Meet Argentina's new Far-Right President, Javier Milei


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
We can't have 2 systems

If you won't account the financial meltdown for Harper's spending, then you can't account covid for Trudeau's spending.

Also, what's Trudeau's plan to balance?
What would you do?
More cuts?
More tax breaks for the rich?

Has there ever been a different plan from the cons?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
What would you do?
More cuts?
More tax breaks for the rich?

Has there ever been a different plan from the cons?
More important, what is Justin going to do? So far it's dig a deeper hole and wait on someone else to do the difficult work.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Difference between the two is that Canada weathered the recession much better than how it weathered the pandemic. Canada was much better prepared for the recession than it was for the pandemic.
Based on the Liberals being in power since 2015, the trajectory of their reckless spending would have us pretty close to where we are now regardless of a pandemic.
That's how bad it is. It's like really bad. Even if they get booted out in the next election, whoever takes over is going to need at least decade to improve anything.
It's that bad.

There's a reason why the Ontario provincial Liberals don't exist any longer. They were as bad but by the time people figured it out, world records for debt were set, and generations are left paying for their stupidity and financial mismanagement.
And that's what these guys don't truly realize. Reckless spending comes at a great consequence.

Ontario Liberals had to sell off assets just to stay afloat and they STILL had debt hidden off the books.

I can understand why Alberta wants to leave the CPP. This is not the cabinet to trust.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Like I keep saying, Justin has no plan to lower the Budget. Waiting is not a plan.

He can't govern without spending $20 Billion over budget. Give any leader no financial restrictions and they will look good on paper.

Fiscal responsibility is completely over looked when you guys talk about Justin. Two standards.

Deficit is now $40 billion and counting. What exactly do you want me to wait for?
Again if Harper went $56 Billion over the budget in one fiscal year, then another $33 Billion in the next year and further deficits in the following year, and yet you think that he was "Fiscally Responsible". Eight of his ten years was about Deficits. His so called balanced budget at the end was just a rush to sell off certain assets, and closures of several facilities including centres for the Military veterans etc. The economy was still in a Recession in 2015 and Trudeau at least stimulated it. If it was not for the Pandemic and several issues likes the Supply Chain Disruption, and then the War in Ukraine perpetrated by Russia, the actual deficit trends were down then. The Liberal Government had to support the Canadians during the three years of closure of the economies by the provinces. Can you imagine the hue and cry if they were not supporting the ones who lost their jobs as well as businesses that were in deep trouble then?



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
More important, what is Justin going to do? So far it's dig a deeper hole and wait on someone else to do the difficult work.
The liberals are making cuts everywhere right now.
What they also aren't doing is cutting taxes and revenue at the same time.

Would you do anything different?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
What would you do?
More cuts?
More tax breaks for the rich?

Has there ever been a different plan from the cons?
Frank, for the love of god, read something for a change. Start with any of the links on capital bleed.

What is JT doing and what do you want to do?Kill fossil and jobs in Alberta.

Nor would they ( likely) spend spend spend spend spend spend. Make the debt/gdp situation worse. You also want to tax companies and go after the rich. Cause more capital bleed. There’s a bright idea that no one worth taking seriously is suggesting.

Here’s some more basic economics for you. Governments, all of them. Only have so much influence over the economy. Have little control over people, be they CEOs or Johnny Q, their spending etc. Atleast those that aren’t communist. The GDP side. And it takes years for GDP to grow, assuming debt remains flat. Balanced budgets. Read their Goddamn fall economic statement. And that’s assuming their rosy gdp growth projections are sunny days. See also what is responsible for most of any growth the past few years…..what does that lead to? Unaffordable housing.

They have full control of the debt side.

Here’s another factoid you don’t like. Rae led to Harris…Mcwynne led to Ford, JT we don’t know yet how deep any cuts may be…See also Chrétien and see also Drummond. .When will you and your like minded, left side friends. Learn from history? And sleep in the beds you make. Aka stop blaming them, for the mess you create. And or ante up

Another fact. When the Drummond commission released their findings it was 2010. Debt/GDP was if I recall 43-45%. Today it’s 39%……..

Here’s another fact. Best case scenario is say 5 years of hot economic growth (but where now that you’ve flushed Alberta and let’s not forget Boomers or have you) ….the prairies? The Maritimes? Do you know there’s life outside the city and you’re not the only people that matter?

Yay really sunny days. Know what that leads to? I’m guessing not.
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
This is what I'm saying, he never built the economy. He just blew money on social services and agencies which looked good on paper.

Now he can barely pay anything back.

Starting to understand why Alberta wants to pull out of the CPP?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Frank, for the love of god, read something for a change. Start with any of the links on capital bleed.

What is JT doing and what do you want to do?Kill fossil and jobs in Alberta.

Nor would they ( likely) spend spend spend spend spend spend. Make the debt/gdp situation worse. You also want to tax companies and go after the rich. Cause more capital bleed. There’s a bright idea that no one worth taking seriously is suggesting.

Here’s some more basic economics for you. Governments, all of them. Only have so much influence over the economy. Have little control over people, be they CEOs or Johnny Q, their spending etc. Atleast those that aren’t communist. The GDP side. And it takes years for GDP to grow, assuming debt remains flat. Balanced budgets. Read their Goddamn fall economic statement. And that’s assuming their rosy gdp growth projections are sunny days. See also what is responsible for most of any growth the past few years…..what does that lead to? Unaffordable housing.

They have full control of the debt side.

Here’s another factoid you don’t like. Rae led to Harris…Mcwynne led to Ford, JT we don’t know yet how deep any cuts may be…See also Chrétien and see also Drummond. .When will you and your like minded, left side friends. Learn from history? And sleep in the beds you make. Aka stop blaming them, for the mess you create. And or ante up

Another fact. When the Drummond commission released their findings it was 2010. Debt/GDP was if I recall 43-45%. Today it’s 39%……..

Here’s another fact. Best case scenario is say 5 years of hot economic growth (but where now that you’ve flushed Alberta and let’s not forget Boomers or have you) ….the prairies? The Maritimes? Do you know there’s life outside the city and you’re not the only people that matter?

Yay really sunny days. Know what that leads to? I’m guessing not.
You can't articulate what should be done differently.

Instead you go back to Drummond and liberal economic policy as the model you want yet then back PeePee who wants to eliminate the bank of Canada, switch to bitcoin and cut the CBC so that nobody is there to report on the idiocy of his anti vaxxer, freedom convoy supporters.

Instead you say governments can't effect the economy much while you also blame Trudeau for effecting the economy now.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Instead you say governments can't effect the economy much while you also blame Trudeau for effecting the economy now.
Most if not any of Trudeau's hater is because he is a liberal, he looks good and he's French.

As simple as that.

All the rest is pure BS...

The liberals, far from perfect, are yet doing a better job then any other party would do.

p.s. And I voted NDP last 2 elections...


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
This is what I'm saying, he never built the economy. He just blew money on social services and agencies which looked good on paper.

Now he can barely pay anything back.

Starting to understand why Alberta wants to pull out of the CPP?
Once again do widen your scope when you complain everything about Canada. if you take the USA and UK in comparison, yet again though Canada's deficit and debt do look to be very high, it is not as bad as The US and UK. What Trudeau did was to take Canada out of the Recession that Harper handed him. It meant that the economy had to be stimulated and it seemed to go according to script until The Pandemic hit and then on The War in Ukraine, The scale of the forest fires in the past few years, as well as the effect of those severe weather impacts not only to North America but globally. Yet Pee Pee was complaining about not enough being done to address the housing crisis, and aid to the military. Yet when the Government is intending to address it, once again he complains about too much being spent.

Take a look at the UK Government's cost to address the debt for the Interest borrowing costs that hit UKP Sterling 111 Billion in the last Financial year, and UKP Sterling 23 Billion to pay the Bond Holders Interest. Its National Debt is UKP sterling 2.59 Trillion. This from a "Fiscally Responsible" Conservative Government:

The USA Debt Cost has past $1 Trillion:

We know that NO GOVERNMENTS be it Conservative, Liberal or NDP would be insulated from the present day Global occurrences. No wonder that all our allies from NATO want Canada to spend more!!


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Once again do widen your scope when you complain everything about Canada. if you take the USA and UK in comparison, yet again though Canada's deficit and debt do look to be very high, it is not as bad as The US and UK. What Trudeau did was to take Canada out of the Recession that Harper handed him. It meant that the economy had to be stimulated and it seemed to go according to script until The Pandemic hit and then on The War in Ukraine, The scale of the forest fires in the past few years, as well as the effect of those severe weather impacts not only to North America but globally. Yet Pee Pee was complaining about not enough being done to address the housing crisis, and aid to the military. Yet when the Government is intending to address it, once again he complains about too much being spent.

Take a look at the UK Government's cost to address the debt for the Interest borrowing costs that hit UKP Sterling 111 Billion in the last Financial year, and UKP Sterling 23 Billion to pay the Bond Holders Interest. Its National Debt is UKP sterling 2.59 Trillion. This from a "Fiscally Responsible" Conservative Government:

The USA Debt Cost has past $1 Trillion:

We know that NO GOVERNMENTS be it Conservative, Liberal or NDP would be insulated from the present day Global occurrences. No wonder that all our allies from NATO want Canada to spend more!!
If you actually look at the numbers, you are grossly overstating the "recession" Trudeau took over. When you look at the charts, Justin was actually in a decline in 2018 and 2019 before covid.

And let’s dead the UK/USA comparison right now. If they are in a worse position than us, Why should we follow in their footsteps? But more important, it's irrelevant. Canada is in a worse Debt position than Switzerland, Denmark, S. Korea, Finland and many more. What does that mean? Nothing. We are in a Canadian system and that's all that matters. What happens south of the border or overseas means nothing.

We pay taxes to Canada, we pay into a Canadian pension, we pay for our public services here. We pay into this system. So when you leader that is constantly justify taking massive loans, it only screws Canadians. There is no magical economy at the end of a rainbow. IT’S YOU, You have to pay for this shit. Why do you think Alberta wants to leave the CPP. They understand that Justin is leveraging Canada’s assets to access more debt but when we need our money for whatever reason, it will be tied up in debt payments created by Trudeau.

I’m telling you right now, if you are still voting for Justin, you’re out of your fucking. He’s not bad, he’s Dangerous.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So now Governments hand over recessions..even those that don’t exist.
Nuff said
Buddy says when he comes to office he's going to do everything right wingers dream of doing.
Cutting everything.

Think it'll prove how smart your economic theories are?
Oh wait, you'll go back to supporting liberal economic policy through Drummond while claiming only someone extremely right wing like PeePee can do it.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Buddy says when he comes to office he's going to do everything right wingers dream of doing.
Cutting everything.

Think it'll prove how smart your economic theories are?
Oh wait, you'll go back to supporting liberal economic policy through Drummond while claiming only someone extremely right wing like PeePee can do it.
1) unlike you I know there are wind farms, two understand financing, budgets, economics. I only worked in the capital markets for years. You can’t even add 1 or 1 or grasp Debt to GDP. Entry level stuff. You cant even read plain English in the FAO report.

2) I havent said PP is going to be great. I’ve said JT inept and his die hard supporters clueless. Nor are they able to even look at history and what occurs when they get in over their heads ( see Rae, McWynne, JT). More trouble reading Frank?. Obviously your knickers are in a knot again because you are making yourself look stupid yet again.

3) as far as what I support or criticize goes. Obviously your méagre intellect is struggling yet again. In your myopic world there’s only dyed in the wool Lefties and righties. You can’t grasp what a centrist is, aka the “middle” or swing voters or why unlike you and the die hards here, I can and do criticize both…

obviously adding 1 and 1 not your strong suit
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
If you actually look at the numbers, you are grossly overstating the "recession" Trudeau took over. When you look at the charts, Justin was actually in a decline in 2018 and 2019 before covid.

And let’s dead the UK/USA comparison right now. If they are in a worse position than us, Why should we follow in their footsteps? But more important, it's irrelevant. Canada is in a worse Debt position than Switzerland, Denmark, S. Korea, Finland and many more. What does that mean? Nothing. We are in a Canadian system and that's all that matters. What happens south of the border or overseas means nothing.

We pay taxes to Canada, we pay into a Canadian pension, we pay for our public services here. We pay into this system. So when you leader that is constantly justify taking massive loans, it only screws Canadians. There is no magical economy at the end of a rainbow. IT’S YOU, You have to pay for this shit. Why do you think Alberta wants to leave the CPP. They understand that Justin is leveraging Canada’s assets to access more debt but when we need our money for whatever reason, it will be tied up in debt payments created by Trudeau.

I’m telling you right now, if you are still voting for Justin, you’re out of your fucking. He’s not bad, he’s Dangerous.
Harper handed Trudeau a GDP of 0.66% in 2015. It went to a high of above 3.0% in 2017. With the Provincial economies shutting in 2020 there was a drop of just -5%, thanks to the Government propping up these provinces. Then in 2021 it rebounded back to 5% and then 3.4% in 2022. So, let's take everything in the full context rather than just picking and choosing!!

Remember that the Debt hit a high of 73% in 2021 and has steadily declined to 66%. But why not include countries like Belgium, Bahrein, Brazil, European Union National Average, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan (more than 3 times that of Canada), Portugal, Singapore, Spain, to name some other advanced nations? These mean everything to us since The Pandemic hit. The Conservatives tended to blame the Recession during the Harper years, but we did not see the provinces shutting down the economies at any time during that period. If The Liberals did not come to the aid of the Canadians, something the Conservatives did their best to block at times, then several more businesses and Canadians would have suffered even more with defaulting on their rents and mortgages. You guys are deluded with the present world issues, but like every single Government around the world the citizens want change no matter what as it is easy fodder for the Opposition to blame the current Governments although it is beyond the reach of the incumbents!!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Harper handed Trudeau a GDP of 0.66% in 2015. It went to a high of above 3.0% in 2017. With the Provincial economies shutting in 2020 there was a drop of just -5%, thanks to the Government propping up these provinces. Then in 2021 it rebounded back to 5% and then 3.4% in 2022. So, let's take everything in the full context rather than just picking and choosing!!

Remember that the Debt hit a high of 73% in 2021 and has steadily declined to 66%. But why not include countries like Belgium, Bahrein, Brazil, European Union National Average, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan (more than 3 times that of Canada), Portugal, Singapore, Spain, to name some other advanced nations? These mean everything to us since The Pandemic hit. The Conservatives tended to blame the Recession during the Harper years, but we did not see the provinces shutting down the economies at any time during that period. If The Liberals did not come to the aid of the Canadians, something the Conservatives did their best to block at times, then several more businesses and Canadians would have suffered even more with defaulting on their rents and mortgages. You guys are deluded with the present world issues, but like every single Government around the world the citizens want change no matter what as it is easy fodder for the Opposition to blame the current Governments although it is beyond the reach of the incumbents!!
Says the guy that Blames Harper for everything, can’t grasp Canada weathered 2008 and it’s long lasting effects better than anyone. While at it, did any of those that matter care But I’m a die hard Liberal so I always omit t that when it’s convenient….

Nor does he grasp.
That the shit house known as Ontario thanks to him and his Liberals addiction to deficits was a ball and chain on the Canadian economy…and thus on Harper.

Just as he doesn’t grasp that Canadas economy today, and love/defence of JT. Is largely thanks to Ontario and thus Ford.Doh!!

Tell us you don’t grasp economics without telling us.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Harper handed Trudeau a GDP of 0.66% in 2015. It went to a high of above 3.0% in 2017. With the Provincial economies shutting in 2020 there was a drop of just -5%, thanks to the Government propping up these provinces. Then in 2021 it rebounded back to 5% and then 3.4% in 2022. So, let's take everything in the full context rather than just picking and choosing!!

Remember that the Debt hit a high of 73% in 2021 and has steadily declined to 66%. But why not include countries like Belgium, Bahrein, Brazil, European Union National Average, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan (more than 3 times that of Canada), Portugal, Singapore, Spain, to name some other advanced nations? These mean everything to us since The Pandemic hit. The Conservatives tended to blame the Recession during the Harper years, but we did not see the provinces shutting down the economies at any time during that period. If The Liberals did not come to the aid of the Canadians, something the Conservatives did their best to block at times, then several more businesses and Canadians would have suffered even more with defaulting on their rents and mortgages. You guys are deluded with the present world issues, but like every single Government around the world the citizens want change no matter what as it is easy fodder for the Opposition to blame the current Governments although it is beyond the reach of the incumbents!!
The full context is Justin's debt is out of control. When will the budget balance?

I can tell you why not to compare other country's debt. We don't pay into their system. How much taxes does the average Canadian pay to Japan? This is not an external conversation, it's internal.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
1) unlike you I know there are wind farms, two understand financing, budgets, economics. I only worked in the capital markets for years. You can’t even add 1 or 1 or grasp Debt to GDP. Entry level stuff. You cant even read plain English in the FAO report.

2) I havent said PP is going to be great. I’ve said JT inept and his die hard supporters clueless. Nor are they able to even look at history and what occurs when they get in over their heads ( see Rae, McWynne, JT). More trouble reading Frank?. Obviously your knickers are in a knot again because you are making yourself look stupid yet again.

3) as far as what I support or criticize goes. Obviously your méagre intellect is struggling yet again. In your myopic world there’s only dyed in the wool Lefties and righties. You can’t grasp what a centrist is, aka the “middle” or swing voters or why unlike you and the die hards here, I can and do criticize both…

obviously adding 1 and 1 not your strong suit
You think you're centrist?

Do we need to go over US/Canada crime stats again?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
You think you're centrist?

Do we need to go over US/Canada crime stats again?
Omg lol.
Frank, let’s wait for the appropriate thread, and that way you can embarrass yourself, as you do in virtually every thread/topic….

however for now, he who has no clue about terminology be it allocations, be it weighted indexes, be it CPI ( a basket of goods like apples and oranges) and inflation.

Funny how, as I said then and predicted when walking you through it by the hand. Now you are comparing Canada vs the US ( aka we compare well ). Are our economies exactly the same? No doubt, as opposed to crime indexes and The entire premise of your ignorant argument…it’s because you like what you think you see.

You’re so freaking hopeless and out of your league and depth. But you know better huh..

What is CPI
A Consumer Price Index is a price index, the price of a A consumer price index is a price index, the price of a weighted average market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households.
Can you grasp yet, mr layman ( if that) who knows squat about finance/economics or political issues, why you can’t answer questions and continually embarrass yourself ….Or why I can without needing google?

No doubt, like wind farms or economist like Drummond, or that that’s more than just die hard Lefties or Righties…you don’t even know what a weighted average is…….either
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