
White Privilege


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Are you saying that BLM was lying?
What "White Terrorist" organization did Trudeau belong to?? I am interested in knowing!!

So are you saying that the Whitehouse and Trump's closest Advisers were always lying when they were saying this:

After all Trump stated that he was going to appoint the "Finest" Staff ever!!


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Yes, prove it or admit you're just a bullshitting troll.
Name calling. My you must be really desperate.

You want me to prove that the BLM founder called him a white supremist and terrorist?

Or are you just scrambling for something to say?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Name calling. My you must be really desperate.

You want me to prove that the BLM founder called him a white supremist and terrorist?

Or are you just scrambling for something to say?
This is about your claims boob.
I also think Justin Trudeau is a white supremicist terrorist.
Since you can't prove it you're just showing us all you're just a bullshitting troll.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
This is about your claims boob.

Since you can't prove it you're just showing us all you're just a bullshitting troll.

So name calling is warranted if I don't agree with someone's claims? Ok

Are you so weak minded that the only thing you can do is call someone names like a schoolyard kid? hahaha that's funny and shows how desperate you are.

Doesn't take much to make you fall to pieces does it? Lol!

So everyone is supposed to prove their beliefs otherwise they are bullshitting?

So if someone believes that there is life somewhere in the universe and obviously can't prove it, then they have no right believing that?

OMFG your failure is entertaining I must say!


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Calling you a bullshitting troll is just accurate labelling, boob.
This is about your claims, boob.

Since you can't prove it you're just showing us all you're just a bullshitting troll.
haha the name calling continues...hahaha you think you're hurting my feeling or something? Lol!

Tell us again how you condemn BLM for accusing the Prime Minister of being a white supremasist and a terrorist.

go on tough guy...prove you're not really a coward...tick tock....I'm waiting....

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022

''The idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime regardless of the specific innocence or guilt of the constituent elements of that group. There is absolutely nothing more racist than that.''
one we like, one we don’t? Two psychologists speaking their minds on SM…

White privilege exist. Copied and pasted. I’m a perfect example of it..

I’m not sure how anyone could deny it. I was fortunate in that I spent time in Regent Park when I was younger and a delinquent. Had a lot of friends there. I would say most of them wanted out and to break the cycle. Probably knew more about what they face, than most of society back then. Even today to an extent.

When I finally grew up, and realized the path I was on in my early 20s. A family friend offered me an entry level job with TD green line on Bay Street. If I’d been any other pigment, not a chance I’d have gotten that job with my background.

Sure I had to work twice as hard as anyone else, prove myself for years before I climbed the corporate ladder. Doesn’t change the fact none of my friends would have been hired or given the chances I was there. Some never made it out.
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Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Thank you for posting that, I think that was very well done. I’m a tall straight white guy that was blessed with two fantastic parents and all those things are versions of privilege. I know some people who look just like me who don’t have many of those privileges. I think the key is to appreciate that everyone is dealing with something, some more than others, and to treat them with respect as individuals.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I only wish the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Judge Clearance Thomas, The Shaq, Obama and the like can live in a world where they have the privilege of an addicted homeless white dude with staggering mental illness. When oh lord when will we live in such a wonderful world.

When someone goes on about White Privilege all I hear is "I am a racist, so racist" The concept of "white" privilege fits the exact definition of racism, you are literally considering people strictly on the basis of race. It's a concept as retarded as the idea that a man can become a biological woman just by identifying as such.

Even better if I were a white supremeist I'd love the concept of white privilege, hey black people don't try, you can't win. What a wonderful way of keeping a people down, if you can get them to believe it they will keep themselves down.

Now there is privilege, wealth, being raised in a stable 2 parent home, genetic gifts for example. You got a leg up if you are raised in those situations, but this idea that a white person who lacks such advantages has a leg up on a black person who does is again racist bullshit.

Even then you can still overcome poverty and a broken home with some serious grinding and you can fuck up a good background by being a lazy shit [like I have, I got genetic gifts, good home, not wealthy but not lacking for anything, books in the home etc, but because I am a lazy cunt I've failed in life.]

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
It doesn't exist. Social class may entail certain privileges, but not skin colour. And frankly, most of the privileges that go with wealth are rationally connected to the effort and ingenuity it took to develop that wealth.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
What you don't get is that white privilege and systemic racism often times is not a crime. But a condition. It is a condition/psyche/pre-conceived and subconsciously driven set of actions, where certain people with certain characteristics (skin colour, physical ability, gender etc.,) do not face impediments that others who don't share those characteristics do. Your lack of understanding is an example of privilege because you have never had to encounter those impediments.
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