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This is bullshit! Sudbury man refused kidney transplant due to vaccination status dies


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
He obviously didn't feel that way now did he?
So you feel that 100% certainty of leaving a widow and 4 fatherless kids was the proper thing to do.

And that's what you'd have done?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
What would you have done in his position?

Would you have left a widow and 4 kids behind for refusing a simple vaccine? Even if the vax is "useless" and "do not prevent transmission of infection", as you claim, what's the harm in taking something that won't work? Even if you believe the vax is dangerous, what is the chance of an adverse reaction? Even if you feel death is a possible (probably in the extremely low single digit %age) outcome of the vax, not getting the vax provides a 100% certainty of death.

Please tell us how this is not the stupidest decision either based on statistical odds. Maybe he actually didn't love his family and value his own life and wanted to be a hero/martyr for "the cause".

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Too bad he got so sick, but in the end he was an idiot. As far as people who support his position.................

Again, what would you have done? Stand on principle and guarantee death or sacrifice that principle for the sake of your family not losing their husband and father? Anything other than a yes or know means you'd take the vax but don't want to admit it.
I would have been smart from the beginning and paid an underground government employee, or doctor, or whomever has access to enter data into the system to log three shots without it ever entering my body.
There has been an entire underground sub culture of this that developed once the illegal coercion and mandates started.
Due to human nature, there is always a way to navigate the system if you're willing to pay $, there is always someone willing to take your $ to perform a task.
Look at Trudeau's net worth now, after covid, compared to pre covid for example LOL!!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
the covid vaccines do not prevent transmission.
So, choosing death was the proper thing to do instead of getting a needle that will do nothing (supposedly).


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
This is where you are wrong. It's not about the COVID shot per se, it's about following protocol for a procedure one is "dying" to receive. If you are scheduled for surgery you are told not to eat or drink from midnight on, do you say, fuck it, I have to drink a little something, no, you listen and you have your surgery. The same applies here, I don't care which jab, or medication one is told they must inject, drink, or stick up their ass, if it's required either do it or deal with the ramifications of your decision.

If the docs doing the transplant didn't believe the Covid vax was necessary and let him have his organ I wouldn't complain about it because I would leave that decision to the experts.
Its possible they wanted him to have the vaccine because after surgery when he is vulnerable he could get infected as well. The biggest problem with right wingers is that they think they are experts in everything and have a disdain for the actual experts! Because everyone is out to get them!
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
I would have been smart from the beginning and paid an underground government employee, or doctor, or whomever has access to enter data into the system to log three shots without it ever entering my body.
There has been an entire underground sub culture of this that developed once the illegal coercion and mandates started.
Due to human nature, there is always a way to navigate the system if you're willing to pay $, there is always someone willing to take your $ to perform a task.
Look at Trudeau's net worth now, after covid, compared to pre covid for example LOL!!
You know they will automatically do an immunization titer test right? Plus it could result in federal criminal charges if you lie lol.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
You know they will automatically do an immunization titer test right? Plus it could result in federal criminal charges if you lie lol.
People are getting their covid fines dropped left right and centre.
Goodluck to the feds successfully proving anything.
Also...people developed antibodies to covid naturally so how could an immunization test prove anything if that was the case.
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Active member
May 25, 2021

This is either a deliberate misinterperetation, or a reading comprehension fail. The TPH post is:

Individuals who have died with COVID-19, but not as a result of COVID-19 are included in the CASE counts for COVID-19 deaths in Toronto.

Like you're 5: On Monday you go into hospital with a gunshot wound. You test positive for Covid. You slip into a coma and die, due to the gunshot wound.

A little man goes to a white board and puts a tick-line under each column:

Died | Died of Gunshot Wound | Died while in coma | Had a CASE of Covid |

You didn't die 3 times. You didn't die due to covid. Their tweet is literally accurate statistics taking.

They very clearly did not say that they are counting DIED WITH COVID as DIED OF COVID. They said (perhaps unclearly) that DIED WITH COVID is being added to TOTAL PEOPLE WITH COVID.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I would have been smart from the beginning and paid an underground government employee, or doctor, or whomever has access to enter data into the system to log three shots without it ever entering my body.
There has been an entire underground sub culture of this that developed once the illegal coercion and mandates started.
Due to human nature, there is always a way to navigate the system if you're willing to pay $, there is always someone willing to take your $ to perform a task.
Look at Trudeau's net worth now, after covid, compared to pre covid for example LOL!!
You love giving away your money eh? LMAO

I remember during COVID a gentleman approached me who I knew from a few business dealings and offered me his doctor who was offering fake saline shots for $3500 a pop. I laughed and said I've received two real jabs and it cost me $0.00 Needless to say, I've cut him off and never have done any more business with the dumbass. Anyone this gullible isn't trustworthy enough to engage in anything to do with money.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Being anti-vax in general is much different than not agreeing with the scam/hypocrisy of the C19 jabs.
They are the exact same in terms of being reasons in a decision whether to take it or not. The reasons are different but each factors into the person's ultimate decision.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
So far, there are more logged adverse reactions and deaths due to the c19 jabs than all over vaccines COMBINED in history.
Recipients are still part of the experiment as there was no long term safety testing.
Even if your assertion is correct, which I highly doubt, the number of adverse reactions is still miniscule.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
You love giving away your money eh? LMAO

I remember during COVID a gentleman approached me who I knew from a few business dealings and offered me his doctor who was offering fake saline shots for $3500 a pop. I laughed and said I've received two real jabs and it cost me $0.00 Needless to say, I've cut him off and never have done any more business with the dumbass. Anyone this gullible isn't trustworthy enough to engage in anything to do with money.
Technically the jabs cost all us taxpayers....who do you think funded the acquisition?
I don't love giving away money at all.
I'm illustrating the way in which I would have navigated the situation.
Many many people did the same.
Funny you mention trustworthiness.
I have cut off people for the same reason, just on the opposite end of this argument :)


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
In Canada alone, approx. 98 million doses have been administered. 55,145 adverse events have been reported. That is 0.056%. Out of this, 44,239 were non-serious. 10,906 were serious, which represents 0.011% of all doses administered.
As in 11 serious reactions out of 10,000 doses.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Technically the jabs cost all us taxpayers....who do you think funded the acquisition?
I don't love giving away money at all.
I'm illustrating the way in which I would have navigated the situation.
Many many people did the same.
Funny you mention trustworthiness.
I have cut off people for the same reason, just on the opposite end of this argument :)
So you have been cut off by many many more folks than you have cut off because the YAHOO's only represent what, 15% of the population. I rather have 85% accessible to me than just 15% but hey, what do I know?
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Posting sources here is futile cuz you'll just discredit and not believe cuz you're on team Pfizer.
richaceg made the funniest post of this thread.

This is the dumbest.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
experimental injections with no long term safety testing.
We're 3 years down the road now with 14 billion doses administered. That's well on the way to long term and we know the results of the 3 years.

So that argument flew out the window a long time ago.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
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