I only wish the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Judge Clearance Thomas, The Shaq, Obama and the like can live in a world where they have the privilege of an addicted homeless white dude with staggering mental illness. When oh lord when will we live in such a wonderful world.
I love when people use examples of people who absolutely worked their assess of to be the best as 'proof' there is no systemic racism. And sorry, take that homeless guy, clean him up, and no one would ever know what he was before but black people often still need to prove they are better to even get that chance.
My great greats were Irish Catholic indentured servants back in the day where Irish were the unwanted immigrants. They learned to speak with a 'proper' accent, moved to a new town and suddenly were accepted as English. Visible minorities will always be minorities no matter how successful they are as shown by your insistence in listing a bunch of people as black instead of simply acknowledging them as successful people (and a significant deviation from the norm).
Hopefully things are getting better but like a few other posters, I've seen many capable black/brown people I grew up with not getting the opportunity I did.