Kate isn't as intense as the equally gorgeous Nela Zisser. She may have a mild case of Benjamin Button, she just keeps getting hotter.
Once per year (in September) I make tomato sauce. My parents who are in their 80's come to help me for decades now. My kids are now into as well. Once we're done it's dinner time and my brother shows up with fresh Gnocchi. It has become a tradition. We always thought we would make a fortune selling them... Until I went about 10 years ago there....Now that Canada and the States have had their Thanksgiving, Christmas is just around the corner. In my family that means gnocchi with meat sauce. My mother was the gnocchi master, she would make them from scratch. I don't attempt it, my sister makes the gnocchi, I make the meat sauce. This recipe is almost like mine, except for one major omission: celery. If you want depth of flavour carrot and celery go together like oil and vinegar. The sauce is too cloy without the celery.