Bullshit, see posts #561 and #563 on this very page.I saw that line. What I don't see is you specificall mentioning Hamas and condemning their latest actions. More dishonesty from you. You're never afraid to talk specifically about Israeli occupation or apartheid. You never mention Hamas' attacks against civilians. Saying that war is a tragedy, is such a generic statement, it means nothing and is not a condemnation of Hamas' terrorist actions. So basically, you just lied again about saying that you've condemned their actions.
So I proved that you never condemned this latest round of Hamas violence and that makes me a liar? Where do you come up with this doublespeak? 1984?
What I have never seen from you is anything that suggests you think Palestinians are human beings who deserve full basic human rights.
All I have seen from you are calls for violence, racial supremacy and a poorly veiled call to nuke them.
Hamas and Zionists both are terrorists.
Charge Hamas for targeting civilians, charge Israelis for targeting civilians.
Take them all to the Hague and charge them and jail them.
The end apartheid through sanctions and boycotts.
Stop trying to justify killing people and apartheid by calling them subhuman 'terrorists'.
End apartheid, end the occupation and give all people living there equal rights.
Stop the violence.