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Meet Argentina's new Far-Right President, Javier Milei


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Not only are you an ignorant layman and clueless about economics. Nor politically aware (see post above) and now trying to deflect. You have the memory of a seive.

Habe you forgotten Ontario became a “have not” province under McWynne. Yes you have.

Have you forgotten the spats between Wynne and Harper when she went begging and he said no. Yes you have.

Have you forgotten the decimation of manufacturing and more throughout the rest of Ontario…Under Mcguinty and Wynne… while you stuck your head in the sand…and hung them out to dry…Yes you have. No surprise here, it’s all about you. And they are free dumb truckers..

Have you forgotten Don Drummond? How can a person forget what they ignore and don’t know……….

Have you forgotten Fords rhetoric “Open for business” and buck a beer…and 1/2% off lower tier income tax…Yes you have. But you can’t even grasp why he pandered to them…it’s all about you…and they are uneducated redneck free dumb truckers.

Do you have a clue about Canadas economy? The largest components and contributors to GDP. Obviously you don’t. That’s you and sadly too many self absorbed residents of the GTA

you didn’t and can’t grasp that when “Canada” is doing “well” ( say today and your defence of JT) That’s thanks to Ontario. Nor did you or can you grasp that when growth is tepid (when Harper was at the wheel) . That too is thanks to Ontario. But here’s a clue you obviously didn’t/can’t grasp.
Where do all the immigrants go? Looking for work…and a place to live…..You made the bed…and all you do is whine for more..more more more.

Regarding Alberta. Yes, they too are vital. Right behind Ontario because after that………….……………………So now you want to kill their economy. Look at you go….aren’t you the sharpest knife.

Make up your mind Beaver, stop waffling and/or deflecting. Accept you’re out of your depth. And while at it. Take some high school economics classes.
What "Have not" Province Bullshit are you on about? Harper and The Ontario Liberal Government worked jointly to bail out GM and Chrysler.
But you seem to be okay with Harper not funding various Provinces, and yet presently we know how the Provinces were begging Trudeau to help bail them out from their Healthcare crisis.
Now you just resort to nothing but abusive slangs. You must be one of the FreeDumb Convoy ass kissers. The rest of your post is a total and utter gibberish!!!!
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
What "Have not" Province Bullshit are you on about? Harper and The Ontario Liberal Government worked jointly to bail out GM and Chrysler.
But you seem to be okay with Harper not funding various Provinces, and yet presently we know how the Provinces were begging Trudeau to help bail them out from their Healthcare crisis.
Now you just resort to nothing but abusive slangs. You must be one of the FreeDumb Convoy ass kissers. The rest of your post is a total and utter gibberish!!!!
Leave it to Beaver. He’s acting like child having been spanked, has the memory of a sieve and political acumen of one too. Nor does he have the capacity to think. Maybe I should google before making myself look stupid.

First “have not provinces”. Aka equalization payments.
Until the 2009–2010 fiscal year, Ontario was the only province to have never received equalization payments. In 2009–2010, due to the global Great Recession,
Second Harper/Wynn’s feuds

Third GM/Ford with plants and head offices where?…The rest of manufacturing throughout Ontario Beaver? So “billions” for them. She can find 75 mil for tony wine sippers in NoTL but…..
Crickets for so many.

an insulting 200k for

Anywho, so who’s confused, has a horrible memory, doesn’t grasp politics ( aka vote buying and the GTA) a die hard Liberal and less than layman’s understanding of economics.?

Maybe in the future, you’ll think twice. About Freedumb truckers, uneducated red necks and people other than yourselves ( aka Alberta, Central Ontario), why you have a housing crises-or responses to questions about leaving disasters..or Canadas economy (gdp).
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Oh, and btw Beaver. When did Ontario stop being a have not province and a ball and chain around the feds and canadas economy…?

Just after Harper left, Ford came in.

So if you want to compare deep, long lasting, wide ranging “tough times”…Ten years of pain and agony for most people outside the centre of the universe…For Harper…who had Ontarios train wreck as a ball and chain.

versus 2 from Covid.
But those same people you call uneducated red necks, freedumb truckers, whacked again and thrown under the bus and once again hung out to dry by you and the left….never think of them, know they exist or do you seem to grasp PPs base or why…maybe “buck a beer” will jog your memory….the left made fun of that too, didn’t they……..And now he/they/you want to kill Alberta’s economy.

Sunny days last forever

And when did house price become meteoric?
and everyone including immigrants start flooding the GTA looking for work and greener pastures….see also healthcare problems, warnings ignored, etc and so on….Boomers too..

who love to spend, live beyond their means are addicted to deficits and debt, have their votes bought and don’t know or care there’s life outside the GTA....while everyone else “too bad, so sad”…

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Leave it to Beaver. He’s acting like child having been spanked, has the memory of a sieve and political acumen of one too. Nor does he have the capacity to think. Maybe I should google before making myself look stupid.

First “have not provinces”. Aka equalization payments.

Second Harper/Wynn’s feuds

Third GM/Ford with plants and head offices where?…The rest of manufacturing throughout Ontario Beaver? So “billions” for them. She can find 75 mil for tony wine sippers in NoTL but…..
Crickets for so many.

an insulting 200k for

Anywho, so who’s confused, has a horrible memory, doesn’t grasp politics ( aka vote buying and the GTA) a die hard Liberal and less than layman’s understanding of economics.?

Maybe in the future, you’ll think twice. About Freedumb truckers, uneducated red necks and people other than yourselves ( aka Alberta, Central Ontario), why you have a housing crises-or responses to questions about leaving disasters..or Canadas economy (gdp).
Post a chart showing manufacturing differences over the last few decades in Ontario to show us how much better DoFo is doing.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Leave it to Beaver. He’s acting like child having been spanked, has the memory of a sieve and political acumen of one too. Nor does he have the capacity to think. Maybe I should google before making myself look stupid.

First “have not provinces”. Aka equalization payments.
What does that tell you then? What I was saying all along that Ontario was the driving force during the recession period. You scored an own goal there!!

Second Harper/Wynn’s feuds
Have you read what you posted? Definitely not:

So as election 2015 rages on, we should keep the campaign debate between Harper and Wynne in perspective. In fairness to both leaders, their dispute is about policy and principle with, admittedly, some politics mixed in.

They aren't the first Ontario premier and prime minister of Canada to slug it out during a federal campaign.

Nor will they be the last.
In other words you blew this political friction between Wynne and Harpo out of proportion by making it a mountain out of a molehill. We know that Trudeau and The Provinces disagreed on how much help they wanted from the Federal Government, but they sat down like adults and discussed it till they reached a solution. The only one who bawled his eyes out was Pee Pee, for spending the money on a crisis with the Healthcare!!

Third GM/Ford with plants and head offices where?…The rest of manufacturing throughout Ontario Beaver? So “billions” for them. She can find 75 mil for tony wine sippers in NoTL but…..
Crickets for so many.

an insulting 200k for

Anywho, so who’s confused, has a horrible memory, doesn’t grasp politics ( aka vote buying and the GTA) a die hard Liberal and less than layman’s understanding of economics.?

Maybe in the future, you’ll think twice. About Freedumb truckers, uneducated red necks and people other than yourselves ( aka Alberta, Central Ontario), why you have a housing crises-or responses to questions about leaving disasters..or Canadas economy (gdp).
Now you are cursing and swearing as Wynne like the Federal Government, as well as The USA Federal and State bailed out the GM and Chrysler that almost went into bankruptcy. Are you going to blame Harpo as well for it? Yet you are complaining that not enough money was spent on other businesses. In other words you cannot have your cake and eat it too!!

The FreeDumb truckers seem to mirror your logic. Just like the time of the Pandemic when Canada had to look to markets abroad for the vaccines, then the alt right wing loonies blamed the Federal Government for not procuring the vaccines ahead of all the other nations. This is although The conservatives sold a state of the art Research facility called Connaught Labs that were always at the forefront of vaccines. Then when the vaccines were available for ALL CANADIANS a month earlier than promised, we then see Pee Pee marching in tandem with these Far Right Elements of the FreeDumb Truckers contrary to how he was bitching about it in the first place. We similarly saw the housing market in a slow down with not that many units being built under previous Governments. Yet the blame will always be pointed at the finger of Trudeau, as he is a Liberal. If he was a Conservative then there would be nothing but praise, just like they are doing so for the most pathetic figurehead of an idiot called Trump!!
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pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
I've already covered this. You fail to add that the large deficit was during the Financial meltdown and unlike Trudeau, Harper had a plan to lower spending. Where's Trudeau's plan? When does the economy start paying for itself like with the previous Liberal Government?

Like I said 2 standards.
The shutdown of the economies for almost two years including some sporadic ones, by the Provincial Governments is unprecedented in modern times. Healthcare workers left their jobs in droves due to the stress during Pandemic times, leaving a large vacuum in the Hospitals and Clinics. All this compounded by the Housing crisis as builders laid off their staff and cost from the Supply Chain disruptions means that it the Government does not step up to the plate, then the opposition will lash out. But they are doing so, no matter what.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
The shutdown of the economies for almost two years including some sporadic ones, by the Provincial Governments is unprecedented in modern times. Healthcare workers left their jobs in droves due to the stress during Pandemic times, leaving a large vacuum in the Hospitals and Clinics. All this compounded by the Housing crisis as builders laid off their staff and cost from the Supply Chain disruptions means that it the Government does not step up to the plate, then the opposition will lash out. But they are doing so, no matter what.
Trudeau's legacy will be Debt, Embarrassment and Marijuana.

It's a train going nowhere fast.


Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
What does that tell you then? What I was saying all along that Ontario was the driving force during the recession period. You scored an own goal there!!

Have you read what you posted? Definitely not:

In other words you blew this political friction between Wynne and Harpo out of proportion by making it a mountain out of a molehill. We know that Trudeau and The Provinces disagreed on how much help they wanted from the Federal Government, but they sat down like adults and discussed it till they reached a solution. The only one who bawled his eyes out was Pee Pee, for spending the money on a crisis with the Healthcare!!

Now you are cursing and swearing as Wynne like the Federal Government, as well as The USA Federal and State bailed out the GM and Chrysler that almost went into bankruptcy. Are you going to blame Harpo as well for it? Yet you are complaining that not enough money was spent on other businesses. In other words you cannot have your cake and eat it too!!

The FreeDumb truckers seem to mirror your logic. Just like the time of the Pandemic when Canada had to look to markets abroad for the vaccines, then the alt right wing loonies blamed the Federal Government for not procuring the vaccines ahead of all the other nations. This is although The conservatives sold a state of the art Research facility called Connaught Labs that were always at the forefront of vaccines. Then when the vaccines were available for ALL CANADIANS a month earlier than promised, we then see Pee Pee marching in tandem with these Far Right Elements of the FreeDumb Truckers contrary to how he was bitching about it in the first place. We similarly saw the housing market in a slow down with not that many units being built under previous Governments. Yet the blame will always be pointed at the finger of Trudeau, as he is a Liberal. If he was a Conservative then there would be nothing but praise, just like they are doing so for the most pathetic figurehead of an idiot called Trump!!
You’re full of it Beaver. You’ve not once said Ontario was the driving force. You’ve said Harper left a disaster, which he didn’t. You’ve listed links to tepid jobs growth under him. That’s it

You’re only saying it now because you have the memory of sieve, I’ve had to spell a few things out for you, and you are dancing around like a child, typical die hard Liberal that you are. Pretending you’re smart or have anything more than a high schoolers grasp of economics. And that only came up because you can’t grasp that if you’re going to blame that on Harper, then you need to credit to Ford for today and not JT. Hello Mcfly.

Nor do you have the intellect to connect dots, or understand why Canada fared better than “anyone”…
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You’re full of it Beaver. You’ve not once said Ontario was the driving force. You’ve said Harper left a disaster, which he didn’t. You’ve listed links to tepid jobs growth under him. That’s it

You’re only saying it now because you have the memory of sieve, I’ve had to spell a few things out for you, and you are dancing around like a child, typical die hard Liberal that you are. Pretending you’re smart or have anything more than a high schoolers grasp of economics. And that only came up because you can’t grasp that if you’re going to blame that on Harper, then you need to credit to Ford for today and not JT. Hello Mcfly.

Nor do you have the intellect to connect dots, or understand why Canada fared better than “anyone”…
Hahaha, coming from an alt right winger like you!! I have tried to broaden your narrow minded POVs, when comparing Canada to other Nations affected by this whole Global mess, first with the Pandemic when all the provinces shut their economies, then, the supply chain disruptions, followed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, along with the droughts and forest fires that have devastated numerous Canadian and American crops. Still like all other nations you guys will always blame a Government only if it is not a Conservative one. We saw Harper inheriting a surplus and then turning the Canadian economy into a huge debt with numerous loss of jobs etc. But to you he did a great job. If there were record number of jobs created, of course you will credit DOFO for it, although he has also added to the debt in spite of receiving huge amounts of Federal help and the Hospitals etc are in a dire crisis presently!!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Hahaha, coming from an alt right winger like you!! I have tried to broaden your narrow minded POVs, when comparing Canada to other Nations affected by this whole Global mess, first with the Pandemic when all the provinces shut their economies, then, the supply chain disruptions, followed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, along with the droughts and forest fires that have devastated numerous Canadian and American crops. Still like all other nations you guys will always blame a Government only if it is not a Conservative one. We saw Harper inheriting a surplus and then turning the Canadian economy into a huge debt with numerous loss of jobs etc. But to you he did a great job. If there were record number of jobs created, of course you will credit DOFO for it, although he has also added to the debt in spite of receiving huge amounts of Federal help and the Hospitals etc are in a dire crisis presently!!
You can’t even argue competently Beaver. All you can do is make shit up now. And your “logic” is twisted so much it’s comical.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Seems like since the swearing in (yesterday?) he's been backing off some of his more extreme reforms. Classic reality check...


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Post a chart showing manufacturing differences over the last few decades in Ontario to show us how much better DoFo is doing.
Provincial Liberals took over in 2003 until 2018...guess when manufacturing jobs in Ontario cities started tanking...

A ranking of Ontario cities according to manufacturing job losses

...and after the Liberals chased away manufacturing for years, you expect any new government to suddenly fix that mess overnight?
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Yes true thankfully not voting in the US. I still think Trump is just a fraud. An imbecile greedy ass hole. In all my career i was able to spot such imbecile very easily as they are as full of confidence as they are full of shit.

Here i tend to vote NDP but still think the libs are doing an ok job. ok job at destroying Canada.
The NDP can't decide which other party's ass to kiss and are fighting to remain relevant.

Time for the adults (Conservatives) to take back the credit card from the Libs uncontrollable spending and start repairing the damage they have done.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You can’t even argue competently Beaver. All you can do is make shit up now. And your “logic” is twisted so much it’s comical.
In other words you are just indoctrinated by the far right ideology when you have no proper response!!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Provincial Liberals took over in 2003 until 2018...guess when manufacturing jobs in Ontario cities started tanking...

A ranking of Ontario cities according to manufacturing job losses

...and after the Liberals chased away manufacturing for years, you expect any new government to suddenly fix that mess overnight?
@ Beaver and Frankie and other oddly silent rabid Liberal attack dogs here.

Nothing to say on ^^^. Or is it more likely as you did 2003 through 2014. Stick your heads in the sand, hear no evil about hydro rates, energy poverty, see no evil when small towns and plants closures, don’t know about windfarms because you simply don’t care about anything outside the gta, and yourself. See also vote buying and spending.

Don’t care about blue collar workers and freedom truckers and those you claim to champion but always throw under the bus. Don’t grasp economics or politics how or why PP is so popular, or why house prices went meteoric starting 2008-2012..

See also Drummond, and FAOs…
See also Harpers record
See also causes of inflation
See also the BOC and rates
And inability to connect dots and see how things relate to each other.

But you sure do whine a lot about the consequences today and the bed you made. Whether that’s the state of healthcare, housing and much more…
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
@ Beaver and Frankie and other oddly silent rabid Liberal attack dogs here.

Nothing to say on ^^^. Or is it more likely as you did 2003 through 2014. Stick your heads in the sand, hear no evil about hydro rates, energy poverty, see no evil when small towns and plants closures, don’t know about windfarms because you simply don’t care about anything outside the gta, and yourself. See also vote buying and spending.

Don’t care about blue collar workers and freedom truckers and those you claim to champion but always throw under the bus. Don’t grasp economics or politics how or why PP is so popular, or why house prices went meteoric starting 2008-2012..

See also Drummond, and FAOs…
See also Harpers record
See also causes of inflation
See also the BOC and rates
And inability to connect dots and see how things relate to each other.

But you sure do whine a lot about the consequences today and the bed you made. Whether that’s the state of healthcare, housing and much more…
What has any conservative government done to make Canada better?
What exact policy and programs do you think PeePee will enact to make Canada better?

All you do is whine but you never have any ideas on how to fix what you think are problems.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts