???
Or for those that whine incessantly about healthcare and warnings they ignored over and over and over and over while threw money around Willy Nilly, and dug very deep debt holes…living beyond their means and off of deficits..
Couple that with the fact Seniors are living longer and not leaving the city as they used to because they’ve realized nowhere else has the services and infrastructure they need and…….
.And if you think it’s bad now, fast forward 5-10 years…when the population is projected to reach…..and most or all Boomers have left the work force…….no longer contributing to GDP or tax revenues.
Rather than balancing the budget, Ontario plans to have an $8 billion deficit in the coming year
As for Frank and others that don’t grasp economics, or do naught but pay lip service to socioeconomics, don’t follow economist or who think money grows on trees and they know better... Or people that arrive in the GTA and center of the universe who know very little about Canada, or life outside the gta. It’s a free world.and or can only blame “DoFo” rather than themselves and none more so than McGuinty, Wynne, A couple unions and blind, deaf self serving voters and self absorbed voters..that don’t grasp human nature or diversity…aka there’s more to Canada than just the GTA
Just hope future voters have more common sense, aren’t gullible to vote buying for election wins, , know there’s life outside the GTA and or there’s electoral reform and FPtP which is badly broken. Two/three decades ago the GTA wasn’t the center of the universe, or the fastest growing city in NA.