Israel at war


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Pure unadulterated evil. Hamas were notorious from doing barbaric activities even years ago, they dragged bodies behind motorcycles. They're right when they call them ISIS, same style of savagery.

Hamas kills 40 babies and children — beheading some of them — at Israeli kibbutz: report
This kind of propaganda coming out of Israel is truly disgusting.

Of course it's making the rounds and having the desired effect on people's emotions.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So according to you is the wrong party for this attack? Israel? That is the problem with your argument. The only ones you can blame for this attack is the Hamas. Israel's actions are a different debate.
The central cause is the 75 year old occupation of Palestine.
Both sides are in the wrong quite often but Hamas and Palestinians do have a right to self defence. But they are in the wrong for attacking the rave/concert and targeting civilians. Israel is in the wrong for the occupation, apartheid, collective punishment and targeting civilians.

Zionism has no racial component to it because Jews are not all the same race. The are multi-racial. Zionism is also nationalism, not racial supremacy.
You're still stuck on a basis of race that is biological, which is bad science.
Zionist is a racial supremacist that thinks one group of semites has more rights and property rights than another group of semites who practice a different religion. Jews constantly describe themselves as a race and Palestinians as another, lesser race. Even if there is no biological difference they are acting on racist beliefs.

Nazism on the other hand is based on the supremacy of the white race.

So by definition they are both different and you equating them is both wrong and asinine.
This board is filled with posts describing Palestinians as 'savages', 'terrorists', 'animals' or worse.
You cannot find a single post by an Israeli supporter that argues Palestinians deserve basic human rights.
That is racial supremacy in action.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
I read the conspiracy theory yesterday that suggested the Israel government was privy to the planned attack and allowed it to happen. It would give them a good reason to expand their territory.

As crazy as it sounded, I was of the belief that anything is possible. Because there is evil out there.

Looks like it's another conspiracy that's shaping up to hold some weight.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
We all know the overarching conflict. But we are talking about this particular attack. That is the fault of the Hamas.
Not according Haaretz, an Israeli paper.
Benjamin Netanyahu Blamed by Top Israel Newspaper in Scathing Attack

Yes there is racism on this board. Yes people can be racist towards Palestinians.

But that is different from Zionism. A lot of people can be racist towards Palestinians not because they are Zionists but because they are racists.

But you would be wrong to say that Zionism and Nazism are both racial supremacist beliefs. Zionism is based on nationalism, that is driven by Jewish identity. Nazism is based on the superiority of a certain skin colour. They are not remotely the same things.
They are both movements based on racial supremacy, though very different in implementation.
Zionists call themselves the 'chosen people' and constantly describe themselves as a different race, the fact that they think this gives them property rights is secondary to inherent racism.
Look at it this way, has there ever been an Israeli supporter on this board that has clearly stated that Palestinians deserve full human rights or equality?

You won't find a single Israeli supporter here who will ever admit Palestinians have the right to self defence.
That right they only assign to Israel and Israeli Jews.
That is racial supremacy.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Yeah that is what I don't agree with. He does not account for corrective action and extrapolates too much.
Corrective action is a characteristic of flexible organizations. This might seem like an excessive historical extrapolation but a case could be made that the last Emperor and the last Czar were victims systemic inflexibility. I'm obviously drawing a direct line to Xi and Putin.

The CCP probably has the most ability to depose Xi and introduce change. However, it's very difficult since Xi has been systemically eliminating any one capable of taking over the reins of leadership after him. If they're lucky, there is a CCP leader who is so clever and talented that he has been merely aping Xi and paying false tribute while having his own ideas for China's future.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I don't know how you guys have time to do this all day but when I signed out, Franky was trying to claim that there were no Hamas atrocities and his little buddy wanted everyone to demonize Israel because 33 children were killed in strike son hama stargets.

I have a feeling that neither of them will want to talk about Hamas shooting 40 young children and beheaded some of them.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
I read the conspiracy theory yesterday that suggested the Israel government was privy to the planned attack and allowed it to happen. It would give them a good reason to expand their territory.

As crazy as it sounded, I was of the belief that anything is possible. Because there is evil out there.

Looks like it's another conspiracy that's shaping up to hold some weight.
Like the one that the Jews planned and orchestrated 9/11?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
do you support Hamas? I wonder how some Palestinians live in Israel.....
Yes he's be pretty clear about this. He's excited about this war because close to 1000 jews were killed, even though there are/will be plenty of Palestinian deaths and absolutely nothing will improve.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
I heard on NBC news tonight that Hamas is saying this operation has been planned and under preparations for the last year. Al Aqsa provocation my ass!

Also said Iran has been cooperating with the plans since at least this past August.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
People made Aliyah to Israel.
Because of massive persecution based on anti-semitism; because Arab leaders used the local indigenous Jewish population as scapegoats, took away rights including citizenship, and incited mass violence against them.

Your post is stupid because this is well documented.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

If there isn't why not? It's because these places are tolerant towards Jews unlike the countries that xmontrealer listed.
I don't know if tolerant towards Jews was the best description in the post-war period but the immigration quotas and dirty looks was far better than what Arab Jews faced in their Arab homelands.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hamas attacked Israel in this case, so clearly they are the ones in the wrong. Israel in this case is retaliating and in the process, what else are they supposed to do other than attack targets in Gaza? That is where the attacks are coming from! So in this case Israel is not behaving like terrorists. Are Israel's military actions violations of human rights? Sure. But it does not amount to terrorism.

You can criticize the Israeli government as being colonialist. But that is very different from calling them terrorists. Which one is it? Terrorists where they purposefully and gleefully target civilians? Or an expansionist regime that takes what is not theirs? I think it is the latter.


My criticism was on your comparison of Zionism to Nazism. One is a movement that sought to commit genocide against Jews. The other is a movement that seeks to establish a Jewish state. Comparing them is asinine to say the least. And am sure there are Jews who are not very nationalistic, but am sure even they would call BS on your statement calling Zionism and Nazism as being the same.

Hamas being democratically elected is irrelevant. They targeted and massacred civilians in Israel, which makes them a terrorist group. I feel like the Palestinians have no good people to elect so the Hamas gets elected. And they use their democratically elected status to commit terrorist crimes.
I do appreciate you calling Franky out on his glorification of violence. Even though we agree on some thing, it's nice to see someone who considers his views and tries to have some amount of consistency.
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