Should we halt Immigration until we can get it under control.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
The debt arose from paying for roads etc. Unlike you and your friends most libtards believe in paying their bills.

“if you build it, they will come”.
The busiest highway in North America
The rest of the 400 series.
The Welland Canal
And sooooooooooo very much more.
Corporate welfare by all parties up the ting yang so you all can have good paying jobs.

They being Companies….and employees.

Well they have been and are coming. Sleep in the beds you made. And I say that as a person that grew up in the 416, raised my kids in the 905. And until about 2008, loved the gta.

not so much these days.
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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
I think you are overstating issues.

Firstly, Ukraine is another debate. But we are part of NATO and as part of NATO we have commitments towards NATO and implicitly towards security in Europe. So yes, we do owe our part in supporting Ukraine. There is also the moral debate about whether to support a country being attacked and invaded by a rogue nation like Russia. I think we should.

But, what do you mean we have so little to show for? We have free healthcare which the Americans dont. Which by itself is huge. We have cheaper medication. We have newer infrastructure. Am sure there are many other inefficiencies that need to be fixed. But every developed country overspends. Incurs debt. It is the govt spending and debt that affords the standard of living. I dont see Canada as an exception in this. It is not perfect, but is way better than many others. Especially our neighbour to the south.
Healthcare isnt free. Each paycheque contributes towards that. Not every developed country overspends - we are ranked the worst of the G7 countries when it comes to most metrics that measure GDP etc. highest household debt (and counting).

I cannot say that your other viewpoints are wrong, but I dont share in them. It is fiscally irresponsible to do so imo, and it amuses me to see Canada so willing to spend/launder billions to someone else, yet when Canadians stand for something that isnt govt sanctioned its a huge issue.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
You seem to be bugged by a lot of issues in this country so just list them. No need to wait for due time. What are your ideas to spend tax dollars more wisely? As if any one person can claim that they are more wise in financial matters than others or they never waste money? Who are these model countries that you want to emulate? How would you know that information if you're not a government insider? Lots of countries look great on the outside, but the story flips if you live there.

The fact that I have to ask you to give specifics is even more frightening. There's no way to have an intelligent discussion without knowing the details.
Sweden and the other Scandivavian countries are probably the best balance of western values and fiscal responsibility while respecting human rights.

You dont have to ask for specifics - the frightening part is that I even have to explain these basic concepts to you is just a reflection of the downturn Canada is plummeting towards.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Immigration, eh.

There was a time when we wanted at least some immigrants to have money with them.
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Sweden and the other Scandivavian countries are probably the best balance of western values and fiscal responsibility while respecting human rights.

You dont have to ask for specifics - the frightening part is that I even have to explain these basic concepts to you is just a reflection of the downturn Canada is plummeting towards.
Awh, you don't even have facts and figures about those countires?! So we don't we need specifics to deal with problems let alone big ones like immigration?! Or maybe you're the type of guy that drops your car off at the mechanic and hopes he solves the problem on his own. Talk about wasting time and money.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Lately the media has been filled with reports of refugees,immigrants etc coming to Canada but when they arrive after hearing the ''land of milk and honey' hype there is no where to go, live etc. Living on the streets in front of Govt. buildings Im sure is not what they expected once they got here. IMO Canada is taking in far too many people right now which equals money we dont have being spent on them.

A friend of mine equates it to filling a bathtub .If you dont keep an eye on it the tub it will overflow which seems to be happening now. Canada has always welcomed immigrants over the years with open arms but looks like its out of control with each level of Govt. blaming each other. We have people living in tent cities across the country because there is either no housing or housing is too expensive. How do we provide housing for people coming into the country as immigrants that will increase the housing needs?
100% they should halt it. They keep flooding with migrants and refugees, while we don't have a place where to house them. Hell we can't even get housing for ourselves, it cost a fortune, try to get a one bedroom apartment less than $2500. The food is very expensive, gas is up its crazy !! Yet Trudeau feels that we need to bring in more, while he sits pretty on millions and the rest struggle. Stop immigration until things get better. Everyone I talk to wants it to stop.
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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
Awh, you don't even have facts and figures about those countires?! So we don't we need specifics to deal with problems let alone big ones like immigration?! Or maybe you're the type of guy that drops your car off at the mechanic and hopes he solves the problem on his own. Talk about wasting time and money.
Youre the type of guy to blindly trust a govt with countless scandals, human rights violations, no fiscal responsibility, promotes child indoctrination, gaslights its own citizens, money laundering and intentionally creates division. Not to mention theyre a govt where housing prices have doubled under their watch, criminals out on bail kill innocent people, and the list goes on. That carbon tax rebate? Pennies on the dollar for how it drives up the cost of living for everyone and many industries.

Now we see why this country is spiralling downwards since the sheep think nothing is wrong.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
For the record this was one the books I ran. I invested the money immigrants “lent” us. $400,000 each.
I seem to vaguely remember there was or is another program or is it the same program that allows a foreign immigrant to create an offshore trust and the income is tax-exempt for 5 years.

Question: Is it true that the Feds killed the investors program because the lefties claim it was unfair to poor people?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
I seem to vaguely remember there was or is another program or is it the same program that allows a foreign immigrant to create an offshore trust and the income is tax-exempt for 5 years.

Question: Is it true that the Feds killed the investors program because the lefties claim it was unfair to poor people?
Honestly don’t recall the reasons While fairly complex, fairly straightforward. They gave us $350,000 we guaranteed $400,000 in I think it was 5 years. Basically it’s like buying a Govt Canada bond that’s discounted. ( bonds trade at premiums or discounts relative to par $100. And that’s determined by prevailing rates). My job was to invest the money. It was shit down in Ontario. Still ran in Quebec. Not sure if it continues to there, or what if anything has replaced it.

Now that I’ve jogged my memory and thought about it. That rings a bell. It was basically a fast lane ticket. Kinda like can be bought at Wonderland.
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Youre the type of guy to blindly trust a govt with countless scandals, human rights violations, no fiscal responsibility, promotes child indoctrination, gaslights its own citizens, money laundering and intentionally creates division. Not to mention theyre a govt where housing prices have doubled under their watch, criminals out on bail kill innocent people, and the list goes on. That carbon tax rebate? Pennies on the dollar for how it drives up the cost of living for everyone and many industries.

Now we see why this country is spiralling downwards since the sheep think nothing is wrong.
LMAO. Based on this, you're really into that Kool-aid.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
100% they should halt it. They keep flooding with migrants and refugees, while we don't have a place where to house them. Hell we can't even get housing for ourselves, it cost a fortune, try to get a one bedroom apartment less than $2500. The food is very expensive, gas is up its crazy !! Yet Trudeau feels that we need to bring in more, while he sits pretty on millions and the rest struggle. Stop immigration until things get better. Everyone I talk to wants it to stop.
Let's just force people to have at least 3 babies and make sure they go into medicine and trades. That will solve everything!


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Even Germany has seen the light. They love refugees and admitted 1 million of them in 2022, including 560,000 Syrians. Since the war in Ukraine, Germany has admitted 900,000 refugees from Ukraine. They put them in German immersion schools right away and then in various programs after that based on aptitude. The German industrial machine needs skilled workers and they dont care where they come from: they will train them to do the job.

Nayh, the Germans are fucking up. You bring them in, do next to nothing to help them fit in and for fucks sakes, you better not make sure there is enough housing, transport infrastructure and medical facilities to support the increased population. Madness you say? Nah, This.... Is.... Canada!

But of course syggesting that to open a country to more people, you should have your infrastucture game right is white supremecy and probably transphobic somehow.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And spent more $$ on things. Like fighting crime. Be it other areas of PS, other than Fn teachers be it LTCs, be gasp save the planet the ministry of the Enviroment and the Ministry of forestry…be it expansions to the 407, 412, 418, Go. In his first years before Covid hit, and utterly trashed the fiscal situation he spent more than Wynne….

That’s hardly typical Conservative ideology.

it makes me laugh sometimes. He’s trying to push expansion so we can actually build housing to meet demand ( good luck with that) and the left is whining about the homeless, the cost of rent/housing, immigration numbers to the gta, and god forbid. Development on green spaces…Look around Ontario. What’s left?
to the west the Niagara Escarpment, to the north Lake Simcoe, to the North East the oak ridges Morraine ( do you like fresh, clear, cold water) to the south Lake Ontario.

Certainly beats the shit out of wind farms the GTA ramned down rural Ontarios throats and no one gave a shit….
Ford cut everything except pet projects for his donors.
He cut education and healthcare and spent money on a new highway between his donors, selling the greenbelt to donors, the ontario place spa.

He spent $230 million cutting new renewables but now finds that they are actually the cheapest so is starting to redo those contracts.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
100% they should halt it. They keep flooding with migrants and refugees, while we don't have a place where to house them. Hell we can't even get housing for ourselves, it cost a fortune, try to get a one bedroom apartment less than $2500. The food is very expensive, gas is up its crazy !! Yet Trudeau feels that we need to bring in more, while he sits pretty on millions and the rest struggle. Stop immigration until things get better. Everyone I talk to wants it to stop.
You know what would help?
Putting the rent control back that DoFo cut.
Putting the minimum wage increase back that DoFo killed.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So tell us where our tax dollars go exactly then.
8 billon to Ukraine
Gerald Butts has likely funneled a similar amount to envoiro organizations
Justin has great expanded the number of federal employees
Justin has sent a lot of $ overseas trying to buy a UN security seat
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