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Israel at war


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
People made Aliyah to Israel.
Because of massive persecution based on anti-semitism; because Arab leaders used the local indigenous Jewish population as scapegoats, took away rights including citizenship, and incited mass violence against them.

Your post is stupid because this is well documented.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

If there isn't why not? It's because these places are tolerant towards Jews unlike the countries that xmontrealer listed.
I don't know if tolerant towards Jews was the best description in the post-war period but the immigration quotas and dirty looks was far better than what Arab Jews faced in their Arab homelands.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hamas attacked Israel in this case, so clearly they are the ones in the wrong. Israel in this case is retaliating and in the process, what else are they supposed to do other than attack targets in Gaza? That is where the attacks are coming from! So in this case Israel is not behaving like terrorists. Are Israel's military actions violations of human rights? Sure. But it does not amount to terrorism.

You can criticize the Israeli government as being colonialist. But that is very different from calling them terrorists. Which one is it? Terrorists where they purposefully and gleefully target civilians? Or an expansionist regime that takes what is not theirs? I think it is the latter.


My criticism was on your comparison of Zionism to Nazism. One is a movement that sought to commit genocide against Jews. The other is a movement that seeks to establish a Jewish state. Comparing them is asinine to say the least. And am sure there are Jews who are not very nationalistic, but am sure even they would call BS on your statement calling Zionism and Nazism as being the same.

Hamas being democratically elected is irrelevant. They targeted and massacred civilians in Israel, which makes them a terrorist group. I feel like the Palestinians have no good people to elect so the Hamas gets elected. And they use their democratically elected status to commit terrorist crimes.
I do appreciate you calling Franky out on his glorification of violence. Even though we agree on some thing, it's nice to see someone who considers his views and tries to have some amount of consistency.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You want to criticize the party that is wrong without identifying the cause?
Yes, most of us are going to blame the people who butchered hundreds of civilians in cold blood, beheaded dead children, kidnapped women and children, threaten to execute hostages on TV, and put the people they pretend to be helping at massive risk, making their lives worse.

Moral behaviour would be pushing both sides to negotiate a peace. Hamas doesn't want peace with Jews though and is willing to have the world burn down to get their way.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't know how you guys have time to do this all day but when I signed out, Franky was trying to claim that there were no Hamas atrocities and his little buddy wanted everyone to demonize Israel because 33 children were killed in strike son hama stargets.

I have a feeling that neither of them will want to talk about Hamas shooting 40 young children and beheaded some of them.
Nobody is talking about that because it didn't happen and the reporter, Nicole Zedeck, retracted her story.
40 dead children is a tragedy, but will you cheer for 300 dead children in revenge?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes he's be pretty clear about this. He's excited about this war because close to 1000 jews were killed, even though there are/will be plenty of Palestinian deaths and absolutely nothing will improve.
I think Wyatt answered you already.

It's a war dumbshit.
This is what you've been wanting, a chance to attack Gaza.
I've been calling for deescalating to end apartheid through sanctions.
Your way sure is working well.

Unlike you I think the deaths on both sides are a stupid tragedy that did not need to happen.

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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Because of massive persecution based on anti-semitism; because Arab leaders used the local indigenous Jewish population as scapegoats, took away rights including citizenship, and incited mass violence against them.

Your post is stupid because this is well documented.
As I said am sure there was some persecution especially after the accusations of ethnic cleansing by Israel in 1948, which is equally heinous, but I am sure a vast majority of them immigrated to Israel because they wanted to move to their Jewish homeland. Are you saying every single case of immigration to Israel was because of persecution? That seems far fetched.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
They blame Netanyahu for intelligence failures and his policy towards Palestinians. No doubt and that is my comment regarding the overarching conflict. Israel IS oppressive towards Palestinians.

But this attack, is solely the responsibility of Hamas.

By saying Netanyahu is responsible, you are shifting blame from mass murdering terrorists, and instead justifying the violence.

They are both movements based on racial supremacy, though very different in implementation.
Zionists call themselves the 'chosen people' and constantly describe themselves as a different race, the fact that they think this gives them property rights is secondary to inherent racism.
Look at it this way, has there ever been an Israeli supporter on this board that has clearly stated that Palestinians deserve full human rights or equality?

You won't find a single Israeli supporter here who will ever admit Palestinians have the right to self defence.
That right they only assign to Israel and Israeli Jews.
That is racial supremacy.
There are plenty of racists on this board, sure. But they are individuals.

I am not saying Zionism does not lead to discrimination.

But the reason they use words like "chosen people" etc, is to justify that Israel belongs to Jews. That is what I meant by calling it Jewish Nationalism.

But Nazism was an ideology where everyone who was not white was considered sub-human. That is not a feature of Zionism. So these sub-humans could be eliminated like rodents which is what they did. Zionists seek to separate themselves from non-Jews, not everywhere, but in the land of Israel. Nazis otoh seek to eliminate people they think are inferior from everywhere - the entirety of Europe.

So while you would be justified in saying, that Zionism results in discrimination, you couldn't possibly equate both these ideologies.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But this attack, is solely the responsibility of Hamas.

By saying Netanyahu is responsible, you are shifting blame from mass murdering terrorists, and instead justifying the violence.
Netanyahu allowed settler terrorism to flourish from the Huwara pogrom to the storming of the Al Aqza. Netanyahu has continued stealing Palestinian land and the Gaza blockade. You really think that had nothing to do with the reason why there was an attack?

Both sides are responsible.
Hamas has a right to self defence but not to target civilians.
Israel does not have a right to target civilians or defend apartheid.

Why do you refuse to admit that the illegal occupation is also a cause of this war?

There are plenty of racists on this board, sure. But they are individuals.

I am not saying Zionism does not lead to discrimination.

But the reason they use words like "chosen people" etc, is to justify that Israel belongs to Jews. That is what I meant by calling it Jewish Nationalism.

But Nazism was an ideology where everyone who was not white was considered sub-human. That is not a feature of Zionism. So these sub-humans could be eliminated like rodents which is what they did. Zionists seek to separate themselves from non-Jews, not everywhere, but in the land of Israel. Nazis otoh seek to eliminate people they think are inferior from everywhere - the entirety of Europe.

So while you would be justified in saying, that Zionism results in discrimination, you couldn't possibly equate both these ideologies.
I'm not equating these beliefs, they are very different in how they are implemented.
But the central core is the same, the racist belief that one race is superior to others. Same with Hindu Nationalism, White extremists, the Caste system, Jewish supremacists, Canada and its indigenous population and Nazis. They all share a belief that they are defending the superior race. What they do with that belief is very different.

Again, its easy to prove.

You can't find one Israel supporter who will accept that Palestinians have the right to self defence.
Try it.

Get this straight, Western media: Palestinians aren’t sub-human
Dehumanisation of Palestinians is as central to Israel’s war strategy as the deadly missiles it wields.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
I think Wyatt answered you already.

This is what you've been wanting, a chance to attack Gaza.
I've been calling for deescalating to end apartheid through sanctions.
Your way sure is working well.

Unlike you I think the deaths on both sides are a stupid tragedy that did not need to happen.
A true peace is unlikely to happen until all Arab nations recognize Israel's right to peacefully exist.

Not very encouraging when I read about pro-Palestinian and Muslim demonstrators in Toronto this past weekend celebrating the extreme terrorist acts committed by Hamas, and shouting "from the river to the sea"!

Btw I don't personally know a single Jew in Toronto who is prejudiced against any Canadian Muslim. And if we are made aware of atrocities such as Israeli soldiers allegedly pissing on the corpses of Palestinian fighters, I, and any other Jew I know would be appalled, and it would be unthinkable to celebrate such a heinous act.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Netanyahu allowed settler terrorism to flourish from the Huwara pogrom to the storming of the Al Aqza. Netanyahu has continued stealing Palestinian land and the Gaza blockade. You really think that had nothing to do with the reason why there was an attack?

Both sides are responsible.
Hamas has a right to self defence but not to target civilians.
Israel does not have a right to target civilians or defend apartheid.

Why do you refuse to admit that the illegal occupation is also a cause of this war?
The occupation is not specific to this conflict though. The occupation is the long running 75 year conflict. Sure that needs to be resolved.

But what part of this particular attack by Hamas is self-defence? Were the 5000 rockets self-defence? Was the massacre self-defence? If you referring to settler violence in Huwara etc, violence by Hamas or anyone else on the Palestinian side AT THAT TIME would have been self-defence. But why now 8 months later? How is that self-defence? And does Israel not have the right to self-defence and attack back?

So yes, while I agree there is an overarching and ongoing conflict where both sides have done each other wrong, this round of violence is on Hamas. The last round of violence at Huwara was on Israel. If you had asked me then, I would have spoken against Israel. But now I have to speak against Hamas. I think that is the balanced position to take.

They all share a belief that they are defending the superior race.
This is where you are wrong. You are confusing similarities in how these things impact people, with what these ideologies actually mean.

  • Nazism and White supremacy is about race superiority. Don't go off on the tangent that biological race does not exist. Yes, I know, and I agree. But Nazis and white supremacists think it exists, and that is the issue.
  • Zionism is about Jewish nationalism.
  • Caste is social stratification and classism - where people who have more intellectually demanding jobs are better than people who do "dirty" jobs. This has parallels with racial supremacy, but I would call it classist.
  • Hindu Nationalism - is an ideology that everyone in India regardless of religion are Hindu. What Hindu Nationalism suffers from is violent low IQ and socially backward people who conduct brutal retaliatory attacks when they are riled up in certain cases or mindlessly defending certain backward cultural values because they are Indian. This is not supremacist.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
A true peace is unlikely to happen until all Arab nations recognize Israel's right to peacefully exist.

Not very encouraging when I read about pro-Palestinian and Muslim demonstrators in Toronto this past weekend celebrating the extreme terrorist acts committed by Hamas, and shouting "from the river to the sea"!

Btw I don't personally know a single Jew in Toronto who is prejudiced against any Canadian Muslim. And if we are made aware of atrocities such as Israeli soldiers allegedly pissing on the corpses of Palestinian fighters, I, and any other Jew I know would be appalled, and it would be unthinkable to celebrate such a heinous act.
Peace won't happen until Israel decides to end the occupation or international sanctions make them end apartheid.

Racism by Jews? Not against Muslims in general but against Palestinians its very heavy. People have lost jobs in universities for suggesting Palestinians have rights, I know a caterer who was shut down for saying a falafel was Palestinian food. Now people who used to back the two state solution are saying you support terrorism if you fly a Palestinian flag.

Palestine was wiped off the maps.
The two state solution is dead and you're stuck with an apartheid one state solution that can only exist with very violent racism.
What is your endgame to these battles?

Can you actually listen to the views of Palestinians and honestly read a commentary like this?

Palestinians are showing that they will not be erased
Palestinians have reminded the world of their existence, and determination to resist colonial oppression, in the only way that works.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The occupation is not specific to this conflict though.
You are incredibly wrongheaded. This was on CBC on the first day of the attack.
The leader of Hamas's military wing, Mohammed Deif, said the assault was in response to the 16-year blockade of Gaza and a series of recent incidents, including more settlements in occupied West Bank, Israeli settler violence and further displacement of Palestinians, that have brought Israeli-Palestinian tensions to a fever pitch.

Nazism and White supremacy is about race superiority. Don't go off on the tangent that biological race does not exist. Yes, I know, and I agree. But Nazis and white supremacists think it exists, and that is the issue.
  • Zionism is about Jewish nationalism.
  • Caste is social stratification and classism - where people who have more intellectually demanding jobs are better than people who do "dirty" jobs. This has parallels with racial supremacy, but I would call it classist.
  • Hindu Nationalism - is an ideology that everyone in India regardless of religion are Hindu. What Hindu Nationalism suffers from is violent low IQ and socially backward people who conduct brutal retaliatory attacks when they are riled up in certain cases or mindlessly defending certain backward cultural values because they are Indian. This is not supremacist.

Even your comment on the Caste system drips with racial superiority in the form of calling one group of people, Caste based or religion based, intellectually inferior.
people who have more intellectually demanding jobs
People are born into Castes that are held to doing only specific jobs, its as racist a system as you can get.

Same with your Hindu Nationalism comment;
Hindu Nationalism suffers from is violent low IQ and socially backward people
Accusing a group of people of being intellectually weaker was one of the tenets of the Nazi form of nationalism. Not that they are at all similar in execution, but racial supremacists are always going on about how much smarter their 'chosen people' are. White Supremacy drips with attempts to argue that people of different races aren't as smart.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
I'm surprised at the lack of angry responses from Arab/Muslim countries regarding Israel's retaliation.
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