This is bullshit! Sudbury man refused kidney transplant due to vaccination status dies


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
Dude it is not corrupt. Hospitals have procedures and certain ways of doing things. If you don't trust your doctor on their recommendation on a COVID vaccine, why would you trust them on the transplant?
Of course its corrupt - the covid vaccine is a farce, it doesn't work and there is more evidence of harm than benefit no matter which way you slice it.
Fall in line and be a boot licker if you want that's your choice and it will have consequences beyond your wildest nightmare.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Probably because the risk of dying from COVID is a lot higher than the flu (at least 3x higher, in pts hospitalized for flu or covid) and if you have an organ transplant the risk of death from COVID infection is 2-5 times higher than average. A transplanted organ in a (preventably) dead person means another person died on the waiting list.
Data in this please. Since you used actual numbers.

I would like to see what the risk of death from the flu is after a transplant as well.

To be clear - I support the shot. I am boostered and will continue to be. I get the flu shot as well. I just don’t see why one is mandatory and the other is not. Not to mention the other vaccines that are not mandatory.

Seems this was put in place during the height of the pandemic and needs to be changed now. Or the other recommendations needs to be kicked up but something seems off. To me anyways


Active member
May 25, 2021
Dude all you are doing is regurgitating propaganda bought and paid for by Bill Gates, Pfizer, moderna, etc. From late 2021 most the hospital patients got the jabs and Toronto public health admitted on their Twitter that they inflated to covid deaths
I'm going to open the floor and let you finish that thought:

WHY is Bill Gates paying for propaganda that encourages people to get vaccinated. How does it benefit him? Explain it to me like I'm 5.

Also: Do you have the link to that tweet from TPH?


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
No that's precisely it. For example they kept mask mandates in hospitals on even after it was taken off everywhere else. I haven't been to a hospital since April but I had to wear a mask. So probably a standing requirement.

But this guy refused for political reasons and paid the price with his life. Most people here supporting the guy are anti vax. Not sensible hospital policy lol.
I’m not anti vax and I don’t remember them giving the reason as anti vax for not getting it with this guy. Maybe I am forgetting.

I have been in hospitals and doctors office. All mask as recommended now from my understanding. At least out here in Durham/Peterborough


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Being anti-vax in general is much different than not agreeing with the scam/hypocrisy of the C19 jabs.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Except it is not a scam. Yes, there have been some messages that have flip flopped. But in general the jab is safe and effective in preventing adverse symptoms of COVID, especially in older people with pre-existing conditions. Such as the guy who died per the initial post.
You can believe whatever you like.
Choose to believe the "safe and effective" propaganda, or the data on massive amount of adverse reactions.
Bottom line is, this thing should be OPTIONAL.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Data in this please. Since you used actual numbers.

I would like to see what the risk of death from the flu is after a transplant as well.

To be clear - I support the shot. I am boostered and will continue to be. I get the flu shot as well. I just don’t see why one is mandatory and the other is not. Not to mention the other vaccines that are not mandatory.

Seems this was put in place during the height of the pandemic and needs to be changed now. Or the other recommendations needs to be kicked up but something seems off. To me anyways
COVID vs influenza (in genera population)

This study actually suggests the risk of death in transplant patients is even higher than I quoted (the figure I quoted is what a number of transplant programs use when explaining this to their patients).

Study of >1000 transplant patients, 84 influenza infections, only one related death.

The other factor that must be taken into account is the prevalence of the infection. There are a vastly greater number of COVID infections compared to influenza, so the chance of acquiring COVID is much higher.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
You can believe whatever you like.
Choose to believe the "safe and effective" propaganda, or the data on massive amount of adverse reactions.
Bottom line is, this thing should be OPTIONAL.
It’s not propaganda. There have been billions of doses given. The actual data on safety indicate that the risks of the vaccine are very rare. The benefits (preventing severe disease and death) are absolutely clear. We probably know more about the efficacy and safety of this vaccine than any other.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
COVID vs influenza (in genera population)

This study actually suggests the risk of death in transplant patients is even higher than I quoted (the figure I quoted is what a number of transplant programs use when explaining this to their patients).

Study of >1000 transplant patients, 84 influenza infections, only one related death.

The other factor that must be taken into account is the prevalence of the infection. There are a vastly greater number of COVID infections compared to influenza, so the chance of acquiring COVID is much higher.
Well COVID effects/deaths are decreasing (as per your article) and I guess medically they haven’t decreased enough. Don’t get me wrong, I get that COVID is an issue, I just believe(d), maybe naively, that it was closer akin to the flu now that the pandemic is over and therefore should be optional for transplant just as the flu shot is. Everything is going “recommended” over “mandatory” and I guess COVID is not there yet????? In this regard????

I’m a woman, this man does so young, it pulls at my heart and I don’t fall into the political realm of this fight so my agreements/opinions are usually different. If that makes sense.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
It’s not propaganda. There have been billions of doses given. The actual data on safety indicate that the risks of the vaccine are very rare. The benefits (preventing severe disease and death) are absolutely clear. We probably know more about the efficacy and safety of this vaccine than any other.
So far, there are more logged adverse reactions and deaths due to the c19 jabs than all over vaccines COMBINED in history.
Recipients are still part of the experiment as there was no long term safety testing.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Well COVID effects/deaths are decreasing (as per your article) and I guess medically they haven’t decreased enough. Don’t get me wrong, I get that COVID is an issue, I just believe(d), maybe naively, that it was closer akin to the flu now that the pandemic is over and therefore should be optional for transplant just as the flu shot is. Everything is going “recommended” over “mandatory” and I guess COVID is not there yet????? In this regard????

I’m a woman, this man does so young, it pulls at my heart and I don’t fall into the political realm of this fight so my agreements/opinions are usually different. If that makes sense.
True, death rates are falling, in a large part due to widespread vaccination. And I totally get where you are coming from on this. There does seem to be an injustice at least superficially when someone dies because they have refused a particular medical treatment, when bodily autonomy and right to consent to treatment are key principles of medical care. However as others have said, transplant programs do have other requirements to get an organ to ensure the success of the transplant, survival of the organ and the patient. Some of those requirements are no abuse of alcohol, no active drug abuse, willingness and ability to take anti rejection meds, not smoking (if you are getting a lung transplant) to name a few. Because every organ lost, whether it be through rejection or death of a patient, means someone else dies on the wait list (who may have lived had they had a chance at the transplant), these things are taken seriously and factors that significantly decrease the likelihood of success are often non negotiable even if it seems unfair.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
So far, there are more logged adverse reactions and deaths due to the c19 jabs than all over vaccines COMBINED in history.
Recipients are still part of the experiment as there was no long term safety testing.

You forgot to account for the denominator as well. Like I said billions of doses have been given. We now have three years of safely data as well, and like I said, the chance of serious side effects are rare.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008

You forgot to account for the denominator as well. Like I said billions of doses have been given. We now have three years of safely data as well, and like I said, the chance of serious side effects are rare.
Posting sources here is futile cuz you'll just discredit and not believe cuz you're on team Pfizer.
My family member had quite a bad adverse reaction and was hospitalized.
I know a lot of people who profess to have issues they've never had before the jabs.
They all regret falling for the propaganda, or regret not standing up for themselves when the coercion was heavy and their jobs/incomes were threatened.
All for a 99.5% survivable virus.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
We did not have tracking systems back in the day, the way we do today. COVID is also the largest vaccination campaign in history. 14 Billion doses have been given until now in 184 countries. So, what percentage of those have suffered adverse effects?

In Canada alone, approx. 98 million doses have been administered. 55,145 adverse events have been reported. That is 0.056%. Out of this, 44,239 were non-serious. 10,906 were serious, which represents 0.011% of all doses administered.

That is the actual data. So your claim that it is "massive" is untrue.

You'll excuse me if I don't believe the government website propaganda. The same people who used coercion, and inflated covid numbers and deaths to push people towards experimental injections with no long term safety testing.
Again....believe what you wish. This argument goes in circles.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Posting sources here is futile cuz you'll just discredit and not believe cuz you're on team Pfizer.
My family member had quite a bad adverse reaction and was hospitalized.
I know a lot of people who profess to have issues they've never had before the jabs.
They all regret falling for the propaganda, or regret not standing up for themselves when the coercion was heavy and their jobs/incomes were threatened.
All for a 99.5% survivable virus.
Actually I’m on team Moderna. Lol. Ad hominem arguments don’t really work tho.

“I know a lot of people” is not data. That’s anecdote and subject to confirmation bias. The objective data shows that while adverse reactions can happen, they are very rare.
The virus has killed millions worldwide and the vaccines markedly reduce that risk.

Where I will agree with you is that I think the original mandates may have been or quickly became heavy handed. The initial data suggested that vaccination also significantly reduced transmission, but that quickly changed as the new variants took over, and mandatory vaccination rules should have changed to reflect that, since it could no longer be argued as strongly that mandating vaccination was in the public good.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Actually I’m on team Moderna. Lol. Ad hominem arguments don’t really work tho.

“I know a lot of people” is not data. That’s anecdote and subject to confirmation bias. The objective data shows that while adverse reactions can happen, they are very rare.
The virus has killed millions worldwide and the vaccines markedly reduce that risk.

Where I will agree with you is that I think the original mandates may have been or quickly became heavy handed. The initial data suggested that vaccination also significantly reduced transmission, but that quickly changed as the new variants took over, and mandatory vaccination rules should have changed to reflect that, since it could no longer be argued as strongly that mandating vaccination was in the public good.
Is there any real way to prove it prevented transmission/hospitalization/death?
And yes, anecdotal will always be challenged, but it sure makes things real when you're driving a family member to the hospital after they receive an experimental injection.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Is there any real way to prove it prevented transmission/hospitalization/death?
And yes, anecdotal will always be challenged, but it sure makes things real when you're driving a family member to the hospital after they receive an experimental injection.
Randomized controlled trials.

Putting these arguments aside, I am sorry to hear your family member suffered after receiving the vaccine.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
The tyrannical "rule" of needing a useless C19 jab in order to receive a life saving surgery is pure corrupt government lunacy.
The jabs do not prevent transmission, or prevent infection.
This is widely proven.
This is merely obey your corrupt government rulers, even though you've paid taxes into the healthcare system your entire life.
The reality here is that health officials had a requirement for transplants. This dude didn't want to follow their policies or rules. Dude gets knocked off the list. You may not agree with it, and you can throw around the "corrupt" government all you like, it doesn't mean this guy made the right choice.
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