Yeah, well....... Ordering random people to attend at the police station to answer questions on the bare possibility that 1 of them MIGHT BE the person who left a baggie of coke at the WH 2 weeks ago is a major fucking constitutional breach of civil rights, isn't it?....
Gee, I wonder why they are so uncurious on figuring out how cocaine got into the most secure location on the planet? But wait, it gets better. Secret Service spokesman Anthony Gugliemi said they declined conducting interviews because the interviews could infringe on individuals’ civil rights. Funny how the Biden admin is suddenly worried about not ‘infringing’ on people’s civil rights. Cover up.
Let's do an example. You were at a Taco Bell in Mississauga on July 2. Some coke was left in the washroom. Suddenly this afternoon a half-dozen cops show up at your place, grab you by the arm and yank you down to 22 Division to get grilled for 20 minutes about whether you were the guy who left the coke (as opposed to the other 347 patrons who were at the Taco Bell that day).
You think that just maybe-maybe-maybe-maybe that's a breach of your constitutional civil rights? Just perhaps??!?!?!?!?
Cos Mitchy, it sure as hell fucking is!
And that's why no one is actually interrogating people about the coke at the WH today. And the folks on TV are lying about this shit, just to get you going. They fucking KNOW that it's not legal to interrogate people about that blow. Just like they lied about "Trump winning the election" and 100's of other things as well.